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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. All the above and use the search button here and search and search some more. Quick note water volume in the 5-8gpm range is money in your pocket when doing residential work and most definitely have a buffer tank at least 100gal to help with your water flow to your Powerwasher because alot of homes at least in my area your lucky if you get 5gpm coming from a residential home and if they have water on in there house you will get less.

    Good luck

  2. That's one of the drawbacks with staining and especially if they were to pick an odd color or they want a solid stain or in your case a semi transparent. We stained a house years ago where the lady picked out a snot green color and the house came out nice but she cried because she hated the color she picked.. And she waited for us to get done when she dropped this bomb...

    I kept telling her and showing her before and after pics and saying the house looked so much better then the black mildew/mold cedar look her house had and the color will grow on her to where she likes it. Her response was we did a nice job but she really hates the color and then she paid the full amount owed.

    If you think the customer is worth it then try to find a fair solution because you can't be paying for people's mistakes or you will be out of business in no time.

    Good luck.

  3. Please note, I have made two posts in this thread. The first was about signage on my trucks. I have 25 of them, and they all have signage on them.

    The second was to address Jim's accusation of Tony causing drama. Since I have been directly threatened and berated by Jim on multiple occasions simply because I disagreed with him. There are screen shots available where Jim stated that he was working with local authorities in such a way that it could damage my business. If that is not a direct threat, and if that does not show what the goals of Jim are, then I would be shocked.

    Additionally, I have other posts that have shown how Jim has pried into proprietary information on my business, including researching meetings that have been held, and then tried to promote to others that my business is on a failure mode. I find that offensive. I am sorry if I get my panties in a bunch about it, but really, I have never attacked anyone, or made efforts to work against ANY contractor in this industry. In fact, I would say I have even gone out of my way to help people to clean things properly and legally.

    So, if Jim is worried about drama, then so be it. I feel he has attempted to damage my business, and my families livelihood in a very direct, and obvious way. That he is so insecure that he feels someone is attacking him based on disagreeing with methods, I would suggest counselling. I might even have a few bucks to chip in to help defray the costs.

    Be it known, that I am sick and tired of Jim doing illegal background checks, probing into anything that has to do with my customers, and even researching, poorly by the way, the financing arrangements I have on my equipment.

    Jim, I know you are going to read every word of this. I am tired of you meddling in my business. Stay out of my life, stay out of my business. Go and build your own business on your own abilities. If you feel threatened by me, I have done nothing but run a rock solid, very profitable business for the last 23 years. All of my customers are happy, my bills are paid, and I am going to continue to be very profitable for the foreseeable future. Just for your information, my banker said that my business has the absolute cleanest books he has ever seen. That includes paying the IRS and not spending money to hide money.

    Then bring what you have forward in the back room because whatever your personal problems Scott you have with Jim it does not give Tony ************** or anyone else the right here on this bulletin board to attack him in your defense or Rons or whoever it maybe.

    What Tony is doing here is wrong...and you know it.

    You got a beef with Jim then fix your problems.. Tony is continuosly saying he is going to chase Jim until the end of time and we have once again Doug ********** pressing like buttons to fuel Tony's anger.. You know where this is heading and its not fair to let guys pile on Jim because your pissed at him. That may work on a different bb but untill the admin says otherwise its not going to work here.

    It's not fair to take your personal problems with Jim and let others pile on. And since where on this subject call your friend Ron and ask him the bizaar accusations he called me on yesterday. So go back to the other bb and keep those fires lit that Ron loves.. Over here I'm going to put them out.... and that is a promise.

  4. I give up John.

    You are talking about something totally different than what I suggested.

    I suggested you seek out pros in the SEO, I did not mention anything about anyone taking content or anything else for that matter.

    You were wondering if someone posting your content on their site would hurt your rankings and I told you it would not and to check with SEO Pro's out there, not one guy you have heard about or know but multiple so you can understand what I am saying. That is ok. I try to help you but you go off on a tangent and never return to the original topic of the thread, others using others' content.

    I give up. I can only try so much. Good luck out there wherever you are.

    You should give up Chris because your beating around the Bush.. What's in question here is someone just taking people's blogs, pictures, pages or whatever without there permission and now they find out about it and want it stopped. It's as simple as simple as that. What your saying has nothing to do what's going on. And in case you missed it there is someone we all know that has taken site material without permission and some people are not happy about it..

    Do you understand now??

  5. John, you have to be one if the most easily confused people I have ever met. Ron did nothing wrong here, Again. Please stop trying to be his friend or mine and regretably take your place on the other aide of the aisle.

