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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Feb 29th was my last gig. My private Retirement party where not even spouses were invited. We got restaurant certificate for the significant others for another day.

    This room is upstairs in a top 40 restaurant in all of NY which is unbelievable considering there are ove 15,000 restaurants. To me this restaurant was alway my favorite and its where I held my Union meetings back in the day.

    Because of my unorthodox ways of getting things done I started to get a nickname that you see on the cake. The only female was one of my partners. She's the first in the history of my job in 90 yrs and I'm the only one who said this job was not made for a female and I refused to work with her.. She is ex NYPD cop of the year so she is "All of that"

    Funny thing the first night she was under training with me because she was going to be put into a regular squad with different partners, she Confronted me and said your the one who refuses to work with a female... Yup that would be me. The buiding is to small to have a female in there and it could only spell trouble.

    SO what happens---- I was proven wrong again and because of all the flack she was getting on my job I shocked the bosses and decided to work with her.. We argued alot but she is as loyal as they come. Probably the best heart in anyone I ever met on the job.

    So the chapter was finally closed. I got a custom watch(Means I'm old) They retired my shield and encased it in a beautiful plaque. The guys bought me a 22K Gold babe Ruth card and the large metal pic of the Babe.

    It was sad to leave because these people were my extended family.. I fought hard for them when I had to.. Now its time to fight for some other things that can benefit us the business owners... maybe. Who knows but its was a bitter sweet ending to once promising career.

    Time flies so make the best of it.

    Pictures all came from cell phones so the quality is poor.

  2. John hire good people, then you can play

    I have them. The same 2 guys for 5 yrs now. When we get cranking at times we have up to 2-4 additional. One of those additional guys is a contractor who jumps on when we take on the larger jobs. He's been with us going on 3 yrs.

    This is about as large as where going to get.. Because I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up..lol

  3. John again your not making much sense. Trouble John ? No ones giving you anything but help John , your just taking things out of context again.

    Good morning John I hope your feeling better today.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

    It was fun talking to you twice today Ron even though they were our shortest calls in history. Between the college where doing and using a forklift for the next job today I feel great but still wish I could've been at the ACR roundtable.

    Hey me and another put or difference to bed. It's over.. To much time wasted on both our parts which I'm sure our wives can attest to.

    I can't hang with you Ron on the net. Your the Net King. I don't sit in that " computer" room anymore. Its bad enough I carry my I-Pad like a pocket book(what happened to me.lol )

    Your a good guy and your full of idea's and I will always be amazed how you do what you do and you can stay on the net in the process.. You must quadruple task.. Your wired in..

    Will talk again another time.

  4. John I'm sure as always there's always a person who wants or feels more important than others. That should be a clue, they are usually the ones who did the least.

    Everett is one of the most Stand up guys in the industry, lets hope the same people who tarnished his good name don't attempt round two.

    Everett is honored to be in this and I'm honored he accepted. Try every which way you want Ron to one day be nice and then the next day say your above remarks.

    These guys on this committee are in there for a reason and an intertnet Guru as yourself has no bearing on dealing with destiny. This is out of your league Ron. The guys in here and the surrounding supporters stay true to the course where your like a dust in the wind.. I love your idea's on your good days but when you go thru that Dr.Jeckle Mr. Hide thing where the next remark from you is uncalled for it makes me feel everyday I picked the right guys..

    To be more blunt.. Just look at this group. These guys picked themselves without knowing it.. How did that happen.. Pure Destiny. There day in the Sun is coming.. They need just a little bit more info which it's coming to them soon..

    And they will have stories for there grand kids.. This you can't buy.. It's in your heart.. And Ron as much as I like you as a friend even both of our quirks.. This is not in your heart.. You let it all go on your own free choice.. And that is your destiny.. And watch how we take care of the children.. Thousands of them.. Also watch how this brings out the child in all of us.. Watch my friend.. And you can not stop it even if you or your posse keep trying to drag me down... I just get stronger.

    As far as who your posse is to help drag this down.. Well just go back to your bb.. He's all over it now starting trouble with another STUPID remark to belittle his members..

  5. Well you got that right about the guys on this committee. The hardest thing will eventually be to pick the one who gets the award and where not at that point yet.

