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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. 2 weeks ago Linda thru out the first ball at Fenway Park for the Boston Redsox. Linda & Claudia First Pitch at Fenway 2012 on Vimeo

    She finally after all these years got Boston to raise Ruth's banner there. The other girl was Ted Williams daughter and the picture there holding are when Babe Ruth and Ted Williams met. Jim Rice is one of the guys out there with them.

    The Official Family Site of George Herman "Babe" Ruth Scroll down her webpage and you can see Babe Ruth's banner. Go further down and I'm still hanging around there.

    Later today is Showtime. I'm playing a Charity Softball game for kids with Autism QSAC - Quality Services for the Autism Community with my old job at Ducks Stadium. After our game the big game starts. For the Softball game Linda is bringing her family and she is throwing out the first ball to yours truly. The guys on my old Job have raised $25,000 already for this.

    If all goes well Linda is going to take some pics with a PWNA hat as well. The PWNA donated to the last charity I was at.

    Whatever happens here I know one thing which is I have one speed. So I'm going to swing for the fences and go for it all or strike out trying. With my vision the betting odds are I'm going to swing and miss and fall down and eventually strike out..lol. But I love trying to complete something when the odds are against me.. Either way it's another give back and thru all of these I keep the Powerwashing connected thru it one way or another thru the PWNA as I promised I would so it goes back to getting this industry more known.

    Here goes nothing:)

  2. You know Guy-- I am considering that very thing about running for a BOD slot again for the PWNA and the second time around I think I can help make a difference. This week where I live I am playing in a charity softball game before the Long Island Ducks play there game. Linda is coming with her family. My old job ask me to play or at least hang around in the Dugout. Where playing against a charity that raises Money for autistic kids QSAC - Quality Services for the Autism Community we already raised $20,000 for these kids. Because of all this suddenly Linda who just threw out the first ball at Fenway 2 weeks ago with Ted Williams family she finally after all these years got the Redsox to raise her Grandfathers banner http://www.thetruebaberuth.com/ has said she would like to attend this game.

    Its grown now to where the stadium is honored for her to throw out the first pitch and yours truly was selected to catch it. This is going to be interesting because the guys surprised me with a heck of a uniform paid for by a donor with my name and Ruth's #3 on the back. Linda wants to be here because she loves anything to do with Children.

    Besides having a wrecked knee,I wear progressive glasses and I haven't played softball pretty much since I tore both Achilles Tendons on one stupid play when I came back from my honeymoon 19 yrs ago I am determined to squat down and take her pitch and also take one at bat and just swing away(hopefully I don't tear a back muscle because I don't know how to do anything at half speed).

    The reason I'm telling you this and boring you to tears is because I keep my promises. I am far from righteous but my integrity level has always been high. I am not in the business of lying like someone has been preaching to the masses to others on the net.

    And your right. The thought does cross my mind at times that maybe a national org. Is not in our best interest. I get like that when I get jaded...but is there any glimmer of hope left to make it worthwhile? It's a mountain of a job to try and see if there is truly a way to do it... And with that I may try again because I know where my integrity is. I also have made amends with the people I over did it with where I may have hurt them because of trying to do right the fallout to them wasn't fair.

    I am like an open book. Doors always open for anyone,anywhere,anytime.

    And thru all this Guy like I said, I keep my promises, your efforts have not been forgotten because I never stopped giving a dam and soon enough you will see why because I am almost done with your story. The industry's story and the ones who know this including ones who represent your efforts-- all of them have been extremely supportive even through my unorthodox ways of getting things done. These are very well respected individuals who have there own fan base. Some very large, some very small and tight...but all of them are strengths to you me and the industry. When you find out about it all because timing is critical here-- the one thing these guys will tell you is I am not a liar, I don't look to ever be one who looks to benefit himself by hurting others and also they become before me. You'll probably meet very few people who has put together multiple teams and committees within where I wanted others to chair no matter how much work I do. It's the belief I have with the strength in numbers. There are better people then me for many things but as far as working hard for the masses or the one.. You'll have to look very hard to find someone who can stay locked in all the way until the task is accomplish and that I always took great pride in myself for being able to do that even though at times it came at probably to great of a cost to some others and myself and when that happens I own up to it as some of you saw when that ***** mess after there excellent Convention was completed.