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

    Ok.. Your ten times different in person.. And since that's your request I'll oblige. I took all the negative out of my life because I fought enough good fights that most were worth fighting for. You guys can fight with all you want and if you get banned in the process you'll only have yourselves to blame.

  6. John, Like I mentioned several times on different bbs's, you will have to search out a SEO pro, most pro's don't surf the power washing bbs's, their customers go to them as they are pro's and don't go looking for work, it finds them.

    If you want a pro, use the google, yahoo or bing search button and give it your best, that is the only way you will finally be at peace and know the truth I have been telling you.

    You can ask on every bbs you can find and wait years and years for an SEO pro to answer you but it most likely is not going to happen, you have to search them out for the help you need.

    I know you can do it, good luck.

    I did just that Chris if you look in the beginning of this post.. A respectable person would ask for permission to take a blog or whatever.... Not a person who says "of it wasn't for me yada yada" and then takes as he pleases. For one don't do it and if you do and it pisses people off then stop doing it.. And I know your smart enough to know that.. He's pissing people off by taking there blogs and they don't want him to do it..so he comes out swinging with bullying tactics like of it wasn't for him garbage..

    He's got enough of u guys kissing his azz..but sorry bro most see right thru it..and if your his friend you would tell him so instead of letting the drama get out of control-- but you won't.. Cause everybody is stupid except for Ron.

    And Ron if your reading this don't call me on fathers day with these wild accusations stories or call me anymore with negative untrue garbage..or any negative stuff. Call your drama buddies who love these conflicts.. Grow up man and stop the romper room stuff or go on "Jersey Shore" or whatever....

  7. I've found my videos on foreign blogs that tell basic information about coil cleaning. So what? They link back to my youtube account and my site. If anything they raise awareness of the need for my services.

    This thread has nothing to do with SEO.

    It's just stirring up crap where it otherwise wouldn't exist.

    Suddenly everybody is an SEO expert.

    Here's a thought, how about all the experts quit pretending that make money powerwashing and pursue your true calling as SEO experts.

    ADDED: I'm not talking about John or Chris, I'm talking about the "experts" who keep trying to stir up trouble with lies.

    The only way to know for sure Tony is to call in an expert that's not a Powerwasher. I just gave this young kid permission to copy my Swabby page on my site.. Now it looks like one of the dumbest things I've done.

    You better talk to Ron. He's also accusing people now from stealing off of the ***** site.. It just never ends with him. His newest accusation is someone here is steeling links and he has an attorney ready to roll on doing something about this..

    He also brought up mirroring and drove everyone nuts on the ***** awhile back.. That story was a crock.. Tell Ron to take a chill pill and stop it already..

    He's obviously catching flack once again because he did something without permission. That's what all of this looks like. He took blogs and put them on his site..word for word.. The least he can do is ask for permission like any other respectable person would or should.. I'm getting sick in trying to put out his fires.. Your his friend. Try for once and tell him to just knock it off and do something positive without pissing so many people off...

    For better or worse he took people's blogs without there permission. That is what seems to be the problem and some of those people may no longer want to be linked to him...

    That's my point about Perez Hilton. He's the gay guy who likes to attack anyone and everyone in "Hollywierd" he also jumped all over a couple of years ago the new Mrs. USA that said a marriage should be between a man and a woman. The girl was allowed to speak her opinion..and he goes berserk.... That's for Chris who didn't know who Perez Hilton was...

    Back to Ron.. He needs to stop pissing people off. Every garbage thing in the last 12 yrs that showed it's face Ron is at the core of it... He's wearing his friends out who do not follow him blindly like 2-3 others do who will probably all end up in this post..

    Tell Ron to just stop it and stay positive or he's going to go right down the ****zer where no one cares about him anymore.. The truth hearts and this is it for me to try to reach out to him to stay positive.. Thru you Tony. You maybe his last true hope to succeed where others have failed.. Or bust.

    Good luck--your going to need it and I really mean that.

  8. We need a SEO professional to respond here.. I was under the Impression that if someone takes your blog or info off your site there really doing you a favor because you originated it.. But from what I read that may not be true..

    Does anyone know if a Charly Caldwell or someone along those lines responds to these bulletin boards?

    Time to get the info from the pro's who do this stuff for a living. We may know a ton about Powerwashing because we do it for a living but on this me personally I would like to hear if from the pro's who do SEO work for a living.. Something doesn't sound right.

  9. What if you give permission for someone to copy something off your site wouldn't that be hurtful to you also?

    According to this below it would only seem logical to not even let your site be copied even with permission? So being a nice guy here can bite you in the butt, can that be true??