    I like Everetts idea about the certificates which shows every participant that completed there volunteering under the PWNA Clean Across North America campaign will be recognized.

    Every org. Has there special honors that members can achieve. This one here benefits those that give back..

    The challenging part about this Ron is trying to figure it all out and to actually get it done. Reason why this strong committee is in place.

  6. This is my sisters husband. He is a printer by day and owns a small office cleaning business at night. He's been doing both business as long as I have done mine if not longer.

    He also runs charitable events for free and does for free celebrity interviews because he is probably the most passionate guy I know.

    Here's some of his interviews he's done with some well known celebrities.

    The Legendary JOHNNY MATHIS | Spot on Long Island

    For Jethro Tulls fans here's and interview with There lead singer Ian Anderson An Interview with Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson | Spot on Long Island

    A live chat with ex cop turned rock star Eddie Money (take me home tonight) Long Island Music Hall of Fame Red Carpet | Spot on Long Island

    And so much more Mick has done such as hold and Art show for Tony Curtis family who entrusted Mick tony Curtis's paintings and any painting sold micks portion went to the Lou Gehrig foundation ALS. He does this because his step brother died from Lou Gehrigs disease.

    For any of you rock fans check out the show he is doing next month. This one is going to be a blast especially if Sean Young who got booted out of the academy awards shows up. This place is 15 minutes from my house..

    Mick is the brother I never had. If you remember the graduate movie with Dustin Huffman Mick bought that jacket suit jacket that Dustin wore and since Mick is short like Dustin Mick wore that jacket for years. He bought it for $15 and sold it around the early eighties for $1500.

    Besides that Mick hardly sells his valuable collections he's been collecting since child hood. He does his own shows and he is also an artist and calls radio stations all the time to answer there quiz questions. I seen the Who for free thru Mick winning answers and many other things. My sister goes nuts because he does what he does but he is a good Christian man who believes in helping others all the time and rarely takes money for that because it's a hobby for him to do this.

    How do you think I got Linda Ruth Tosetti's home number, George Bush Contacts, Willem Dafoe now for a favor for Linda and on and on he is my pal.

    This is his latest show and it's not done yet.. Party times.

    Hey John,

    Heres the info on my benefit;

    The 5th Annual **Sound Success For ALS Benefit Show

    Sat. Apr 14, 2012 3-11PM

    Napper **Tandys in Smithtown

    Doors open at 3PM

    Music starts at 3:30.

    Bands **coming are.

    The Street Survivors (Lynyrd Skynyrd band)

    The Raves (The **Rainbows from Randy and the Rainbows)

    The Stevie Marshall Band-NYC's **wildest party band featuring some of NY top musicians.

    Nelson Klondike- **featuring Lex Marchesi from Fotomaker

    The In Crowd Band- 60s-70s-80s **songs..great band!

    Celebrities expected to come are Richard Pryor Jr., **CJ Ramone from the Ramones, Ms senior America Gail King, and very possible **actress Sean Young.

    Others will be announced as they confirm.

    Proceeds **from admision and raffles goes entirely to the ALS Research Center at Columbia **University in NYC

  7. Then why pick just one? This gives me an idea. It's silly to single our anyone person on this sort of thing.

    Thanks John you inspired an idea.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

    Ron this idea was brought about by the PWNA Board of Directors to name an award in Linda's honor. John Orr also expressed the same thing. The PWNA named me the first recipient of it and that was a complete surprise.. Linda was surprised by it all to.. It was a nice gesture by the PWNA but now it's down to business with this and how to do it.

    Read the article and you can see a dilemma we had as a committee. Everett took the lead on that and how to recognize all of the participants. Linda is working along with some idea's on this also. There are no losers in here. There all are going to get recognize but to give out the award itself And it's named in her and Babe Ruth's honor thru the PWNA how do you give this out to all??

    Believe me I tossed and turned on this one. When I gave out the pic/plaques last year that emotionally drained me because initially it was going to go to 1-2 people.. But I kept going back because I couldn't pick them.. And these were gifts.. Linda never did what I ended up doing with her... You know me I want to give out to so many people and she was great. Those Babe Ruth Bats she had custom made and she gave them out at the Convention she did that for me because I was devastated to be able to get her honored thru the Politicians and to not close out my dream to get Robert and Joe Honored for the Industry which I had but lost it at the very end..