    So will see. First I need to catch Linda's pitch this Tuesday night and from what I heard-- the odds are 5-1 I catch it in the face and break my glasses and then can't get up with my bum knee. If that was to happen I'll just dust it off and savior the memories:)

  3. Good information Scott. Its nice to still be able to learn a few things on these bulletin boards after all the years some of us have been on here.

    As for what you said about Revenue streams and especially in my last occupation, the majority of this stuff is driven by that and as the times continuously get harder there going to look to enforce some more of the laws that are written on the books and if there not written on there yet--they will be.

    Its an uphill battle and good luck to the ones who want to try and make a difference. You just have to hope they keep there integrity levels way up there and they come out of one of these meetings or whatever they call them and they report back to the rest of us who have an interest in this, an honest assessment of what went on. If they don't the truth always has a way of coming out--Some people may not believe in that but everything I ever dealt with..it always does.

  4. If there something that you want changed you need support. It could be a petition of 50,000 names but that still may not help because you will need bank and actual members that belong to whatever it is your trying to do. If it was easy to change things than any guy with a fat wallet could get rules and regs changed to there liking.

    Basically what your talking about is "Lobbying". The way our system works is thru lobbying. People can hated it all they want but it's not going to change because your talking about legislation.

    You might get some credibility by going around the country meeting with some officials and that could give some weight to Certification courses because I have a feeling this is where this discussion is heading towards. Certification courses work if a person markets them. They also work because the contractor learns from them....

    But to go further then that your most likely talking Lobbying due to the dealings your going to have with legislatures.

    Since there is no dominant Org. In this Industry it would be great for other org's to work with the PWNA in trying to get noticed where there benefiting the Contractors along with the Environment. The PWNA has a foot in some of these doors because of Roberts Efforts. There are other guys trying to help him on there own dimes and you have to admire people who do that.... But...once again they need all the support they can get. It's good to stay friendly with these other org's because between the bunch of ya maybe someone will listen enough to all of them if they can ever be on the same page.

    A good convention one day would be good to have where there are multiple orgs there. Maybe a better idea is to have these orgs have individuals in each one that belong to there own "Think Tank committee's" and make it where they meet with these other org "Think Tanks" on each orgs dimes for the purpose of education with the potential to be able to go in together where 1 guy with an outline supported by all of them be the one who now sits in with "the powers to be" and then because there is no "NRA" or "FOP"s type groups within this industry but now you have something unique.

    You have representation in there with multiple org's backing this.

    Besides the above-Everything else is fluff if your talking about changing or implementing something that's recognized by the proper authorities and to say different.. There must be acceptable proof instead of mouth pieces just saying they did this...they did that..they helped this...they helped that.. Which is nothing but "Fluff" in the real world.

    If your keeping it real..then always the best of luck.

  5. The reason is simple of why we declined. Our processes of washing do not involve EPA authority at federal level.

    Ceta Pwna ***** Ikeca and the rest of the industry doesn't have enough money to attempt walking into this realm. Nor the credentials, this would involve a team of educators experienced contractors and scientific provable data. This post is not intended to hurt feelings discredit anyone. It's Purely my opinion dealing with this for 28 years. Each government in this stage is forming or has formed out reach programs. Find yours with the other local business people, local is what matters and you influence there might mean something.

    This is the only reason Doug and myself declined to attend. Perhaps as industry leaders we could have announced what we may have known. I would have thought this was already information that was published , maybe that's why it slipped our minds to inform others.

    I have spoken to Ceta and Ikeca on this matter. They actually share the same stance. Roy has actually said they will not even get involved locally with these problems. Ceta has billion dollar companies backing them.

    Will let Robert finish what he has started . Do I agree with it all? No but that does not mean I care to stop him from his agenda. We can only make sure our local people understand our wash process does not create hazards like the ones he refers to.

    If there a need for what Robert agenda promotes? Yes I have seen the pollution in video some of these other garage cleaners produce. If Robert can make them responsibly practice so it does not adversely affect my business I'm all for it.

