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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. John you posted pictures of a really nice house you stained this year I think, that project looked really nice

    Thanks Charlie. That was a Chefs house we did last year. We actually got that job from someone who came to this bb looking for a contractor in his area to stain his house. Another reason why I like going to these bb's.

    That's a sweet Deck pics you got there. Looks like those pics could be in the running for the money in this contest. Good luck.

  2. Powerwashing wise where having our best year but it doesn't mean I think the economy is doing better. I'm hustling around different states chasing work because I fear the worst.

    I found this article and it's kind of what I think as well. It's revolving around us printing money with nothing to back it up. The Feds are at it again where their going to print at will 40 Billion dollars a month just to keep our system stable. From what I read that's a huge mistake. It makes our dollar become ever so "Worthless" on an international scale.

    Our bubble is going to burst wide open unless we change our ways of doing worldwide business. Printing money is not the answer---- it's really garbage when you think about it.

    Us Powerwashers go out and earn our money while our Gov't just prints money like it's nothing. What's wrong with that picture????

    Economist Caution: Prepare For ‘Massive Wealth Destruction’ | SmarterLifestyles

  3. I would definitly like to attend one though. It would be a great experience to meet some people and hear the latest industry buzz. also buy some new equipment and attend some classes. I bet the commaraderie would be strong. maybe next year.

    That's why I would recommend going to at least 1 PWNA Convention. Everything you said above does happened there. You'll meet contractors just starting out all the way up to a few multi millionaires who have been at the Powerwashing business for years who have had the same bumps in the road along the way as many contractors will have and yet they overcame them. You can learn a ton hanging around people like that.

    Being around successful people has a way of breading success because if they can do it...so can you. Alot of this I learned from going to Conventions, Roundtables etc.

  4. Steven is that in the form of an offer?? Your only 5 hours away.. John I have tried to add additional information but it won’t let me add any more to the signature line on the edit page. As far as the classes go wood, environmental and roof would be $700 for all three. That’s not exactly cheep. For me to spend any amount of money I need to know I can get a return on it or I won’t be in business very long.

    So the question is will it be worth it? Thats the $2100 question for you and that's alot of coin for most people especially if there just starting. Your from Maine and you know what I would do I would go right to the top and call the President of the PWNA Board Bios | Eric Clark | Power Washers of North America who also happens to be from Maine. His name is Eric Clark and if you call him tell him I recommended for you to give him a holler. He's got a nice business and he can give you some better insight if it's worth it for you to take this leap at this stage of the game your at.

    If you call Eric hit me up on a PM or post it here how it went..

    Good luck.

  5. I am doing the math today on becoming a pwna member and going to the convention in Orlando in October. With flights, rent a car, hotel and classes I’m figuring $2100 with out food or the wife. My question is am I going to come back with $2100 worth of knowledge.

    Hey Bigdogmaine-- you have to fill out your signature here.

    If you never gone to a PWNA Convention it's definitely worth it to go once and check it out for yourself. Your flights are probably your biggest cost going there. That's the part that sucks but once you get there and you get into the feel of what going on there your going to probably love it. The memories you'll have will be excellent.

    The Convention itself is relatively inexpensive. The classes are very good and you would be getting a a huge discount to take one of the certification classes.

    If you can afford it, it's worth it to go one time.

  6. The prizes are now over $7100. This is one of the biggest prizes I've seen in recent memory in this Industry. Jump in on this cause you got to be in it to win it!!!!:)

    Great News!!!

    The prize pool has now increased to over $7,100 in total prizes!!! A special Thank You to Soap Warehouse and Armstrong-Clark


    1st Place

    $1600 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com

    Diamond Package to KEC Supplies - $1559.88 value

    2 A Day 60 Bid Appointments from Bidslot Marketing Program - $999 value

    1 year membership to Power Washers of North America - $350 value

    1 year membership to Pressure Washing Resource Association - $349 value

    iMotion Video (Standard Branded) contributed by Soap Warehouse $297 value ---- Added on 9/12/2013

    $250 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions

    5 Gallons of Armstrong Clark - $199 value ---- Added on 9/12/2013

    5 Gallons of Reedy Seal - $145 value

    5 Gallons of Enviro Bio Cleaner (EBC) - $134.75 value

    2nd Place

    $400 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com

    Platinum package to KEC Supplies - $389.97 value

    $100 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions

    3rd Place

    $150 Gift Certificate from PowerWash.com

    Gold Package to KEC Supplies - $129.99 value

    $50 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions

  7. I have two threads started on the Powerwash Community bb labeled "Getting Involved!! Industry leaders in action" and "Where do you find Industry leaders"

    I added some pictures there as well with some familiar names that are Industry leaders such as Beth Borrego, Micheal Hinderliter, Thad Eckhoff,John Orr amongst others. Of the three bb's that I pretty much am staying somewhat involved in such as TGS,PWRA and PWC Some of you may find those threads a little bit interesting and also it may bring back some good memories.

