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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. So anyone can Go Now?

    Yes. We abandoned the idea of going thru emails because were able to bring another distributor on board. Where still trying to get some more machines here so more attendees can come and get to work this garage.

    So it's first come first served and hopefully the guys who really want to go sign on because somewhere we may have to shut the Paylink down Maybe..or maybe not. Either way it's going to be a good event for all who attend.

  2. Hey Ron here's the flyer for you to post on ***. As promised if you look at the flyer we are giving out a 3 day Training workshop certificate for all who attend. Since I can't post this on *** I'm just following your request all the way thru. Where not endorsing here but if you think this is helpful for the right reasons...Then knock yourself out:cool:

    Also here is the post so you can copy and paste it to *** as well:

    Here's the final flyer. Sorry if it looks small. I had a hard time resizing it. The paypal link is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QCTRDM9DXXT6C

    Once you pay that will forward you the room block. The block is small so hurry and sign up!!! We don't want to have this room block fill up to ones who may really not want to go and want to take advantage of this suite room block that wasn't to easy for us to get.

    Where trying like heck to get it made a little larger for the ones who sign up to stay as ​Suites for our Attendees!!!!!

    Thanks for staying patient with us because of the last minute to put this together for you garage guys and the rest of the Powerwashing Industry who want to learn about dealing with hard core Concrete cleaning and Filtration:cool:

    Also don't forget to book your flights soon since this is a vacation week for many.

  3. So we have the PWNA moving along with there Clean Across North America Project, the ***** is moving along with there membership and Certification programs, the PWRA growing there membership and Bulletin Board activity, and me having no life and writing about this stuff:)

    So where do we go from here? What's ahead for this Industry besides the ACR RT March 8-9, Albany Event March 14-16 and the Event I'm helping with which is the Vegas Parking Garage Event March 26-28 and a few more RT's and the PWNA Convention? Will we see a ***** Convention as stated possibly early 2014? What about the PWRA? Could they possibly do a Convention in the near future?

    Everything is looking pretty promising. More and more people are connection thru group gatherings. Just coming back from NOLA a few days ago it was exciting to see at least 70-80 people there and the subjects that were discussed was phenomenal.

    The bulletin boards there's been some bickering as usual but there were also some excellent post on TGS,PWC,PWRA & *** which had the mother of all threads with over 21,000 views in less the 3 weeks concerning the EPA.

    So all in all it's been an interesting past month and the upcoming months look to be even more interesting.

    I'm pretty pumped up to open up for business full speed ahead in about a month. Reading and connecting positively gets me even more pumped up.

    Who else see's alot of positive things for the future of this Industry besides telling me to get a life..lol

  4. Once again I'm showing you facts but that doesn't really matter to you anyway. This is to answer your post on *** that you state to all that the PWNA doesn't care about this(Do not know what your intentions were there when you said that..I can only guess) But since you put me on a lifetime ban that says I lie and whine I can not answer you there.

    So here are your facts.

    As for where the PWNA goes with this its on them. I only set the wheels in motion.

    This is from there current Waterworks newsletter.

  5. Did you clear your Box John

    Lol.. Couldn't tell ya..lol. I think there were a couple of guys in my inbox asking about the Vegas Parking garage event now but I'm on a *** lifetime ban as of this past week... I guess I fell under the three strikes and your our since I have the same guy banning me 3 times there now..lol

  6. I dunno man, if everyone would just check their ego's at the door ( not do away with... just check)... a person could go away with more than they came with, IMO.

    That philosophy worked for Leo Fender, Les Paul, Randy Rhodes, and oh yeah!!! The Babe, and that dude that made the automobile, What's his name..... Ford.

    Try to stick to whatever philosophy that will leave a "wake of good " behind you if possible, even if it seems "Horse and buggy" at the time.

    Everything comes full circle bro sooner or later.

    Many though, will just be Richard Heads along the way.

    love it!! Once again you nailed it.

    The "Richard Heads" is unfortunately to be expected and luckily there is only those few thank God.

  7. Wow I don't think I ever seen a Poll like this where everything is dead even across the board.

    I bet ya if I was to put a poll up about Orgs that said do you LOVE orgs or HATE orgs. Or do you LOVE certain orgs or HATE certain orgs that would be the same as well. LIKE and DISLIKE would be the best way to put it and they would be close to the same.

    Reason why when we talk about org's people get so inflamed. Same goes when you talk to some people in person the same reaction happens.


  8. How dare you try to improve our industry.

    You are ruining our reputation as slimey uneducated

    oofs that don't know how to be professional or capable of functioning in the real world.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for caring about this industry and trying to bring better insight into what we do

    for the customers benefit, oh yeah.... and our benefit.

    How dare you John, ... how dare you try to make things BETTER.

    Those bashers on the web.......... trolls under the bridge bro.