    There's a place for all of us. We all need to stop pulling apart and realize that what the other hand does will affect us as a whole.

    I do not blame anyone's area Getting screwed up on anyone but the contractors who allowed it. Or the ones who bought into the greed they would become elite contractors.

    Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

    You bring up some good points in here Ron but just having some experienced educators that are contractors and also having scientific data you would still need a powerful group such as an org. to support those educators who in turn can help there contractors. This Gov't will not listen to a couple of people. They'll listen to these couple of people if they have a strong group behind them and that means members and the org bank has to get much larger. Your almost talking lobbying...almost.

    The pipe dreams in this industry so far has been just that.. Wishful thinking. I give Robert a ton of credit because he has support and he did and still does alot. He...like you... Still need that large group base. This is where a good non profit org. can have a shot. Education is a key in there. You want to be able to send those educators where they need to go, the people they need to meat and the dollar signs to support them and the large member base that supports them also. And they also have to be right thru like you said by having scientific proof that is supported.

    I admire these efforts. The other garbage that comes in here for all the wrong reasons helps no one.

    When you post like this and get people to think cause none of us know it all it's gives some hope. Keeping this professional because it's a very touchy subject benefits the ones who mostly only go to the bulletin boards and there are alot of those type contractors out there who still with that alone have more then we did way back when.

    On top of that it benefits potential orgs if they can put it all together and that will benefit a ton of contractors whether ther org. Members or not. It's just the way it is and the lone soldier these days gets eaten alive out there in the business world which is why I support the "Group" mentality here like I always did on the outside.

  6. Lots of people were invited that chose not to attend.

    I guess my question here would be if someone was invited and they care to know about this info and they consider themselves as leaders in this industry then why not go so the can relay the info to the ones who have a reason to know this? The PWNA got an invite to this probably cause there known in some of these circles but that aside how does one get an invite to these things Scott?

  7. Will do Chris and you should do the same praising your leaders on any PWNA thread in there section just for the sake of doing it. You have questions about the PWNA ask them. You want to praise your leaders in a group you wont join then do it on there 2 sites. Your bringing them purposely into this area and its obvious why the other guy floats in here. for your information I did call him in the past but he doesnt take calls from me. He wants to be taken seriously then he should use his brain and not try to flusey people by labeling others as liars like he did with me. He'll never win that game because it will come back to him everytime x 10. You can count on that because lying will bite back. It always does.

  8. That last line is calling a spade a spade and forget the spell checks since I'm on my droid in AC where its hard enough to type between dance breaks with my girl.

    The other thing here is I also dont appreciate the lies he says about TGS who I still hold dear to my heart because I was with Beth and Rod here from the beginning so its just natural for me to be protective towards this site.

    If he hates TGS so much what the heck is he doing here?

    Dumb question.. Hes trying to sell something which is himself and since he brands me as a liar... And I'm one of thr people caught him lying all over thr place... He should take his sales hat pitch and disappear from the pros he see right thru his garbage. And newbies should be forwarned about him. He starts with me...he gets hit back so he backs ocf with his lies then I'll forget about him like we all should.

  9. With so much time to kill... I never left:) You'll like next weeks pics. Linda who thru out the first ball for the Redsox 2 weeks ago and also got them to finally raise Babe Ruths Banner there is going to be throwing the first ball next Tuesday. This time she will out there with some family and shes doing this at Duck Stadium on Long Island. Its for a charity softball gsme with my old job vs a Charity for Autistic Children where we raised over $20,000 already.

    The sweet part about this is besides helping to raise money for these kids is that my job demanded I come out of my 20yr softball retirement to catch "The first ball" and if all goes well I'm going to wear a PWNA hat to keep it in this industry as well for you guys. The guys also got me Babe Ruths number on my Jersey which was another surprise. I miss these guys.

    Those Chris are all truths.

    The other reason I'm back posting in these political type threads here is because theres a poster right in this thread who is typing lies about me on the net and is also telling lies about me and others wo actually do things for this industry. I wont mention his name since he goes around posting "There was a TGS poster who got away with lies about him". Nope I'm not in the business of lying and I sure wouldnt go around selling chemicals to my peers here and also say you can drink them as well.

