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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. John, you make it sound like it is an easy service to offer (LOL) water damage restoration is complex and a very expensive service to prepare for to offer.

    I won't go into the details, will save that for Albany. But as an example, the testing equipment required can run into the thousands of dollars.

    Learn more About the adventures of Super Storm Sandy.... Join us in Albany

    Mathew Johnson

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Looking forward to hearing about it for sure in Albany.

  2. The largest Roundtable in this Industry that I attended was Celeste's & Rogers North Carolina RT around 2006-2007. There were aprox 110 people there. ACR had a few that were hovering around the 100 member mark. I've been to a few of Everett Abrams Jersey RT's that use to be the largest with around 50-60 people there each time. Maybe even more.

    The smallest one I've been to was my own in 2005. We had about 27 people.

    How about some of you guys?

  3. Are any of your guys geared up to be able to get called from FEMA or many 1000's of homes that need to get pumped out when the next big Hurricane or Super Storm comes about?

    The Albany 2013 event listed in the regional areas on TGS is going to have Matt Johnson and Tom DeFrancesco speak about their experiences in dealing with the aftermath of Super Storm Hurricane Sandy that hit us in the Northeast.

    Do you guys have vacuum setups to work with insurance companies to deal with flood control?

    What's some of you guys thoughts on this?

  4. These Positions were offered to me last week along with Nigel Griffith from Griffith Services being offered the South East PWNA Enviromental Chair Slot.

    In my case I was in the middle of a post here on TGS last week when I received a phone call from the PWNA to see if I was willing to accept these dual roles. It came to a complete surprise to me. I wanted to run for a PWNA Board slot at their last yrs Convention with numerous emails for support. A critical step was not done by me which was to notify the PWNA themselves to get a nomination from within. Maybe next yr with that..maybe.

    These nomination caught me by surprise. I understand the heat that can come from taking either one of these type positions. So what do you do??

    On one breath I'm always honored when someone nominates me for most anything. On the other Breath because I've been there before...is it worth it? I have turned down positions in the past from kind hearted people who offered them or supported me to stay on longer past the term limits. Never easy to take a volunteer position especially a controversial one.

    So it's time to get back on the inside and try to help make things better if possible for the Contractors, the Distributors and the PWNA organization. I fully expect to get some heat for taking these positions... But it goes with the territory.

    To the PWNA.. I am Honored.

  5. PWNA Environmental President – Robert M. Hinderliter

    Internet Committee – Chairman: John Tornabene

    Nigel Griffith

    Jim Gamble

    Robert Hinderliter

    PWNA State Environmental chairman’s

    Jim Gamble

    N CA


    Chairman North West US

    John Tornabene



    Chairman North East US

    Nigel Griffith



    Chairman South East US

    Robert Hinderliter



    Chairman Central US

    Shawn Downham



    Chairman Pacific Islands

    Ty Eubanks

    S CA


    Chairman South West US

    Please go to The PWNA - The Power Washers of North America for contact information.

  6. I would expect the failure rate of part-timers would be greater. Sort of like sticking your toe in the water and deciding it is just to cold right now.

    Maybe.. I bet you the bankruptcy rate is higher amongst full timers who think Powerwashing is easy money. Everyone in this Industry should be treated with respect unless there known as lowballing hacks.

  7. I have seen full timers that have less skill than a right handed person using their left hand to work, and visa versa. It's not a matter of full or part time. It's your dedication to the craft and how well you master your skill and work the business.


    What Beth said, and Matt,Tom and Mike. The one thing I can add was that yes I was able to charge on average higher for residential then most because I did have my other career to fall back on and face it.. You have to think your the best at what you do. I felt when I was a 1 man show I gave my customers the best quality for a higher price.

    Today I still have many of those Customers but I no longer do the work. I went thru at least 20 guys to get the ones I have today. My guys I consider the best and I pay them accordingly.

    The The PWNA - The Power Washers of North America and the Pressure Washing Resource for which I Belong to both do not consider anyone less for being considered a part-timer of full timer. They treat them Equally which is why I support them both.

  8. I am very close to my parents and family. They always come first. My Mom who still smokes her pack a day cigs and is just a ball of energy(I hope she just keeps going) has always been there for me and my sisters. She is the most family oriented person next to my wife. Everything to the both of them is family first all the time(reason why my wife walked away from a good job so she can be home since our first child was born).

    On the other hand the one who I can butt heads with but where super close and he can light my fires to challenge me on anything to get me going... Is my Father.

    My Dad who didn't really care for me playing sports in HS because it wasn't his thing(we use to argue over this) has been challenging me all my life to do better. To give a darn. To work not only harder but also smarter. To not forget your family and always take care of them first.

