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John T

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Posts posted by John T

  1. Yup Scott made it. He's living my dream which was always to land that "Mother of a contract". Today I dream small and am getting content to stay reasonably profitable with nothing out of the ordinary But I tip my hat to Scott.. And I mean this when I say this but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.. Then Scott Stone.

  2. lol. My nickname is Chili... There was a movie loosly based on me years ago that bombed I think.. I never saw it.. "Get Shorty" or something like that...:winking: I'm zoning in soon on the powerplayers and things are going to happen as soon as we get back into full swing Powerwashing again.. Never fails for me.. Everything comes my way when I'm at my busiest. I get the Chingles chilling out...go figure..

    Here's some more Crazy pics from my past---------

  3. Does anyone remember Charo?? She was Yesterdays Shakira. Here's a picture of her around 20 yrs ago when Kathy and I were either in Mexico or Hawaii.. The other Picture is of Me and Kathy cruising to somewhere.. Where has the time gone?? all of this was buried in my office in a stack.

    I sure have alot of catching up to do.

  4. Hey Tony I didnt read the article either..just thought it was funny you got nailed for not reading it..hahahaha..J/k

    You know I learned something from you that has nothing to do with Powerwashing. I bring it up on certain occasions and it's when you talk about our forefathers. Thomas Jefferson is the one I bring up.. never would have thought about it until you starting talking about our forefathers.. So your not always wrong:zipit: oops now your going to want to Do a dual.. DOH!

  5. Hey Tony it all sounded good until you got exposed for not reading it..:rotfl: I do not like Obama. I never did and if I had to bet the farm I think he's going to win.. The most powerful guy in NY is getting ready to throw his support to Obama.. And there going to use how we killed Osama Bin Laden under Obama' watch and also how the countries phonies numbers are getting better and how the stock market numbers are climbing(that has no bearing on how this country is doing)

    I think where going to be in trouble for another bunch of years... The worst though is here now.. 2012. That is because I follow this stuff one of the main reasons why I retired. I worked for 25 yrs to earn what I have and there once I hear the Gov't is going to try and take what I signed up for....and then I researched it..bang. I beat them to the punch... I took it with me by retiring.

    This country is in a mess. 2013 will see a slow upward swing..but that's because 2012 will be the nightmare.. Sorry for the gloom and Doom.. Just one looooong year get thru that and things should get a little better slowly IMHO

  6. This is so sad. I looked up to Dave like many did. We exchanged many emails back in the day. He always helped me when I ran into propane issues because his trucks, and what Trucks they were, had propane set-ups. He had the most advanced, professional setups I ever seen in those two box trucks.

    I had the honor to meet him and we talked for hours at Celeste and Rogers Roundtable about 6 yrs ago. Dave rose as high as an executive board member in the PWNA when he left in the mid 90's. He was a world of knowledge. A truly honest man. He told me things there that were deeply personal within this industry. If Celeste seen this thread I pretty much missed 90% of her RT because me and David just talked and talked. He was a passionate person who cared about others deeply.

    I learned alot from him and looked up to him as many did. He will be deeply missed. Gone but never forgotten.

  7. This was Davids wife's post on PWN bb about Davids passing... .

    Hello,This is Peggy Olson, Dave's wife. I deeply regret to inform this wonderful Forum that Dave passed away on December 23, 2011, from lung cancer.

    Dave got many hours of enjoyment conversing with all of you on many different topics and threads. Thank you so much for your friendship with him!

    God bless you all, and keep up the good work and great conversations!

    Peggy Olson

  8. 2500 watts should be sufficient. It takes about 1800 watts to start a burner, but only about 600 watts to run it. If you start the burners at different times, you should be fine with 2500 or so.

    Keep in mind, too, that the horsepower to do a full 4000 may be 8, but if a 4000 watt generator is only pushing 2000 watts, then the horsepower needed will decrease as well.

    Hey Russ what would happen if while the guys are cleanig with hot water and the burners let's say both hit there temp settings so they are off and then they both wer to kick on the same time if I had. 3000 watt generator. Would the fuse trip?

    I have a 3000 watt generator already but what would you suggest to be on the safe side. This generator will only he used for the burners.

  9. Hey Keenan- we all have different ideas on what you can do by offering advice. There all good idea's including the one your asking above. Personally I use to take newbies out(did it a couple of times) and paid them also. A lower wage because they were learning and I would be working with them along with my helper. One of these guys actually attended 2 of the PWNA conventions.

