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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. After taking a Hiatus from volunteering anywhere the last couple of years within the Powerwashing Industry orgs. The time now is right for me to get involved again with promoting this industry in some type of fashion. I'm heavily involved on the outside with helping some charities and some causes. I resigned any and all of my moderator status within the Industry bulletin boards so when the time was right I could run again somewhere without the stigma of being slowed due to my internet involvements.

    I served the PWNA from late 2004/5 -2006/7 and finished up as their Treasurer. I am a high energetic person by nature who wore probably too many hats then which included being my Union President in the same time frame I served with the PWNA.

    I supported and belonged to multiple orgs and associations in both of my fields of employment with the largest being 350,000 members strong. I am a believer in supporting groups that represent the individuals in the selected fields. I am going to run for a PWNA Board spot but it doesn't mean I don't support the other groups I belong to such as the PWRA any differently.

    My door is always open to anyone in this industry whether they belong to orgs or not(Reason why I was involved in numerous bulletin boards for years). My goals though will be directed towards helping the PWNA get more recognition so their current and future members get more benefits for their membership. One of the ways to do that is to get the PWNA more on the map so the people with power take notice. It's not going to be an easy task but it is a goal I'm going to set out to complete if I win a PWNA bod slot. Every little thing counts so If I can help the PWNA in any way I'd be more then happy to do so.

    So its official. When there PWNA BOD door opens I'm going all in if they'll have me.

  2. My two girls are walking brains... There's a reason why I lock myself in my home office with my dolphin picture all lit up making the room blue and all you hear is the sound of birds chirping and the waterfall running.. Got to save the sanity some how..lol

  3. You know Ron I almost called you last night. I finally landed an account that's at the base of the Empire State Bldg. We hit 19 of them tonight plus I had a guy come out from the PWRA BBQ to watch my guys and learn how efficient a small operation can be. So I read this post on my Droid. And right away I think of calling you because unlike your second in charge I do not duck calls..

    Look what your second in charge is doing and once again his own words are killing him. " I am through with them too...TGS banned Tony this week, I am done there. Tony did nothing wrong. Except he doesn't pay money their to advertise so he can't get protection. My personal integrity and character was attacked there recently, even lies posted about me, by a staff member and it was defended and allowed to continue. I along with Tony have been called "minions" and "trojan horses" there, because we are Ron's friends and are his "followers"

    Right away he is lying twice. His accusation that Beth takes money so from the advertisers and in return they get protection--Lie. He's accusing me of lying because I'm the staff member that infracted him 15 pts and then gave him a reversal because I am am a very fair person. In doing so I also reversed Jim Gambles because his came from Celeste who was just about splitsville in this industry so she wacked Jimmy G. A good one that had no merit.

    The lowest thing I heard in all this is that you were allowing Tony ************** to listen to private call from some of us including myself. You stay quite when Tony announces that and you do nothing. Doug ********** thinks Tony did the honorable thing to rip out private calls to the masses and Doug supports that.

    There is a reason why Doug is now banned on most bb's because most of us see right thru him. So what you have here is A- Doug is lying about TGS to the 1000-2000 a day that visit your *** site. Then he comes here to show your following over there that he can get away with that. Doug is also fabricating stories about me lying to your followers. What did I lie about? If he's saying I lied because I said I wouldn't come back to the bb's or I said I wouldn't come back to these political post-- those aren't lies. Those are choices which like most of us we come back. So where's the lies..

    The one thing Doug has proven to be is deceptive. That's why he is vague alot without being specific. Another term for that is Slick. You have to read his post on separate bb's to figure him out and what he's really all about and it's not pretty.

    One big example is He supports Tony openly on the net about Tony getting to listen to private calls to you... Which brings us to the real problem. Doug has never proven himself to be a big dog in anything except that he loves telling people how everything you do is the acceptable way we all should be.

    So since your the leader over at *** and also it creator people give you tons and tons of breaks because you did start a very popular bb. Your the man there who has first and last say on what goes on there and rightfully so... It's yours.

    So tell us Ron-- Why did you let Tony listen to your private calls of some of us here? Why would you do that? What kind of friend does that? I don't believe most of what Tony said those calls were about buts that's my own opinion... But you on the other hand you let it manifest into the point where Doug shows his true colors and tells people on *** he supports what happened here. Because this benefited the *** ratings.. You do nothing and that is and has always been the most disappointing thing about you because it's not the honorable thing to let good people get hurt. People that you have known for 10,15.20 yrs.

    It's disappointing Ron because we want to believe in you but this is allowed to happen over and over and you allow it. A good leader would have stopped Tony in his tracks just for the fact that he thinks it's right to listen to private calls and then spew it on the net... But it all comes back to you and the closest ones to you are sticking it to you. You would think... But for whatever odd reason you like this behavior and there is no other explanation to it because your the one who let's it happen. Your the one who let's Doug continue on with the lies such as what he says about TGS.