    This guy everytime he lies about me and this industry since he made it clear on a different bb hes going to call out the people he believes are spreading stories about him that may or maynot be affecting how he has more people coming From Dallas then anyone for his Schools..... Well Chris... His business whichever hat he wears today....its like someone who post here said ona different bb "He doesnt care about who they are because there business cant affect his but people should be aware of there post" something along those lines.... So thats what I'm doing. Calling a spaxe a spade.

  10. Thanks Doug. I just wished I knew that there was a meeting in my neck of the woods vs. learning about it afterwards.

    Hey Carlos your a ***** member right? Take it up with your new VP who knew about this meeting and elected not to go or tell his membership about it. I'm not surprised by this but you seem like you are. I would suggest you call him but then again he wouldnt take the one call that was important which I needed to talk to him about when I was a ***** member. So dont hold your breath waiting for a response via phone.

  11. Thanks for posting that link Doug, that is very informative and mentions a lot.

    Here is from that page from the link you posted:


    Who Should Attend?

    This conference is recommended for stormwater professionals including permittees, owners, operators, contractors, consultants, engineers, regulators, and etc. of stormwater systems.

    I am guessing that this means that contractors like us can attend? Or am I missing something here? It looks like contractors can attend but please let me know if I am wrong or mistaken.

    Thanks a lot Doug for posting that link.

    Take the guess work out and call them to see if you can attend. Do like Jim Ganble did and get involve by at least calling them. Do not depend on the bulletin boards alone to guide you. If you believe everything you read Chris on thd net your business would go cerplunk.

  12. Hi everyone,

    I have the following pressure washer: http://www.powerwash.com/commerical-and-residential-power-washers-and-pressure-washers/gas-powered-hot-water-and-cold-water-pressure-washers/26-rk-43-hot-high-pressure-power-washer.html........albeit 4 years old.

    I am wanting to add a 2500 watt generator to this set up to have power in my rig. Has anyone ever done this before that could give me some tips on what it would ultimately entail? Any help is much appreciated!


    Hey Sean I'm just doing that now with some skids I put together on my flatbed. The Generator I'm adding is rated at 5000 watts which takes about 9-10 HP to run it. I basically need it for 2 burners which between the two when they kick on they may take up to 3600 watts. I have a Kohler 34 HP engine thats running a TSF 2021 General pump rated at 8.5GPM @3600psi. The odds of the Burners kicking on the same time are slim but if that happens they will take about 7hp away from this engine which may drop the rating of the pump a hair when it happens. I'm having the other burner built and its coming next week and will be put behind this engine.

    In your case you need about 4-5 extra HP to run you Generator so you have to see if the engine is large enough on your Powerwasher to handle the generator. If it is then you need a Pully for the Generator the same size as the one on the engine so the Generator shaft turns at the same RPM's as the engine which is about 3600rpms. Without seeing pictures I would guess that your engine has a 2 belt pully on it for the pump. If you have room on your engine shaft you can add another pulley on it. If not your going to have to order a 3 groove(Belt) pulley for the engine. The Generator shaft can spin either direction. You have to work out the numbers and you need the HP and also the room for the generator. I'm with you that if you can add the generator why run another engine. But if you dont have the HP then a small generator with an engine me be your best bet.

  13. Shane hit me up with some good info on a PM not far after when I put this thread up. He is committed for sure. He is no doubt an expert in Wood Restoration who puts up some of the nicest pictures on the web.

    The one thing that's holding me up about BGA is they can't ship it to Cali because of the VOC's. That tells me it's a good stain...but.. So were the ones I used for years and the VOC's screwed them all up..so now they bite.

    I can see me using BGA for a couple of years and then boom just like the other stains I used they suddenly can't ship here or there forced to change there formula like the others because of the VOC's. NY sucks almost as bad as Cali when it comes to rules and regs.

    How does that saying go " Fool me once shame on you fool. Fool me twice shame on me" I'm now caught up in a position that I have to change my stain choices... Shame on them for doing this. If I get caught up again where I have to change again?? Who's the fool now?? Me...

    I have alot to look into here. I very well may try all the above stains and just hope for the best..

    Does anyone remember Woodtux? I sure wouldn't want to go thru that where that one got changed up.