    She's been a dream. I never knew at the Convention she was going to do that except she believed me I had something for her that she will be surprised and she won't know until I say it at the end of my speech down there and she also paid me back because I felt rotten I couldn't pull off the trifecta that was on my fingertips.

    So what's your thoughts on the award?? How do you spread that one out without minimizing it? Keep in mind all participants will be getting something.

  8. Just want to add Henry has expressed that there were others over the years who helped him make this Clean Across America a Continued success.

    Soon we will hopefully be able to continue what the Now called "Clean Up North America" be able to get more recognition for the ones that participate in the "Give Back"

    As soon as the ACR RT is over(still looking for a miracle to get there but now Kathy also got the Epidural she needed today so between that, Powerwashing and driving the kids places it's going to be tough to break-a-way) we will work to get to the end goal for the PWNA which is the award, the certificates for all who participate and how to have a selection team to pick the "Volunteer of the year award" and it won't be based on high profile jobs.. It will be based on impact for the ones they did it for..

    This will never diminish people that volunteer and never want to get recognized for that.. There privacy will be respected.

    The hope is to have more people to Volunteer for others and to be able to show appreciation for them in doing so.

    K that's all I got.. Any questions, idea's, thoughts on this feel free to post, email or call me(I'm not one to get bogged down with phone calls so I stay away from them but will return your call if requested)


  9. John I really wish you well, I hope the campaign brings good to all those who participate.

    Looks like a good bunch of guys you assembled. Good luck with the group. I think it will be a hit because you are passionate about the program.

    I stand ready to see what you guys foster as good for the industry an humanity. This alone will determine my future I'm sure as others to participate.

    Good luck John , if it becomes huge I hope you really can change some lives for the betterment of the industry.

    I think Henry did some great things, he worked hard no doubt. In the end what did they help?

    I want to see our leaders scholarship a child, help disabled elderly. Assist troubled teens, help homeless vets with maybe a jobs program.

    Washing a building standing around it for photo oops doesn't do anything for me. Especially ones contractors get paid to wash.

    I hope you do not take my comments negative John , I hope you understand that in my life it's about what good I can actually accomplish. Looks like you have been given a great opportunity. I hope you use it well. If you do regardless of the past people will rally if the project can help someone somewhere.

    Ron ********** text me for

    questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute.com

    Ron good points. In the Clean Across America Campaign there were many others that also did Ronald McDonald houses, Churches, and many other free cleanings.

    As in most things in life it's the big stories that come out and the small ones people don't remember. Most will know about the lincoln Memorials and the Cooperstown stadium etc but they will not remember that Beth/Rod did a Deck for someone in need without charging or that some of the other guys and gals did a free cleaning in there area for someone in need. John Allison besides the many things him and his wife have done who new that he gave a free skid to a person who was critically injured and had no health insurance and was trying to get back on his feet.

    This is why I looked around many times to see who could be in this committee that can drive things and also be creative at the same time. 4 guys that I had in mind for this committee weren't current PWNA members. 3 of them became one and the other person had there reasons why not to be a part of this at this time and I respect that.

    So to answer your points if you read the article it's was those type of things that I was hoping one of the committee guys can figure an answer to because I may have an idea but I sure don't have the answers. Everett explained a way to get all recognized who participate in this campaign and how to go about that. He brought up an example and boom off and running we go. Linda loves it so we go from there.

    As far as your other points Some of them are being done with other orgs such as scholarship money towards some kids.

    All of that is a potential goal but for now where only laying the ground work to get some positive idea's moving. Hopefully within this industry the majority of the people don't think that only one org counts. Because it doesn't. Jim will stay connected with his other org related things as the other guys will do but hopefully this intertwines our industry more with there's also.

    Right now it's a map and where going to try and open some roads if that makes any sense.

  10. What has exactly changed from the orginal campaign John? Is it still volunteering, donating your hours locally, etc? Are we still going to submit the questionnaire of what we are doing, how many hours, etc?

    Rob all good questions and there all going to be address and some can already be answered. Charlie Arnold is the Chair of this committee and along with him, John Allison,Everett Abrams, Jim Grady and myself the workings of this whole thing will be completed in the near future.