    He is the most influential person in my life and he is still going strong @ 76 consulting for his company he sold. He's actually building by himself a guest cottage in Florida so we can visit my parents while they snowbird.

    He did the same thing at his last place in Florida where he took a shed and turned it into a tiny Victorian house for 2 to sleep in. Him and my uncle built that one.

    Who would you say is the most influential and positive impacting person in your life?

  9. We talk about industry Leaders, the one man who comes to my mind the most was Dave Olson. Dave Past away dec 2011 and he is missed for sure, I select Dave because I know Dave helped people, he was also innovative in the way he invented things and then shared them.

    I think without Dave Olson's in this industry we would have not had the lead on fostering this amongst one another. Dave was the leader and pioneer when it came to this way before BBS or the NET.

    I think My list is has many, but Dave Olson is a stand out and if your talking with anyone he is someplace in the Top of the heap.

    Yes David Olson was at the very top of my list as one of the most influential person in this Industry who had a tremendous positive impact on myself and many others for sure. I miss his mind.

    There is the most impacting person on my life but he would not fall into this "Industry category". I'll start another thread on that one.

    So who else has an industry type person that had the most positive impact on them and their business?

  10. My two favorite Powerwashing bulletin boards for years were the ones I started from the very beginning with TGS-TheGrimescene ***-Pressurewashinginstitute. Since I'm banned for like from a power monger on ***(No not Ron but the guilty person will probably pop in here with some crude remark).

    Today my favorite bulletin boards are TGS, PWRA-Pressurewashingresource & PWC- Powerwashcommunity

    These 3 are pretty informative bulletin boards that keeps the level of professionalism pretty high which is what I like.

    What's your favorite industry bulletin boards and why?

  11. Ok, I did not make that up, I stole it from the Fire Protection Contractor magazine. But I wanted to share that with those here. Write it on the wall above your desk, and on your estimating clipboard.

    Isn't that the truth. It's like you charged a price & then the job turned out to take alot less time to complete. Those go down in my book as a great job that I want to do again and again. Chaching Chaching.

  12. The most influential person to me in this Industry Is Robert Hinderliter.

    I bought his tapes around 1998 after I was 2 yrs in the Powerwashing business to see what else I could learn. Those tapes for that time were pretty good. I studied them and then sold them to another contractor. Then around 1998-2000 I use to be on Roberts Delco Bulletin board that for years was by far the most popular one on the net.

    Around 1999 I called Delco to order there Big Guy Surface machine and to my surprise Robert Hinderliter answered the phone. I was shocked that a person as successful as him would actually go out of way to take a call. I was almost speechless because back then to actually talk to someone who made successful Video's was like calling Hollywood and getting a star on the phone.

    I joined the organization that he founded "The PWNA" around 2000 and have been a member every year since. i also joined the other org. that he also founded "The *****" around 2007 & stayed a member there until 2011.

    As yrs went by I became more and more interested to see what made Robert tick and also what made him so successful. Robert is a Genius and has been the most influential person to me in this Industry for all these years now.

    How about you? What Industry type person has been the most influential to you?

  13. Here's a couple of pics of me and Kath when we tied the knot in April/93 and a yr later on a cruise around June/94. I remember that cruise date because when we got home I turned my TV on to catch the highlights of my favorite sport and Team the NY Rangers finally won the Stanley Cup. I was in shock and happy as a kid in the candy store.

    I got a bag of popcorn,Jumped on the couch and popped the TV on and preceded to watch probably the most bazaar thing I ever saw on TV or anywhere(Before Youtube that is).

    I thought I was watching a reenactment of the Blues Brother movie with all these cop cars following behind a White Ford Bronco. How can you ever forget that one.

    So let see your sweetie pies:)

  14. I'm going thru some old pics and these ones I have on my PC. There from 30 yrs ago now(Yikes) and apparently we were fond of throwing around that long finger on our hands..lol Use to smoke over a pack a day and loved every minute of it. Smoked for 20+yrs and quit a month before I turned 40. Then 4 months after that 9-11 happened. I just never went back to my "Cool Hand Luke Days" of smoking..

    Military life when I looked back was fun. I almost made it a career but then NYPD called me in and that was that :)

    So you got some Vet pics lets see em.

  15. Ill get the flyer up am

    Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

    If you also want to let them know there about the 3 day training workshop certificate that will be signed by the host Jim Gamble for all who attend that's fine. If you do that can you convey that this is not an endorsement towards any org. I'm getting enough headaches once again trying to explain something that others may see differently.

    Thanks Ron:cool-new::cool-new:
