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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Check to see of there are no gas lines pinched, if the gas is coming from a tank thats away from the engine make sure the cap is OK and if there is a little vent screw cap make sure it allows air in there so when the engine is sucking up the gas there isn't a vacuum build up in there where the gas can't flow freely into the engine.

    Also probably not a bad idea to just get a new gas filter which could be the easy fix.

  2. OMG, that explains everything!!!!!!!!! My birthday was yesterday and yours is today???

    It's a Tarus Thang!!!!!

    Happy Birthday John!!!

    Lololol and so is my oldest daughter. My younger daughter b-day is may 23rd so she just misses being a Taurus but she's no different and they both are walking generals--Yikes.

    Hey happy birthday right back at ya big "Guy".

  3. I hope you like shellfish Connor because now that you've graduated high school the world has just become your oyster.

    You got a good thing going on there. You've come to the right place. Some of the deepest institutional based cleaning knowledge in the world is contained within this board.

    The very first thing that you must do: Listen, then follow these instructions very carefully. Fill out your signature. Got it? Good. You'll get along better here, plus it's the rules.

    Big guy - perfect surface cleaner for an 8 gpm pump. Will not work with 4. Unless you walk standing still. Hang on to it but don't carry it around in your trailer.

    Yes, you do lose a bit of pressure in hose length. That's okay though because before you know it, you'll have a 5.6 gallon machine to run your operation with.

    Carry fifty gallons of water in your tank. First thing on the job, say hello to the client and hook up your hose to their spigot. By the time you get everything setup, you'll have enough water in the tank to get started. Plus, you can bypass your PW'r back to the float tank so it won't burn up when you let off the trigger for a while.

    Roof cleaning. You're not going to do any tomorrow so start reading up on them now. Take your time, you'll get there.

    Hollar back. (after you get your signature up of course)

    Perfect!! Use the search feature here because there's a wealth of info that's almost endless.. And keep us posted on how your doing--Good luck.

  4. I go to this Bagel place almost every morning after my guys go out to start there day. I am a person of repetition. In comes this Youngster and we start shooting the breeze. He's a rapper who happens to own a few Tanning salons on the island including one in my town. Check him out on the net. You'll see one of the guys on his video was a Soprano's actor who played a captain in the Soprano family who got wacked. He was on for a few years.

    Anyways me and this "Kid" got into talking for awhile and he tells me all about this reality show will be called Tony's family.(No not Tony **************...darn) Look up there bio and you will see that his family came from one tough background. In case I forget his name is Tony Testa

    Here's his bio Tony Testa | Brooklyn, NY | Hip Hop / Gangsta Rap / East Coast | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation

    He also said he promised his family it won't be like what you see going on in the Jersey shore show(I won't even go there)

    Because he told me all of this today... ole Johnny boy stopped by his place this afternoon and will be seeing him tomorrow to pay him a visit.. I'm curious as to how this kid got this show because it seems like these Reality shows are a drop in the bucket.

    I already connected with a few to check this out..

    Can this be done in our industry?? Do we really want this anyway? Do we already need to go this way when we have enough of everything we need with these bulletin boards, Facebook, Twitter or whatever else is out there??

    Who knows but its all fun.

  5. Hello.

    Buying a new machine. Over the last 10 years I have plumbed two 4 at 4 machines together to get a grand total of 8 GPM at 4000 psi. Im tired of the issues associated with plumbing two machines together. Im debating on a 10 GPM at 3000 PSI VS. an 8 GPM at 3500 PSI.

    This machine will be for flat work only, to clean your average residential type driveway.

    I have a HydroTek hot water machine for gum and oil jobs.

    What is your opinion?

    I have similar to them on my flatbed. One setup is rated at 10.5 gpm at 3300 psi and the second one is 8gpm @3600 psi.. If yours is the numbers your saying I would go with the 8@3500 and I'll explain why.

    If you have to run at times lets say 500' of hose expect to lose 500psi or thereabouts. So the 8gpm @3500 psi will still be around 3000 psi at the far end.. Large water Gpm is great but its good to have some kick on it when you need it. Also 8gpm is not to large where you can run most house water spigots into a water tank and use that PW and not run out of water. The 10.5 GPM could be twice the output of a house spigot.. And that could cause some more issues.

    Good luck

  6. Maui.. Is some beautiful place... Want to hear a real cool convention I seen a few yrs ago? I took my family to the keys.. Duck island to be exact.. At a hotel nearby there was a convention or event u could call it. They had 250 people sitting there talking around a beautiful pool that had dolphins in it. Behind that pool was the Ocean.. You have to picture this.. There sitting around watching the sunset talking and having a good time. There dressed in nice clothes. There were these big barn fires lit around the pool where they were all sitting.. Talking shop and soaking in the moment.

    Now for the catch- they came to this place for years. I think they were something to so with NASCAR.. They go here for a couple of days like a NOLA event during the day and relax at night.. All business expense write off.

    Someone in there told me that the same people pretty much have came for years.. And there were some pretty successful people in there.

    The beauty of it all is this.. Because of there field this is the end result. There businesses paid for it of course and it keeps them pumped every year because of connected with each other and keeping them successful..

    That is sweet.. Kind of reminds me of A tropical NOLA..

  7. Thank you

    Matthew Norman

    Colorado ProWash, LLC

    Bus: 303-518-3291

    Fax: 303-558-4154

    *** Pressure Washing Denver CO - Power Wash Services in Colorado

    For looking out for a fellow power washer. I believe in Karma and this was a good thing you did and I am truly thankful because I never would have fund this on my own..

    Now to problem.. I move fast so to get things over with and done so I can move on to hopefully better things.

    The owner of that Maui site has contacted me and has done the right thing. I wished him luck in building his new site..

    No harm no foul....

    A Rated on AngiesList |Handyman on Maui | Maui Hawaii home repairs and remodel | Affordable Home Renovations | Carpenter on Maui|Contractor on Maui|DIY on Maui|Home Improvement on Maui|Plumber on Maui

  8. I hope you get that joker shut down John, that is ridiculous copying. He even has pictures of your truck and employees...what an idiot

    Hey Charlie,, I start slowly. I called his number in Maui and got his voicemail. I asked him to take my site stuff off of his website and if he has any questions to call back.. Later today or tomorrow I'll email him.. And then go from there..

    I really appreciated the fact that one of the Internet guys contacted me about this. I never would have found something like this..

    Here's one for ya. When I was hot and heavy talking about ***** stuff last year suddenly I get an email that I started an org.. I was like "Really".. Wow how did that happen.... And here it is. Clean County Coalition - We are Against the Sulfur Facility at the State Port in Morehead City NC Do not know anything about it and even if I have rights to fight that one... To many fights Charlie.. To many fights. But some are worth it like my website.. That one is off the charts retarded..

  9. Yes I remember Shelley acting a little cold and distant but then she warmed right up. Good Lady.. man you sure got her fooled..lol J/K of course. Your a nice guy Tony and thats the first think I notice about you when I met ya.

    I tried to tell the Feds I ended up beating you while you were handcuffed and they said.. "So He probably needed a good beating" lol

    Fun times fond memories.. will meet again for sure.

  10. [TABLE]


    [TD]Hello John!

    I have received the box, papers, and magazine you sent. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was so totally overwhelmed with your and Linda Ruth Tosetti's gift, that I just sat and cried! Oh, my, what a blessing!

    Your and Linda's good deed has been a total delight to me and our family. Dave would have been delighted too, and honored! Not all our family has seen the picture and read all the papers yet, but as we have our get-togethers, your gifts will be the center of attention!

    Your story of the way it all came about is fascinating! It's amazing how your act of kindness has developed into a marvelous friendship with Linda Ruth Tosetti! And I heartily applaud the "Clean Across North America" group for their gracious efforts!

    Dave liked to help out people here in our tiny town of Catlin, IL. He took great pride and honor in cleaning various public locations in town as a civic service gift. He also was very generous in cleaning house exteriors and driveways, etc. for folks who needed the work done but were on very limited income. When they would call him and ask about the bill, he would just say "it's been taken care of".

    Dave also liked to talk with other in the industry (you were a favorite, of course!!!!). He had a very real ability to understand the needs and abilities of other people, and was blessed by God to be able to share his feelings and knowledge.

    A BIG THANK YOU and hugs to you, Linda, and everyone who made this gift possible!

    May God richly bless you all!

    Margaret Olson




  11. Hi Peggy,

    Don't worry about any of this. You never have to apologize. Right now I'm in New Orleans with my wife Kathy attending a Powerwashing event. I already contacted this very well known family about David and they should be sending me something via snail mail and from there I'll send it to you.