    If I had to start over I wouldn't do what I did. I worked 5 yrs on my own without any knowledge and taught myself... If I knew about Schools and Conventions then I would have done that first after knowing what markets I wanted to hit...and the markets werent hard to figure out for me.

    I wanted to do residential house washing etc first. No commercial.

    Today I would recommend probably all the above of what the guys are saying. The Nola Roundtable may now be sold out because Thad puts on a rock solid event..here's the link that says it's sold out but maybe you can call his staff to seemif they can get another person in.. His always sells it because he keeps it small and top notch NOLA 2012! February 3th & 4th – Two Amazing Days! | Contractor Events

    The other two you know already about -the ACR Roundtable ACR Roundtable - Home Is in Toms shop and his is an all around hands on experience with machinery, demo's and classes all around you. Excellent year in and year out. They fill up the place with a 100 or so attendees most years. Tom has 55,000 sq' of storage space there including his shop. You'll have fun and learn a ton there.

    The Albany Seminar Welcome Matt and Jack does this with class. They put on one of the most exciting events that pretty much has it all for a very reasonable price.. You can get some excellent classwork there

    and also see some demo's and win all kinds of prizes. There events they give away a Hot water skid and many other items.. They have the Powerwashing Olympics that's always fun and it's just all around a great time. Like a mini Convention. They'll be between 100-200 attendees there.

    Then later in the year around oct. You have the Grandaddy of them all.. The PWNA Convention. The PWNA - The Power Washers of North America

    The Conventions are the most expensive but those have alot more to them and on top of that you can join the organization if you want to market your membership. There are other organizations in this industry you can join as well.

    The very least I would highly recommend one of those other 3 choices first because there all excellent in there own way. In my case because after 16 yrs in this business I'm going to hit the peddle to the metal and attend all 4 and maybe one or two more.. To soak it all up and learn and network network network..

    Good luck on your start:)

  10. I have a belt driven 34hp Kohler engine with a Tsf2021 general pump rated @3600psi @8.5gpm.

    I want to add a generator to it with the ability to plug in two 120 volt burners to it.

    What's the lowest wattage belt driven generator can I add to this Powerwasher and how much will it affect the ratings of that pump?

    My guess is a 4000 watt generator which needs aprox 8hp to run it if that formula is correct which is aprox 2hp per 1000 watts. If that's the case the engine would now be like a 26hp running the tsf2021 pump and would that be enough for that pump and if not what about does it drop that pump rating to??


  11. I'm sure the cash set off its own red flag, but any transaction at a bank of $10k or more sets off a red flag and requires extra reporting by the bank.

    For us, it's typically a wc audit that gets upset about any cash transactions.

    I make large purchase from a personal account often too. Make sure you handle that in your books/capital accounts!

    Same here. On my WC audit that's always brought up.. Sometimes I take money out of my business acct. To just get by and then I put it back.. WC audits hate that.

  12. Hey Rob be careful with cash transactions. I'll give you a couple of reasons for that.. I've been audited in the past twice and it was the cash transactions for equipment purchases that came into question.

    Another reason would be just what recently happened and it's retarded. I took out about $10,000 out of my personal checking account to get ready to buy a vacuum set-up and a few other things. The problem was the vac deal I thought I had fell thru.. I put most of the money back.. And then I bought what required a bank check so I put the other cash back and got a bank check to buy the equipment.

    This is what's crazy. The bank calls my house and They tell my wife that I deposited a little over $10,000 in cash and then I bought some equipment... What set the bank off was that I put $10,000+ cash in.. The morons didn't take into consideration that I took it out of the acct 2weeks earlier.. So they had to check where I got the cash from..ummm my own bank. Then they said because I also have a business acct I shouldn't be buying equipment with my personal acct..

    I would have used my business acct but a parking garage we did didn't pay yet and these deals came up..

    Today the parking garage and a few other jobs where still waiting on payment.. I was just told anyday now.. It never ends.

    Cash is king but buying large purchases with cash be careful. Big businesses hardly ever deal with cash because of what my little business just dealt with..

  13. Hey Jon.. You got on just at the right time. My law enforcement career ended officially @ the start of the new year.

    You'll be hearing about me somewhere, sometime, someplace because now I can commit like i always did but with one less job and a couple of less titles...