    I think today to many people see this about you and it's probably why you as well is banned all over the place. Kicked out of groups, blocked from tons of people you know etc etc etc.

    If your friends with Beth and TGS as you say you are why would you let Doug get away with that lie about her advertisers? Where do we start??

  4. You should have been to this Convention. I wish we could take back what happened afterwords. To this day the biggest disappointment of my volunteering roles within the industry. I'm still doing things for this Industry as some know that doesnt involve any of the other stuff thats in the main stream and it has nothing to do with Ruth or orgs or events that I am all involved in. This one here though was a great beginning with a terrible ending which all in all was bittersweet with mostly fond memories.

  5. Looks like the PWNA had a decent Convention in 2010. They had a better one in 2011 and from what I'm hearing 2012 is going to be one for the ages. Its also there 20th year in existence which there celebrating that on a Disney cruise trip after there October Convention. I love to see this org. get to a 1000 members within the next few years.... Read the post in this thread and you can see what some people really think about the PWNA that would surprise a couple of newbies here. 20 yrs is a great accomplishment for anything business. Look ahead 10 yrs from now and you will be reading about the PWNA on there 30th year.

    The PWNA is the most well known Powerwashing organization in North America. Possibly in the world. That says alot but since they have very little competition in the non profit sector they can use some more members to give them the strength in numbers. Since they already have the name recognition its time to help them get some more members so we can all benefit from this organization becoming more known like other powerful non profit orgs in there respective industries.

  6. I hope you come back Carlos. Love to see you in the PWNA as well. You have alot of friends in there. In this industry since the 14 years now I've been on the net in here I have never seen anything come as close as far as members joining and a great Convention in a matter of no time when you were at the helm. That period was a major success--- I always thought you would come back-- When your ready if you wanted to.

  7. Hey Hugh I finally hung up the "other" job like yourself. Wish I had done it years ago when I pulled back my first retirement papers. That was 9 yrs ago. It took me 2 more times like this where the 3rd was the charm. I walked on New Years Eve 2011. Haven't looked back or slowed down since. Never knew I could be so busy with so many different things. Hope to meet you one day down in FLA.

  8. Linda and my old Union just did a Charity baseball game where we raised about $25,000 for QSAC - Quality Services for the Autism Community which is for Children with Autism. She's been a Godsend to this industry. Besides the PWNA and her supporting each other she also supports What TGS stands for as well as her gifting many individuals from this bulletin board. She's also gifted many others from a few other bulletin boards which most of those people also come here.

    She also has a little surprise for the new start up association the PWRA. Linda loves groups that support each other and also support other groups. She is involved with many Charities and she loves helping other Charities such as the Children with Autism,The Michael J. Fox foundation and in November she will be with me at a Breast Cancer Charity that my brother in law is doing in Manhattan where such stars as Susan Sarandon and Robert DeNiro may appear. Susan right now is a very good possibility.

    This lady definitely has a "Ruthian Heart" and she hits one out of the park every time when it comes to Humanitarian causes and Charities.

    Here's Some pics of Linda throwing The first pitch at this Charity game and yours truly catching it. There's also a picture of her wearing a PWNA hat. She's already honored the Founding members of TGS and she now has a surprise for the PWRA.

    Enjoy the pictures and There's plenty of other real neat parts to this ongoing story with her and her Grandfather Babe Ruth being intertwined into this industy especially for groups that respect each other.

  9. I was told that my old Union and the Charity raised around $25,000 for these kids. Sometimes persistence pays off and people are better off for it. I'm going to another Charity event Nov. 9th for Breast Cancer In Manhattan and it looks like Susan Sarandon most likely is going and Robert DeNiro right now is a maybe. My brother inlaw is involved in that one and every day him and I text to see what else can be done there. Getting involved in things when they work is the best and in mine and my brother inlaw who both work our tails off money doesnt drive us when it goes to help others. He's special no doubt but as for me I just like to stay busy with things. I'm also glad guys like yourself no matter how much we disagree you were still able to get something from someone who is all about giving back. Look for her email when I post the pics. Just shows a little more what makes some people so special no matter who they are.

  10. lol very good Chris. I relax reading your long post. Caught every bit of it while I was doing a few other things. Just the way it is with me. Do not know where you and I are misreading each other but dont sweat it. Dont waste your time reading my post if there longer then a sentence because you know me I never change. I Always tell it straight.

    Hey on a happier note because this is about the Children check out the pics of Linda throwing out the first ball and against all odds I caught it. This was for a charity for children with Autism. When I get the picture I'll post Linda wearing the PWNA hat for ya:wink:

  11. Hey Chris most contractors do not belong to orgs. There's nothing wrong with that. There's also contractors that believe in orgs. Reason why The PWNA has been around for 20 yrs. There 250 strong who believe in them right now.