    There is an unbalance in there with my PWNA involvement because I know alot more about them and how they operate. The threads though are really aimed at just people going to Industry events and also maybe one day being an Industry leader in some capacity within the Industry itself.

    You just never know where these leaders may come from and they could be right here on this bb or at some far away Industry event. You just never know.

  8. Because I'm here some business purposes...and staying here for one month...i love swimming and installed pool into my apartment...also found this online site(show in sig.) at google...are you people to experience to visited there...???

    Alonso- Whats throwing everybody off about you is that you haven't filled out your signature requirements so it looks like your spamming. Go back into your profile and follow the steps to fill out your signature. It's pretty easy and it is a rule requirement so guys like yourself don't come across like spam.

  9. Turbo Nozzle is something everyone should carry cause you never know when you may need one...which in our case is just a couple of times per year. Usually when where dealing with paint removal from masonry surfaces that have to be repainted. There great in knocking off loose paint chips. We did a couple of buildings this year that we used them on.

    So how about you guys--- Do you use the turbo nozzles much?

    • Here's a picture of Henry/PWNA's "Clean Across America" Project spearheaded by Matt Johnson back in 2005. There were at the same times we were doing these Larger give back projects, other very significant "Clean Across America" projects that were much more scaled down and probably more significant to the ones recieving these free cleanings. But once again in that case with Matt Johnsons vision to give back to our American pastime and Henry's give back to our Country when Henry and other PWNA members cleaned the Lincoln Memorial really put these PWNA Volunteering jobs on the map and into people's minds.

      This cover Shot of Me Powerwashing and one of my guys holding the rope was taken by Matt Johnson who submitted it to the Cleaner Times Magazine if I remember correctly(I'm not getting any younger
      Between those larger Give backs and this Ruth Thing my company collided with, the people I talked to...got it. There's other Industry affiliations and individuals who are helping me along the way for Documentation reasons and I'll release who they are, What Company or affiliation they represent etc in the very near future.

      This whole thing has not stopped working and the many people involved within this Industry from a few years ago to where we are today and where will be heading to in the future took team work. Some of this came with heartache,Some with headaches but its getting there and if there were never any volunteering known in this industry this would have never been here today.

  10. The PWNA 2012 Convention is coming up fast in less then two months in Orlando October 22-24. Check out the PWNA website for the Convention info at www.pwna.org

    I'll give you a little secret here... Henry Bockman's hard efforts back in the day to make the "Clean Across America" to be successful and it was with outstanding and rewarding results has expanded into the PWNA's- Clean Across North America also know as CANA. It was Henry's groundwork and creation with the help of some others he has given credit to in the beginning that made this thing what it is today...

    And now for the secret--Babe Ruth's Granddaughter Linda Ruth Tosetti and her husband Andy are coming to the Convention again with some more exciting news--- and me being a person who never forgets where things started from I do remember well the ones who helped Henry and believed in him along the way and most importantly I remember Henry talking about this before the PWNA ever even known about it yet and his vision was special enough and well thought out to work... and it did... and now it has grown to include the Ruth's. Henry and I could agree or agree to disagree because no ones perfect but Henry stayed true to the course with all of this and also was the brains behind some of the past PWNA larger jobs and with him and Matt Johnson behind the Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame Give back to this Country cleaning project which was large and the Lincoln Memorial give back project it all made sense for me to give back to this org. and Henry's volunteering vision.. and thats what where about to do. This was all thought out thru a few to get to we are going with all of this.

    This is going to be an industry story that will give this industry some more recognition for the good deeds that many do and in this case it starts with the PWNA organization and once again Henry's vison....Just love the way something small can be so impacting to many all the way to a family who's grandfather was one of our greatest American Icons who gave back so much to the people and believed in giving back when he could... and now our worlds are about to collide with Babe Ruth's and Linda Ruth's tosetti's world

    You want to see history happen at the start go to the PWNA Convention and see it first hand. You will not be disappointed.

    John T.

  11. Powerwashing Community is having a really cool before and after Picture contest for the Powerwashers. I didn't paste the link here because I do not remember if that's allowed here or not and mods please feel free to edit or remove this post as per TGS forum rules.

    Here is the Email I received where the winner will receive over $6600 in prizes.

    Over $6,600 in PRIZES!!!

    This is going to be a spectacular contest.* Have you every taken a before and after photo of one of your power washing jobs and really thought you had an amazing photo.* Well, now here is your chance to enter in the Power Wash Community Before and After Photo Contest that will be judged by your fellow power washers.