  11. I'm curious to see what some of you guys think about the PWNA Article that has come out in the March Issue. I just got my hard copy but I think you can now view it on the net Cleaner Times Magazine and look for the newest issue.

    I think the story is on page 28. One of the cover stories is about Michael Hinderliter which is excellent.

    A quick synapse about the PWNA story is how Henry gave his very creative/interesting and successful "Clean Across America Campaign" to the PWNA for keeps. Henry did credit people for helping him along the way but all of that will come out on another day where so many more will now want to read how Henry came up with his idea and who helped him along the way. His story will grow.

    The PWNA renamed Henry's vision to "Clean Across North America" (Cana) and from there the PWNA board did a surprise move to give me an award named in Linda's honor. Later Linda authorized the marrying if you will Her famous Grandfather Babe Ruth's name to be allowed along with hers to be linked with the PWNA.

    So with all of that I went out to get the strongest staff I can assemble that all have different strengths to possibly get things done. Every committee member I put together I talked to all of them that there will be no old grudges, disagreements or anything negative allowed to be a part of this.. I need there strengths.

    All agreed to do this and all were humbled by it. They also became PWNA members first because if we are to drive something home through and Industry then it has to have some structure to get it done..

    After many deep thoughts on this and because non-profits seem to work better for the powers to be to listen it was determined that it would be impossible to allow other BODS From other groups to be a part of this decision due to different bylaw rules etc.

    Jim Grady for example is a big window Guy (past president) IWCA and is a big supporter of BOMA which is an org I can't afford to join. Talking with Jim he see's my vision. If it works out he has the ability to reach out to the BOMA group and tell them about this award.. So that should help bring guys into this industry to help it get more notice. They also will understand that they will have to be a PWNA member to participate in these yearly volunteering projects.

    I'm at the teetering point of potentially driving something home and whenever I did something it was always thru a structured group so others will listen. It's a dream shot but besides that I would love to hear some thoughts on the article Henry and I just did thru Terri Perrin for the Cleaner Times Magazine.

    Ask me any question you like here or add any thoughts.. I learn alot from what people say and do.. And your opinions on this counts since I'm taking this industry into uncharted waters where so far no one gets hurt because I'm bulletproofing as much as I can with our committee to make no one feels like they lost for trying.

    Appreciate your thoughts.

  12. GPM is very important in all aspects of cleaning especially in the parking garage service but don't short yourself on the ability to have PSI as an added boost. You'll never need 3000 psi on wood restoration or roof cleaning but you can sure use it on many types of sidewalks that have a strong concrete finish.

    Just get ready to buy a heat unit when you start making the money because heat is a must if you ever expand into commercial work and it also helps when doing sidewalk cleaning.

    The ultimate when your day comes is the 8-10 gpm with 3500psi @ 200 degree's but that rig won't come cheap.

    Also learn about chemicals so you can clean faster with very little psi such as in roof cleaning.. Go to places where you can learn about your business such as the ACR Roundtable which will have PWNA and other type classwork there to help you add to your bottom line... And the networking is priceless.

    Good luck.

  13. Hi everyone, I am in need of some advice. I do residental pressure washing driveways, houses, pool cages, sidewalks, and so on. I am buying a new machine and cant figure out which one to go with. some people say choose by the cleaning units and others say more GPM is better. I have 3 posible units to choose from. All 3 are 13HP and all 3 have a CAT pump and range around $1600.00. hear they are.

    pressure pro 4.0GPM 4000PSI

    Pressure pro 4.5GPM 3500 PSI

    5.5GPM 2500PSI if i can find one for a good price

    The first one has the most cleaning units.. I am stuck. Which pressure washer would some of you guys choose?

    Thank you


    PowerShine llc

    Besides recommending a different Powerwasher with more gpm and hot water, if I had to pick one of the above I would go with the 4.5gpm @3500psi. You can always changed the tips to lower the psi but assuming you plan on using this Powerwasher for many different types of cleaning and hot water is not affordable at this time I would want that PSI and Gpm. The psi because let's say you run anywhere from 100-500' of pressure washing hose you can figure you'll lose on average 1psi to 1 foot of hose and if you plan on cleaning some concrete and other hard surfaces you at times will need around 3000+psi.