    You don't seem to be a fan of orgs and that's fair. The two guys you keep praising apparently believe in some type of org because they are the two top leaders of an org. There also vendors. One owns NCE and the other one owns a school, sells products and is looking to certify contractors because he is an NCE Certified instructor. At least that is what his signature says he is.

    Why is it that you say contractors this and contractors that but you overlook those two who are bigtime Vendors in there businesses as they are contractors?

    The PWNA has guys that do both as well. The founder of the PWNA was a contractor at one time as well. You have to be fair here in what your saying because the two guys your always referring to are Vendors as well.

    Another thing because I was apart of the *****'s past and there contractors for contractors was a neat saying but OT proved to not work. Contractors were also becoming Vendors and to think it's purely contracting alone in all this that counts-- doesn't work. Vendors and Contractors have to work together or the system fails as you saw what happened.

    You can try to pull the wool over peoples eyes that there are only contractors that should be listen to but when those contractors now become the certifiers and own schools or expos there now vendors.

    They need to intertwine in a fair way or the system fails and that's exactly what caused the last failure of the *****. Nobody trusted anyone in there after awhile and you can't kid yourself any longer. This industry is about the Contractors, Vendors, and everything in between. There is no just contractors alone---- doesnt work because those contractors alone will become Vendors also somewhere in the Mix so they can teach,sell or whatever to there own members.

    The whole thing is frustrating and alot of contractors just don't want to be bothered by it all....but... You look at other industries such as my fathers where he manufactured fume hoods for hospitals etc and fabricated laboratory furniture as well for them, they belonged to organizations. They went to shows as a vendor and many hospital reps,contractors etc went to the same Conventions.

    If your goal is to stay a one man operation or not to get involved with environmental type commercial work or just want to stay small and manageable then maybe orgs dong work for you. But in my case because I am a small profitable contractor and with no plans to get much larger orgs work for my business because I market them, Network thru them and sometimes get work thru them via the last two.

    But to think it's all about the contractors and we rule the world--it won't work and the ones you see dropping out the most are the contractors and that is a big part of the problem because they get toasted by it all. These are good guys I'm talking about who just get burnt out.

    Solution?? Level the playing field and bring them all in. Don't drive away the Vendors/distributors, don't drive away the Contractors/Vendors and sure as heck don't drive away the contractors!! Don't Alienate and stop the blame game.

    That's the solution and go from there. That's the way I see this all after dealing with alot of it. Nothing else works.

    This is why I don't worry about helping contractors or Vendors if I can and they also reciprocate it back. Those contractors and Vendors will never hurt my business because there professional like I am... But there are a certain type of contractor that actually hurts my business and I deal with them all the time. It's the ones who know nothing, don't care to know much and don't play by the rules. They are uninsured, unlicensed if there is a lic. Requirement, and really unqualified because they'll charge bottom price because they just don't know and they will LOWBALL the heck out of jobs and they get a few then they disappear because they failed. And that cycle at a greater rate is coming around more and more every year and those guys are the only ones I'm concerned about just a little because I may lose a potential job because of them.

    Long post but that's the way I see it.

  12. The day is done. We beat the QSAC charity group 9-4. Linda thru out the first ball and I caught it with the wrong glove they gave me for lefties(leave it to my old job to do that lol) but as promised Linda threw it right into my glove. The day was surreal. The charity groups gave her Grand Niece and Nephew the Duck baseball team jerseys. I miss my old crew. It was bittersweet especially when we went our separate ways after the game. Took me 3 times to retire and leave these guys behind. We raised close to $30,000 for this cause.

    One of the guys on the bench took my camera and took alot of pictures but none of the money shots. So I'm having a few guys see if they can get me those money shots. The News team were flashing away so hopefully I can get some pics to post on the net. I also kept the Powerwashing industry in here. I'll release what that was in a couple of days.

    All in all it was a special day. A good day for Linda, for the QSAC Charity, the guys playing the game and this industry itself. This is like a wedding. It starts, there is so much going on and it suddenly ends.. You had a great time but the time was gone before you knew it.

    I'm happy and honored to get to do this stuff because of the positive benefits to the ones who need it. And the ones who are involved or just show up to support these things is special.

    If you never thought about it. Go to one Charity event and get involved. You will feel the goodness of it all and what you do and the nice people thanking you and the kids looking at you in total appreciation. It's so very special.

    Do this with your org. Get involved and watch how others will thank you for doing so because it helps them to help you and many others. Like a big family that supports each other. Like a smooth running machine. Everyone benefits in one way or another. These are memories that you can take with you.