    Stealing copy from other sites is not only ethically wrong and often illegal; it is also not doing you any favours in the search engine arena. Search engines like Google try to rank websites as usefully as possible. In order to provide the highest quality results to their users, they try to eliminate spam sites and non germane sites from their results page. If a Google-bot crawls your page and goes, “Hmm… this copy appears verbatim on 221 other pages,” it’s going to rank your site much lower than someone else’s site that has unique copy on it.

  10. Today my guys are working on another Condo complex using Fresh Wash mixture from www.powerwash.com with excellent results. If all goes well we will be using strictly EBC for another Condo complex job. because of Enviro concerns.

    This Condo job will take my guys the whole week. There's a couple of hundred apartments in here so the steady work is good.

    While they were cleaning and there's no reason now for me to be there I went off to honor a Kid who I never met who is a Ruth fan to the utmost. He won't read any type of book except anything Babe Ruth. He has some collection of Ruth stuff.. He gets it all. I also called Linda today when I stopped by this kids house where they talked for awhile.. This boy is sending Linda his poster he made about Ruth.. this is a sweet story.

    I could drive home a story with this kid alone....he is special.

    Also these other pics are for Carol Alt and her husband Alexia Yashin the ex highest paid NHL player at over A $100,000,000+ contract. There one of the few who have this folder I sent out. They like everyone else who knows the whole story want to help... It will happen.

    Also the PWNA has been great in dealing with my craziness and the committee has been excellent.

    On top of this I am contemplating a huge give back that would involve all orgs. to participate if they wish to do so.. I'm closing in on that one soon.. Still weighing everything out on that one..

    Anyway enjoy the pictures. This is so special when the whole story finally comes out...and it will.

  11. That is some interesting info.

    As hyped up as I can get my resting heart rate is always in the hi 50's to around 60-62. I had my blood work done just last week and my heart rate there was 60 and blood pressure was right at the end of normal range(monster drinks...can that add to blood pressure?) everything was good but my left knee has never seemed to heal right.. It swells every day. Except for sleep meds which my Doc is helping me get off(29yrs of shift to mostly night work and 17 yrs PW caused that problem) the knee swelling is a mystery.

    Interesting topic..so it really helps inflammation.... I'll probably step on a nail with luck going barefoot--DOH

  12. No this time around it will not repeat itself, PERIOD

    Great attitude Ron:cool: These bb's expression isn't there on the typed words so hopefully this comes out right. Above your remark is in line with the way I approach things.. "Failure is not an option--Period". So the question then is it worth it...and if it is..I'm all in. This is mostly on my work life and what I get involved in or just work in general.

    When over the years we see people we know come and go and then there selling there equipment because things didn't work out for them and they tell you so... You kind of feel bad for them as if you could do something but you really can't.

    If there is ever a piece of advice I could give anyone because I came close myself a few times due to taking to much of a risk would be this--- Just refused to Fail!! Things are bleak then work Smarter which trumps Harder which is important also. Find a way to Just not fail. Refuse to fail...but it has to be worth it and once that is figured out like a newbie starting a business or whatever it maybe.. You have to take the bull by the horns and just refused to fail.. Sounds crazy but it works--- all this I get out of your quote above(I know long post once again:smile:

  13. and a couple of more things we did pretty good at. As for the Jim Gamble Picture I asked Jim along with some other guys to come to the ***** Convention and he did. Since Jim wasn't accepted to be on a bulletin board no less I asked him along with some others to get involved with the PWNA and he did...

    We don't have to all like each other but for those couple of days in Orlando with that ***** Convention we pulled off was exciting as heck. Everyone to this day that I speak to and that Convention comes up they loved it. The cart didnt go before the horse on that one. It was well thought out way in advance and yes some rookie mistakes were made... That is something that the newjacks should learn from. Don't over reach when money is involved because it could bite you in the azz and if I got on a little sooner because of past experiences I think I could have saved them a few $$$ with the room block totals... but all in all if your a ***** member today or yesteryear and you were at that convention I'd be willing to bet you enjoyed it.

    I think the new Board can top that Convention and I hope they do but ours came out the way it did because we planned and planned and planned some more and if a few of us myself included didnt get caught up in something that could have been fixed I have no doubt in my mind we could have doubled at the very least the membership total back then and the next convention would have also doubled in size. It was all there in the workings but............ well now its on you guys and hopefully your day will come where you can plan this rewarding event and pull it off... there to me always a great time all the way around.

    Good luck