    Now if we had other choices I would look for at least 5gpm with 8-10gpm being optimal and 3000-3500 psi with either as a hot water skid or buying a hot box for it when you get more money. Hot water is extremely important in commercial Power washing.

    Good luck.

  14. You know I talked to Everett about this a few months ago and if done right it could work but there is just to much to manage with it..

    The PWNA is heading the right direction by making a presence at some Roundtable events and offering classes there and at there Yearly conventions. I finally think like Paul does about this. There are plenty of good bb's out there such as TGS, ***,PWN,PtState,and Now PWC(Powerwash community) that are good at what they do.. No point in trying to reinvent the wheel again with a PWNA bb.

    The ***** has there bb and maybe they can make that one work for there members so you really have all you need if you want to talk Powerwashing on the net.. And you can still talk PWNA on most of those bb's and PWNA members do respond sometimes so the system is working fine.

  15. Yea Tony quit being paranoid..lol Yea whatever. Take away the cops, the laws, give everyone the same rights whether there convicted murderers, child molesters etc.... Then we have Tony world.. Take away licenses to drive on the roads amd make it for people of all ages.. Hey look isn't that an infant driving a car?? Tony world.

    Hey how about Someone speeding thru your town.. Oops he just got shot dead by the Joe "The Crack head" who bought his crack at the nearest drug store called "Crack for sale" . Darn that speeder Joe the crack head shot and killed drove out of control and ran over a bunch of Kids playing at the local playground. Way to go Joe the Crack head for shooting at a moving vehicle that was only doing 12 mph over the limit.

    Hey Joe the crack head.. There are no laws.. Just be a little less cracked up next time you shoot..

    Yea yea Tony.. Good rules. Hopefully never in my town.

  16. Hey Tony some drugs such as pot many can make a good point about possibly legalizing it but crack cocaine.. Never. I know this has no bearing on you when I talk from experience because your mind seems to be closed for discussion. Back in the 80's crack was running rampant in NY city which consist of the 5 boroughs Manhattan,Queens,Brooklyn,Bronx amd Staten Island. To see young people walking around like Zombies and dying from this drug and to ever think to make it legal you would be in for a rude awakening. Crack Cocaine makes people violent. They'll do anything to get it and even if they have the means to get it they'll eventually still look to bash your skull in.

    I would never subject my family to potential harm by allowing a person on Crack from the streets to come into my house. Never. They would have to be off the stuff at the very least.

    I knew you were going to come into this thread as soon as I put that last line in there about legalizing all drugs.

    I guess your life experiences has molded you for sure but your an extremist. I still haven't forgotten that post where you defended Child Molesters saying there rights should not be taking away.. What is it with you?? Is your goal in life to be able to take the laws into your own hands and you get to be judge-trial and Jury??

    This post is going to head off track because of a political debate now.. But seeing people on this drug and how it ruin there lives, there families lives etc.. It's a tragedy. They made a wrong choice. This drug will grab hold of a person and it will destroy them most of the time. Whitney was a tremendous loss to our arts and culture and more importantly to her family. How to even think to consider supporting legalization of all drugs in this post shows how insensitive you can be.

    Think about this one thing Tony and forget all the drugs linked in.. Would you actually support someone who wants to make Crack Cocaine legal? Forget the other drugs.. How about Crack Cocaine by itself? Would you support that?

  17. What a sad day that seemed inevitable for Whitney. Ever since she married Bobby Brown her life speed balled downhill. What a powerful and beautiful voice she had. I remember when I was in the Navy and around 85 she came out with her first album. What a powerful voice she had. Her music was always playing.

    Whitney lost her ways with Bobby Brown and Crack Cocaine seemed to be her drug of choice. She's quoted as saying "Crack is wacked" but that drug use along with other narcotics probably ruined her voice and then took her life.

    I remember dealing with People hi on Crack. They became like a shell of a human being. Skinny and lifeless. Like walking death.

    When Whitney first came out with her music who would have ever guess she would pretty much rot away from drug use. Such a giant talent who's life was completely destroyed from drugs. What a shame.

    For anyone who thinks all drugs should be legal should look at what happened to Whitney. If young people today were given the choice to legally have access to crack cocaine you would see alot more Zombie type people walking around and just rotting away. It's a Brutal drug.... To Whitney R.I.P.