    Here is all you have to do:

    Simply post your before and after photos to the Photo Contest Thread at Power Wash Community Forum no later than September 29th.* Click this link to enter: Before and After Photo Contest.* Only one entry per contestant.

    Include a brief description of the what the pictures represent

    Must post in Forum section of PWC a minimum of 10 times during the month of September. Post must in the spirit of PWC.

    Members of the community will cast their votes

    First round of voting will take place between September 30th - October 5 Central Standard Time.

    Depending on the number of contestant a second round voting may take place from the the top 10 in the first round will take place between October 7th - 12th Central Standard Time.


    1st Place

    $1600 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com*

    Diamond Package to KEC Supplies - $1559.88 value

    2 A Day 60 Bid Appointments from Bidslot Marketing - $999 value

    1 year membership to Power Washers of North America - $350 value

    1 year membership to Pressure Washing Resource Association - $349 value

    $250 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*

    5 Gallons of Reddy Seal - $145 value

    5 Gallons of EBC - $134.75 value

    2nd Place

    $400 Gift Certificate to PowerWash.com*

    Platinum package to KEC Supplies - $389.97 value

    $100 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*

    3rd Place

    $150 Gift Certificate from PowerWash.com*

    Gold Package to KEC Supplies - $129.99 value

    $50 Gift Certificate to LogoMotive Promotions*

    We look forward to seeing you post your great photo's and the great work our industry performs!



    Michael Hinderliter

    Power Wash Community Admin*

  12. Back on topic it looks like I may have to get Facebook. I can't stand the kid who started it because I believe in the story that he stole the ideas from those other 3-4 kids to make Facebook....buuuuuut. You can't cut off your nose to spite your face.. So uggg eventually I'll have to add the facebooks and the lovely name of "tweets" puke:pride:

  13. I tore the meniscus lining in both knees years ago and tore my acl. Never had surgery. Hurts to kneel and sometimes to climb ladders, but that's it.

    Ouch I thought I had it bad. The knee I had no choice but to have surgery where my wife's got progressively worse where she ended up getting surgery. The meniscus surgery is pretty quick. The ACL is another ballgame which mine checked out fine. 20 yrs ago I tore both Achilles tendons on one stupid softball play and one of those tendons were a complete tear. My orthopedic elected to no do surgery on the severed Achilles tendon and even though I was out of work for almost a yr on my own time both tendons healed.

    Sounds like you need that MRI Chris so they can see exactly what's going on instead of the docs trying to tell u to rehab yourself and then 6 months later u may feel no different. Maybe thru rehab and some glucosamine your knee heals.

  14. Chris-- if possible instead of these docs beating around the bush try to get them to get you that MRI which pretty much tells you what the problem is. If it's the Meniscus the operation is quick. You could theoretically walk the next day and within a month your pretty much good to go.

    Kathy also had hers done but the doc said she could do the therapy first to see if she can strengthen her knee. It was a 6 week long therapy. Kath asked her doc(orthopedic surgeon) what is the best bet because she needs to get better. Her Doc said he would recommend the surgery because it's not evasive since its only orthoscopic. She also had to get injections because she was bone on bone... It's not as bad as it sounds. If you have other ligament damage in there which are more severe then the Meniscus that's important to know because it's a whole different ballgame dealing with the other ligaments.

    If you want to borrow the brace I have which are two different ones let me know. They weren't cheap. The first brace is what you see in the pic above where it kept my leg straight so I can walk around without my knee bending. The second brace I bought my self where you can put ice packs in it and then pump it tight so you can ice ur knee to keep the swelling down and you can still do things instead of laying on the couch with ice on your knee.

    My problem and John Orr could tell ya is I never sit still. For example yapping on the phone for 5 hrs and pacing my house is not a good way to get a knee to heal.

  15. Hey Chris I tore my meniscus last year just walking along while my guys were cleaning a parking garage in CT. My knee just collapsed and down I went.

    When I got home 3 days later I had an immediate MRI because of my knee either locking up os collapsing which made it a medical emergency. End result I had a grade 3 tear of the meniscus and had Surgery on it a few days later. They gave me a special brace to wear and the very next day We went back and did another Garage in CT with a 3 day deadline which was the same as the first garage.

    Lesson in here is do not go right back to work, Go to therapy as instructed and then build your knee back up as to the Doctors advice.

    A year later my knee is still week and it still collects water(Had it drained 4 times after surgery where they said no more on that due to risk of staff infection). A meniscus tear you should be able to come back completely if there is no other more major ligaments in your knee that has problems as well.

    The king of the Knee's if you want to know everything about them and what to do and not to do is first don't do anything I do..lol and Contact John Orr who's dealt with anything and everything with knee's

    Good Luck