    That pretty much explains it. Thanks Adrian you said it much better then I could:)

  9. John, there are azzhats out there who have nothing better to do than to be negative bullies and who will make it their personal agenda to interfere with anything good that anyone tries to do. IGNORE THEM. If you want to do a nice thing and hold an event, do it. If someone else gets their panties in a wad over it, well they don't have to read the posts, or go to the event.

    Zero tolerance.


    Thanks Beth-- You always have been a voice of reason.

    I don't let these guys deter what I do but I can say it's always a disappointment when I get the same guys doing the same thing.

    I looked back at a ton of Post over the last few days from events that I was involved in the last few yrs. and it's the same people who get maybe 1-2 newbies and a couple of yrs later it's the same guys with the old newbies gone and maybe another 1-2 more new contractors again.

    What I surmised was that because of this negativity those newbies who jump on that negative bandwagon don't last. Most of them drop out of this business. That's sad but when they come in and are influenced to be negative towards this industry then there already fighting an uphill battle.

    No one has to agree or like what some others do when it comes to doing positive things. I get that they just may not have it in them to try and tolerate some others. There's nothing you can do there. I did try with some of these people to help them get over it.. But in most cases these select few don't waver.

    That's what I have learned.. And I expect to see it again when some of us do some more positive within this Industry.

    It is unfortunate.

  10. Since I am helping with the Vegas event I have been getting clocked by 5-6 guys on the net for one reason or another. So is the other people who are helping out.

    This happened in the past when I helped the ***** & The PWNA with there Conventions. Also when I brought the Ruth thing in just to try and give this Industry a little more recognition.

    In person,emails,phone calls or text I get a ton of nice messages but on the net it's like a continuing blood bath with these few.

    I think most of these very few people who get on my case are more towards the passionate side then the shizz & giggles side of just doing it to cause drama. Maybe I'm wrong there.

    I do believe that some of these people take the Internet to be the god almighty tool that they should judge others with....as in they believe the Internet is the end all and it's everything.

    I can understand that they tend to be driven because of a dislike towards someone including myself but it's mind boggling that they want to see something positive to be brought down no matter what.

    Without naming names or anything like that because this is not meant to be another "Your wrong and I'm right and your a liar" etc etc...

    And a BIG NO I do not have mental health issues that I'm getting clocked with now. I took many people to the psych ward on my last job but I know I am as sound as they come. So that theory can be dismissed yesterday.

    Does anyone else see this at times as being some type of problem with the Internet and how people connect on it.

  11. I voted yes there good to market and good for networking. I belong to 1 industry org-PWNA & 2 industry associations PWRA & NYSPA. I market all 3 and network with the first 2 as well.

    You have to work your membership by the very least thru marketing. Also at some of the groups events or just online you can network with your membership as well. This has worked for me.

    So how about you? What choices did you pick in the above poll?

  12. Industry org's/association are they worth it-Poll

    Ok another poll:)

    On average do you think Industry Organizations & Association are worth it.

    Take the poll and post why you picked the choice you did. On this poll you can pick more then one answer.

    **This is a public poll so people can see how you voted. I'm hoping that encourages the voters to elaborate about there choice-- thanks**

  13. I have had my deckster for 11 years and have never had a problem. I never clean it out, about 3 times a year i take the filter off when it clogs and clean it. I know you can make one but I would buy another deckster in a minute.

    Besides getting new hoses & guns because like anything else they can wear or break we pretty much do the same as Jack above. Decksters pay themselves back over and over again. Whatever you do get rid of any pump sprayer you have unless your spot spraying something like oil spots on concrete.

  14. Hey Chris-- if your around March 14-16 Jack above and Matt Johnson are doing there yearly now Albany event upstate NY. Great place for Powerwashing contractors with 18 or more years like myself or someone just starting out to be able to learn and network. You'll get to see some cool machinery and demo's as well. You'll learn a ton even about the questions you have here.

    Also for you there are guys not far from you that will attend this event. These guys you want to seek out because networking is paramount in growing your business..

    Something to think about and it's good to have choices with opportunities:)

  15. John,

    We're Visual Pollution Specialists. Nothing more unsightly than crappy looking exterior wood.

    That is the most creative response I've seen in years and it came from the NOTORIOUS BLEACH BANDIT!! Very good Rick.. I think I'm going to steal your phrase here and bring it into to the Commercial Cleaning discussions.. Thanks buddy:)

  16. As you guys are choosing a category here..

    I sincerely hope you are all on this one common page..

    You are "Pollution Control Specialists"..

    Pollution happens,

    ..to every exposed surface,

    .. for every exposure reason,

    .. and if it wasn't there, and accumulating, you would not have a job in ANY category.

    This industry is NOT about "polluting"

    ..it is about the control of pollution.

    Anyone that does not "get" that by now, is a potential polluter, doesn't understand marketing, and doesn't understand "the JobSite"

    As a "JobSite focused" supplier to this industry..

    I guess I would categorize by business as PollutionControl Equipment Specialist.

    Good points Jerry. That works for what we do on a commercial bases but what about the Wood Restoration type busineses? How could they be categorized as a "Pollution Control Specialist?