    This is special to me that David gets this because for who he was and I wish I had it delivered to him under different circumstances because he truly deserved it. So because of his passing it's worded differently but the message of what he meant is not.

    I'll email you when it goes out to you which will probably be sometime next week.

    John Tornabene

    Sent from my iPad

  12. [TABLE]


    [TD]Hello John!

    I'm so sorry this response is late in coming! I have been overwhelmed by all the stuff to do, both personally and for the business.

    This is so thoughtful and kind of you to remember Dave this way! Your friendship with Dave was priceless to him! He always enjoyed talking with you!

    For mailing something, the address below is good.

    Thanks again, and talk to you later.

    Peggy Olson[/TD]



  13. [TABLE]


    [TD]Hello John!

    Oh, my, how can I thank you for all your kind thoughts and words! I know Dave enjoyed talking with you, too! Meeting and chatting with you and other Forum folks was the icing on the cake of his business! THIS is where he felt he did the most good, and took great delight in it! THANK YOU for being a friend, John!

    I am now in the sad process of closing down Tidy Powerwash. It is more than I can handle, I'm afraid.

    Thanks for including Eric's message to me. I will contact him right away. Thank you for passing on his message!

    And thanks again for being Dave's friend and for your very kind words! They mean a LOT to me!

    Peggy Olson

    Tidy Powerwash Service[/TD]



  14. David Olson who died just 3 days before christmas 2011 has left behind such a legacy of greatness in this industry that I wanted to reach out to his family when I found out the news. Where did I find this out?? It was from Doug ********** who posted it on the net and also here to I think it was. I couldnt believe what I read. I was stunned. I met David just one time and corresponded with him many many times thru the bb's, emails and a couple of phone calls. I pretty much idolized David so much that I actually tried to copy his box truck and I used propane burners like David did. He would tell me how to do it.. He was a very given man.. One time when I was messing with my burners I had a sonic boom in my box truck that blew out all the piping and myself out with it. By all accounts I probably should have died. The fireball went right over my head as I was flying out the truck with the sheet metal piping.. Some one was looking out over me that day.. I accidently had the large propane tank filled with liquid propane when it should have been filled with Gas propane. Lucky to be telling this story today.

    So when I found out David died...and what he went thru before then with his skin cancer where he showed it on the net when his scalp was removed.. he was a very brave man. He also years earlier talked on the net the hurt he had with the falling out with his son which was rectified. David was an open book.. who always always told the straight story. To me there was no one more impacting to me and my business as Dave was.

    So after listening to so many who meant well to make it where David will not be forgotten I started to do what I do best and that is to do something..anything. Talk about things to the Sun turns blue like many may do... but I'm most likely already out there doing it.. I am a bang bang type guy which works.. some of the times.(have to learn to slow that up in organization life because there very organized and they plan meticulously which is the correct way to go there).

    I contacted Davids wife Peggy who said he died 3 days before Christmas. He was about 69 and they were married for 49.5 yrs.. that tells you volumes of what type of Guy David was. I also notified the PWNA president of Davids death and he also contacted the family. I told Eric I'll do something for him because him and I both being past PWNA treasurers and the way I felt about Dave I would be honored to do something for him...

    This is a tear jerker but I am honored to do this for the man who meant the world to hundreds if not thousands on the net.

    I know David had his differences with the PWNA but he still went to many of there conventions. When I met him at Celeste RT around 2007 him and I talked for hours about the PWNA.. He felt that there a good org but there has to be something more to offer there members and he had idea's on how to do that.. So I listened and never forgot what he was saying.. So because of him I tried harder in certain area's. He was an inspiration to me and when Doug ********** put that post out there I felt like I was hit deep in the stomach..

    So here will be one picture of me and Dave from a distance where you can see the pen circle around us talking at celeste RT. Then you will see the email exchanges I had with Peggy... not all but the ones that are impacting.. and out of respect for David if you dislike the PWNA do not bring it into this post.. David was a huge part of the PWNA early history and he still went to there conventions and he deserves the respect even after death.... because for all of us and many more.... this man has earned it.

  15. And these last pictures says it all.. Me the cop beating on the handcuffed prisoner...lol The establishment fighting a forefather believer.. damn that just about made me sick.. I see your points Tony at times I really do.. just look at that above sentence.. where alot more in common then you think.