  14. I understand what you guys are saying above. All my options are open. I had a good run with the stains I used all these years. The VOC's killed them here which is why I went to NJ today to see some different options. I always hated staining. The more I hated it the more I made. All I ever wanted to do was Powerwash. Now that I no longer stain anything I still can't stand it when something comes out where there was problems that we didn't cause.

    I order most of my stuff online. I get my Gutter cleaning chemicals that I mix together from one Distributor, I get part of my house soap(I make the rest) from another distributor, I get all my strippers from my local Distributor I've been dealing with for 17 yrs and I build my own Powerwashers from Parts I get from numerous Distributors...

    Shane has already contacted me about the BGA's stain and on top of that I met one guy today who makes his own stain and showed a few of us his product and on the way down there I talked to another Expert in this field who also comes to this bb who also makes his own Mixes. On top of that I had an artist Here in Rick Petry to talk shop with today about stains..

    The Consensus is either I get out of the staining business(Every year I say this and we get to many calls to turn down this type of work) or start ordering my stains online. There's Four different stain companies that seem to have very good products and in no specific order they are BGA,DPR,Ready Seal and Armstrong Clarke. The last thing I want to do is make my own mixes when it comes to stain so that's out.

    I'd love to get the paint stores that I deal with here sell one of the above products because this paint store has a very large Contractor base.

    It's great to have options:joyous:

  15. 2nd house we completed yesterday. The very last picture the stain is still drying on the right side of the house. This was the Wolmans Natural which has plenty of oil in it which I like but it wasnt easy for my guys to work with and I didn't like the lack of "Richness" missing from the stain that I always got from the Cabots or yesteryear...

    Quick note last year we had such problems with the Cabots Timber oils stains not drying and becoming tacky that one of my customers demanded her money back. It took 3 weeks for her stain to dry on her mahagony Deck... The product was sent to Valspar and guess what?? They paid out to her to get the stain stripped off and restained again on there dime due to product failure. She elected to take there money and then she wanted me to come back in a year to re-do it with Cabots again... I went to bat for her to fight for her money back from Valspar since I sent in the stain because I just new it had problems... but thats as far as I went when she got a full reinbursement of cash.. Not dealing with cleaning up there mess.

  16. A quick post for you woodies out there who stain houses. I'm heading to NJ tomorrow morning to discuss with some wood experts some issues concerning stains.

    I'll post a couple of pics of two houses we did the last 2 weeks. The first set of pics is with the Cabots Natural stain which is like a hybrid where you can clean up with soap and water the first 20 minutes and then you must use a thinner after that. The Cabots goes on Pink and then it dries into a natural color... What a disapointment. Cabots is having more problems with there stains since these VOC's have been put into place and also since they were bought out by Valspar.

    Every year I would buy a minimum of a 100 gallons of Cabots natural at my local Paint store convention. It was always by invite and you would get 2 free drinks and a buffet dinner and also a nice discount on the products they sold such as Cabots and Benjamin Moore which I use to stock pile them as well until they changed. This was every spring for 1 day.

    The second set of Pics are of Wolmans Natural. I'm not happy with them either. I always liked the Cabots stains the best right ahead of Benjamin Moore stains but the last bunch of years they both changed for the worse. My local paint store sells these products and my customers liked the name recognition of them. There are some stains I never used but heard alot of good things about them. For me I always stuck with what works for me so I dont change... but now the writing is on the wall here. The good stains I always heard about are Armstrong Clarke, Ready Seal, and a few others.

    In a few hours I am going to meet with some other contractors to talk about this stuff and to see what else is out there. One of the Contractors that should be there from this bb is Rick Petry who is a wood expert.

    My goal is to find another stain and to talk to my local paint store that has about 40 other stores all owned by the same family. I want to see if there is something out there that possibly my paint store can look into so I can get easy access to what I use. They have over a 1000 contractors they sell to and I'm one of them. I don't like to order stains because alot of times I send my customers to my paint store to pick out the stains they like and the recognizable ones were the Cabots and the Benjamin Moore Stains but there behind in keeping up with the other stains who are compliant to the VOC's.

    So who Knows but tomorrow should be interesting.

    Quick note on these house shots..,my camera is old and shot so the pics look hazy.. and the stains don't look to good anyway.

  17. Lololol funny stuff up there.. Yea Sunday 2019 I'm thru here.. The Internet patch says it's guaranteed to help me in no more then 7 yrs...lol it's nice to have a few laughs here...

    After this past week I took a long hard look what I'm doing here...and this is what I came up with.. What am I doing here??

    I look around and so many of the guys I use to connect with are gone. I just got a message from Mike Hughes linked in who moderated more of these boards at the same time then anyone I knew and he's pretty much left here years ago. Then of course he got out of the business.

    Where is Jeff L.? How about Ken Fenner? Everett Abrams,Rob Huffman,Jack Kramer, Matt Johnson,Gary Shell and many others from the past who use to post alot..... Most of the guys above "Have left the building" and are doing better then they ever have in this business..

    My business is by far having it's best year to date. We hired our 3rd guy and thats over the limit of what I want and we can't slow down. The other day it was 100 degrees here and my Guys worked 16hrs and the next day 14 hrs. This is all because of Kathy making every call from morning to night and also from her cell phone when not in the office..

    She's the reason why where staying tremendously busy... Me besides this Ruth thing and keeping the people I have involved posted with updates and taking text from Carol Alt who's now in Italy who has read her folder and is pleading with me on what she can do and others doing the same...that to me is the real dealings. Also dealing with my brother in law and planning next years big Charity event that he does and I may switch it all up to do something large with the Powerwashers that is things I get great satisfaction doing....

    But besides that and because I have alot of free time in my hands because I don't go to my guys jobs and on residential I don't pick up the money and most commercial unless it's large I don't go(except parking garages which I always go to) I am playing on the bb's and there are so many other things I should be doing...

    Writing is on the wall. I signed off last night here for the first time in years.. Sunday night like Tony ************** did awhile back I'm shutting some bb's down as far as my participation is concerned. There to big and there doing real well and they dont need guys like myself hanging around because there working like a fine tuned instrument on there own.

    Will I come back like Tony did and Jeff L. Did for awhile?? I can't say.. If I do I'll beg for Beth to ban me..lol like I did to Scott Stone back on ***.. He finally banned me because I bugged the crap out of him to do it...but of course they put me back on there..lol

    Seriously it's been fun.. But now it's time to first go to some new start ups and then onto my second boat next year. The first one sat in my back yard and never went out yrs ago because all my free time was mostly Powerwashing and then onto the net. The boat which was in great shape only ran in my back yard with water running thru the engine to keep it working correctly... It never went out once in 2 yrs then I got rid of it.. This time next year I'll be on a boat with stories to tell and share and hopefully some of you come to visit and your all invited if your in town....

    That's the life I want back and not to be sitting with people and hanging with my Droid phone and I-pad to see whats the latest on these large bulletin boards.. It's to much for me to keep doing that.. And who's been after me the most to get off these main sites-- my wife Kathy.. So blame her not me for getting off of here..lol. But then again she has always been smarter then me so now it's time to listen to family.

    Besides look how long this post is already..and a half hour to type it on my I-pad... That should tell u something if anyone is still reading this..lol I need to get off... My thumbs hurt.

    Whatever happened to John T.?? That guy?.. He hurt his Thumbs:boxing:

  18. The last 2 days here was fun again. Kind of like old times. I'll pop in from time to time and maybe add a little input or ask a question or two but besides that I'm cutting my net time way down to grab what I like to do most back which is real time connecting with people. It's good to see everything here is back on track so leaving on a good note is a positive thing.

    I may still respond a little more on some newer bulletin boards to help them get off the ground a little bit higher.But my time there is limited soon as well.

    2 days then gone..let's see of I can stay out of trouble:hopelessness:

  19. Hey Rick-- I truly had one of the best jobs in the country.. But with family disputes rising because of the economy downturn and everything else a Police officer deals with it's best that I left. Everyday an officer who approaches a car for a traffic infraction or deals with a family dispute there lives are on the line. Those two are the biggest reasons why cops are killed in the line of duty...because there doing the job there paid to do. I know there's problems with the pensions systems and know people in a downturn economy complain what an officer makes and I get it...but when times were good people weren't telling there kids to be cops. They wanted them on average to do anything else but that and everyone thinks the world of there kids and just to be limited with salary caps as a cop always and forever will be, most didn't want there kids to be restricted in there talents or putting there lives on the line to get involves because they have to....with a family dispute...or write that ticket.