    I'm in this industry for the duration.. And I'm not getting any younger so I'm going to hit whatever it is I can hit to help this industry to forge ahead and be recognized.. It's going to happen jon. Sooner or later. Glad to see you still standing and looking the exact same for the last 10 yrs..lol. Enjoy life Johnny boy... That's the name of the game.

  14. Thanks Beth Please Watch My video

    Hey Ron you better run the day I ever start doing video's..lol. Never have to worry about that. I really enjoyed that video. My father also had 3 business partners and to this day he is still teaching me lessons but him and I are different in so many ways where I can do things for nothing in the business world where my DAD would never do that.

    But your right we all are prone to make mistakes and it's how we handle them that will set us apart. I am amazed at the way your speeding up in your thought process here. Your learning quick. Your not being a lightening rod of mass destruction(OK a little much).. but think of this Ron for one second. Let's say your taking a promotional exam to move up in the Police Dep't and you stumble across the Law questions and especially the court questions. If you don't know them you can't figure them out because there set in stone. Example how many feet away must you be able to see the headlight on a motorcycle on a clear day.. The answer is 300' in NY. You can't guess it.. You have to know it.

    With that said you can have a business plan to skyrocket this org but you have to know how non profits work...or that skyrocket will suddenly come back and crash into earth.. Your a smart guy and you need to grasp how the workings of these type orgs work. You can't make it up even if your ideas are better.. Learn them Ron..... There not hard. Get your board members to study them. One thing that Everett Abrams did was tell us where to buy the Robert Rules of order book and now with the net the way it is you can just study it on your I-pod.

    Get that down and there will be no stopping this org over something so tiny but over looked.. That can't happen when you know how these non profits work.. There a set proven formula.. Once you have that mindset... Now you can reach for the sky... That is all I've been saying all along.

    To make this easier you have a ton of baseball knowledge and you coached with some really good playing kids. How stuck in the mud would you have been if you never knew the rules of the game.... Well it's the same here Ron... And all I do is preach this on some bb's because I really want you to get this and grasp it.. Your to smart not to.. And you can do it. No one will give you a hard time now except for a few moans and groans.. Once you and the board grasp it... They will move at possibly great neck speed but that all depends on how efficient they become.... And you Ron can now do other non profits also with great success.

    And the Money in these things are unbelievable. (not talking about hospital non profits etc..only business) the chairmen can make millions and his members are making tons of money and they can employ many and also help out other causes(I think..still checking on that one).

    If you can figure this out then maybe down the road outside of Powerwashing this time I'll extend a visit to you and show you what some others are doing and what some others should be doing. For one thing I still have not entertained the Michael J. fox Foundation on an invite to explain a few things... Linda knows about this since she hooked me up... But it's not what I want to do.. I have different ideas for these org's.. And one of them is almost in place already..

    Just be smart all the way thru and thicken your skin...not your arteries(k bad joke).

    Good luck.

  15. Alot of positive post here. There all good points. I learned alot as a BOD when I first came on and Beth was already there. If it wasn't for the misfiring which seems to happen within Beth would've and could've been the first female president of the PWNA. That was a golden opportunity for the PWNA to have gone that direction but the implosion sent it down a different path. If you cared about that org. You can only wonder how much further along they would've been all these years later.

    You can learn a ton from people with experience in these positions from industry related orgs and of course outside org's. Don't be foolish and run like a blind man. I learned alot in a short period of time from Jim Grady who's an ex IWCA president and still to me one of the most respected person in the BOD business where he didn't have many who disliked him and alot who believed in him. His character is aces.

    You can learn from these people on what works and what doesn't so you can avoid it. It looks like from the post I've been reading that Ron is learning a little more each day how these non profits work. He really appears that he's listening and learning which shows that he's smart and he's driven.. Yes no ones perfect and anyone can fall off the wagon but now the stakes go up.. If this works like the way I think Ron can see it working then Ron will never again have to go defending anything because he backed it up....and Ron if your reading this... The ones that really knew you for years where hoping you can get to this point.. And to be honest... Especially after the last couple of years I thought it just wasnt in you to bother with a non profit..

    Keep proving me and many others wrong because where in the perfect position thanks to you. We benefit if your right and stay on track... And we lose nothing if you don't because what was left with the ***** anyway besides broken dreams of what could have been.

    You got to love to be in a no lose situation.. No sweat, no tears, no pressure. But Ron and his board or should I say our Board, they do it right.... We win.

    Time will tell.

  16. I think Ron would make a great president for an Org, he has a lot of experience in this industry and has a passion for what he does. I do feel that working together will be the biggest thing that will make it an sucess.

    I think Beth has some valid points that should be consider too, a great president is a great servant, and must be willing to listen and analize things.

    Bingo.. To be a great president you have to be passionate, give a damn and learn to listen because if your really good then the people you surround yourself should be the best and the brightest in there respective fields.

    Ron if he wants to be a good president he needs to take criticism and learn from it. He has to step up to the plate and be able to know when to swing or not and at what cost... Ron has to have a uniter personality and not a search and destroy attitude. He should strive to be the best and others will follow.. He should never lead by making others look bad or denouncing other orgs within this industry.. Ron needs to change in some ways and then with his energy things will happen.. I'm skeptical about Ron being a good team player. I think Rons strengths is being the boss for a private entity. His weekness by far is going to be fair-minded with a group of his peers when he has that my way or the highway approach.

    I only know one guy who could beat him if he really wanted to and this guy is a star who owns one of the largest window cleaning and pressure washing companies in NY.. His name is Jim Grady from the PWNA at ome time and was a past president of the IWCR... I'm going to probably hook up with him in New Orleans next year...

    Back to this if Ron can change his attitude and stop calling other people liars and just stay away and not entertaining the garbage and just focus in and stay that way he will win.. And once that happens he would need to just stay focused.. I think that's going to be tough but if he really wants it... It can happen.

  17. Hey Marko sorry for your loss. We just did the same thing with Kath's Dad. It's very tough thing to go thru but to know your love one was comfortable and free of pain and as they begin to leave this world it's an honor to be there for them. We all will be there ourselves one day and it's good to know we have love ones around us now. May she rest in peace.

  18. Hey Ron you want to get a fast education in this process I have to dig it out in my closet but you can find it on the net. It's Roberts rule of orders I think it was called. Carry out all your dreams and idea's and also know the inner workings of a non profit. Someone I know here started to form a non profit but they gave up and started an LLC instead because there much easier.. But if you want to grow large in membership at least from what I know.. The non profits people want to volunteer for...and you still can have paid positions in there so the theory that non profits won't work because people just volunteer and they get fed up.. Well successful one can have a paid board...and hundreds of volunteers on committees. That is way down the road.

    You win your the face and where the members.. And members Want there board and leaders to succeed because it benefits them.. So no matter what I wish you success because besides anything else...I am ***** member that could use like everyone else..some more bang for the buck..as in Benny's.

  19. Nice analogy Charlie and in a perfect world that would work. I've known Ron for years and we get along. Just the last year or so we got sick of each other for many reasons but we still talk and argue...but since he's finally committed to something like this... You may noticed we stopped. You have to know the history with Ron to understand why some of us past volunteers and Ron tangled. I'm glad Ron's going for it.

    What Ron is going to find out if he becomes the Pres. Of the ***** is that there will be around 8-9 or so BOD's in there that all are business owners. Business owners in general have bigger ego's then most because for a lack of a better term they are "The Man" and the buck stops with them in there business. These are highly motivated individuals.

    So that's why in a Non Profits the Bylaws are golden. You try to circumvent them...your house of cards crashes every time. If you follow them and stay motivated like Ron can....the ***** will flourish. When new idea's come up someone makes a motion about it. All minutes are recorded and available to there membership. It sounds hard but it's relatively pretty easy.

    What's hard is if you get a dominate personality in there who takes the "My way or the highway approach" they'll be chewed up in there even if they are successful because once again it comes back to the bylaws. One or 2 of the BOD'S can be super motivated to become top dog or even a member can get motivated to target the Pres and look to get him out... And the Bylaws will do that.... Why? Because non profits get amongst other things tax breaks and if you all look the other way.. You all could he held accountable. One of the first things the BOD's should look to do is get bonded so there somewhat protected.

    It's not hard and Non profits if done right with a good leader and it's Board they should take off like a rocket ship. Ron will become the face of the org. And all eyes will be on him...and if you have any enemies because of jealousy or whatever or you have a super motivated business owner who see's an opening even if the org. Is now a 1000 people strong.. Dont' follow the Bylaws... They'll take down the leader and if they want they could also decimate the org.

    Non profits are great...just do it right and non profits are all of ours, Not any one individual and many will be motivated. If you want to work for one individual you get hired by there company...not a non profit.