    Unless you are actually a cop who will eventually deal with loves one because you can't bring the ladies child back from Sids(I had to tell the mother outside of the emergency room when her child was officially pronounced dead) have to deal with numerous times a parent arriving at a scene where there teenager is dead at the scene and a blanket is covering her or him to keep the publics prying eyes away.... And on and on.. The money that's paid these guys for the emotional wear and tear they have to deal with.. Will never seemed to be worth it. They obviously have to be capped in salary like they always are but you can't put a price on the emotional scars that are left with you until u leave this planet.

    The flip side is when you bring someone back by doing CPR, protect a child from a deranged parent, pull people out of fires or plane crashes and in the worst case(I never was here) the world trade center after it was hit and also after it crumbles... Is about as rewarding as it gets but the cop has to be tough enough when the shizz hits the fan or they will slowly mentally began to collapse a little everyday....

    That's why I defend cops because I know first hand what they go thru because I did what they do....

    My heart goes out to your friend Kevin Ambrose and his family because no matter how people look at cops... They are really your last line of defense to the true evil that's out there because there in the streets with it.

    Thanks bro.

  20. Since there is I believe only 2 super mods here with myself and Scott Stone being the other one, I've been trying like heck to step away from that forever. There was a time I moderated almost every board on the net simultaneously and donated to a few as well. Some of those boards did not make it such as The PWNA bb, Guttersource and maybe another one or two others. The ones I did moderate at the same time were TGS,***,Guttersource(until it folded) then the ***** bb. A few of those I was offered the admin spot but only one I took a co admin slot which was the ***** board.

    They were all fun but different which is why I didn't mind doing multiple ones at anytime.

    There comes a time for all good things to end and like in law enforcement it was hard for me to leave any of them because I always do things that I enjoy including my military and Law enforcement careers which totaled 29 years. I'll never stop working because I enjoy staying busy but my time even though I retired from one job is getting less and less available because on the outside I'm getting more and more involved. I am debating on running for a board slot again in one of the orgs I belong to(glutten for punishment) because I always enjoyed staying involved and I find myself to be a rare breed where no matter how hot it gets in the kitchen I don't leave. I look for ways to make it better..

    TGS was the hardest bulletin board for me to hang up and it's the very last I moderated. Like Scott Stone and a few others I was here from the very beginning. The other thing that made it so hard is that I have a tremendous amount of respect for Both Beth and Rod. Beth in particular. We served together in the PWNA and we worked together on some things. Amongst the men and females in this industry I hold her at the top as one of the people I always respected the most.

    So as soon as she comes back from being out of town she has promised to remove my mod status. Some of you guys here should pm or email her and Rod to see if they can use another Super Mod to work with Scott Stone to help keep this bb runing smoothly.

    As for Scott Stone he is easy to work with. Generally he stays away from the more political post where I would dive right in. The political post use to be fun for me because of the challenges they brought up. Somehow along the way because old timers eventually leave and the new blood would come in I started to get jaded by it all. That just meant my time was up for moderating and the way I do things I always give 110% and because of the political end of moderating I started to run out of time during my waking hours overloading on to many different things.

    So today I stay very focused on my business and some jobs within the industry I volunteered for. I do want to apologize to some who I may have offended because I am passionate and I drive very hard. Last night I worked outside of my business at least 10 hrs bringing in more Powerwashers to help me hammer home a few things and to help keep this industry related to some of the things I do and non of that is negative.

    So as usual I have a long post but I can't thank Beth and Rod enough from giving me the opportunity to be a part of TGS during there growing stages to where they are now which is at the top of the bulletin board world. The respect TGS has earned by the thousands that come here is well deserved because of the admin and mods that help out here. TGS runs like a Lamborghini where it drives like a rocket and feels like it has endless power.

    It has been fun and thanks for the ride here.

    John T.
