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Everything posted by TNRoofCleaner

  1. speed of wasin a house

    You had a contract didn't you? You should have only refunded the amount for the staining labor and left the stain on his front porch. Threats of calling the BBB can be serious but once they got your side they would have sided with you. At least anyone with common sense would have. Your prices are your prices and your reputation WILL proceed you. Be careful in the future.
  2. speed of wasin a house

    After reading Rick2's post I visited your site also and I have to agree. You need to clean up the abbreviations. Also do this on these forums. Believe it or not, customers come here and read. Just think of the people you are losing because of the same thing that Rick pointed out. Maybe you are missing out on the higher income customers because of this and it would be less likely that you would be competing with the lower priced competition. Provide a good quality service at a reasonable price and the customers will come to you. You do still need to advertise and maybe target a higher income clientele to get away from the low cost cleaners. On your wood, you might want to get samples from various stain makers and test them out and provide the stain instead of letting the homeowner buy it off the shelf and getting a sub par product. You are the professional and it is not worth your reputation to use sub par products. Armstrong-Clark, Ready Seal and Baker's Gray Away seem to be the ones pros use the most of. Roof cleaning with a pressure washer is a no no. Read the roof cleaning forums and you can clean a roof faster than you are doing now. I usually don't even get on the roof. Check out the ARMA (Asphalt Roofing Manufacturer's Association) bulletin on how to clean a roof. It states no pressure or agitation is to be used. Good luck to you and that is a nice looking truck.
  3. speed of wasin a house

    One thing to remember is that Bleach DOES NOT clean. It kills! More bleach will probably give you more issues. You might want to try Limonene or Simple Cherry.
  4. Blackened decks

    LOL I just found it funny at this was the first post I have seen you recommend AC. I am going to be doing dome testing with RS soon.
  5. Blackened decks

    :zipit: Was that a mistype? AC recomendation from Rick? LOL :dance:
  6. Catch of the day

    New boots anyone?
  7. The Weather

    Extension pole. Rick I don't even have a pressure washer to use at the moment and I use a dedicated pump to wash the houses. Some gutters come clean without scrubbing. Spray the cleaner on and rinse then follow up with a sealer/mildew retardant.
  8. Ready Seal Clear??

    Looks good to me. Great Job. A few months and it will be covered in snow anyhow.
  9. Lots of granule loss but that was to be expected. Some was from the Lichen ahd the rest was from the pressure washer.
  10. One word ok two Insurance RUN!
  11. I wonder if they are going to make food coloring in different colors and if you can get it by the bucket?
  12. Looks alot better than the samples I got from RS. Love teh color it says cedar all the way.
  13. Biggest trailer you can use

    20' trailer will start getting hard to manuver in residential areas. Especially in culdesacs and other dead ends. When you fingure the length of the trailer and then the truck you are at 40'.
  14. bleach???

    You gotta be careful with the bleach or you will become a landscaper on the side.
  15. Roof cleaning in Ormond

    Probably Algae. Not all of it is green.
  16. Straight city water will kill fish. It does not take much. It doesn't matter if it is a pond, lake or stream. CWA says no pollutants.
  17. How about this? Defy Marine Seal Wood Cleaner 2.25# | The Sealer Store Call me I would like to see this in action if you do it.
  18. e250???

    Congrats on the new ride.
  19. I know that I am new to wood preservation but I don't think I could have done that bad in my sleep. They should be shot for doing that to such obviously beautiful wood. Or like the old salsa commercial Get A Rope.
  20. AC Semi solid

    I agree that is why I clarified that it was a guess. I think Charlie may be on to something. Here is a picture of Sequoia that I did on my daughters deck.
  21. AC Semi solid

    I'm just making a guess here but the pics Jon posted still look wet in places but Dan's look dry. Could it be that Dan's pics were taken 2 weeks after application thus allowing the stain to fully cure into it's final color? If you look at the 2nd pic from Jon the center looks to be dry while the outer edges look to be wet and the color more closely matches what Dan has. Just my guess.
  22. What is growing there is Lichen. Maybe she could stake out a couple of Caribou and have them clean it for her. After looking at the pictures for the 3rd time I have to agree with Jeff and John. Ever heard the phrase "Run Forest Run"? LOL Those shingles in the middle picture look really bad and if you clean them then she just might develop leaks because the lichen is now missing. Just tell here it would be a waste of money to have them cleaned now and may do more harm than good. Better to do that then loose a customer because something went wrong. She needs to start saving now for a new roof.
  23. AC Semi solid

    Especially the center one. LOL What's the snow shovel for? Do they have a Great Dane or something? Love the color of the mountain cedar though.
  24. WOW I just looked at it again and I didn't notice that there were no gutters the first time. You are right John about skipping the roof cleaning. You would have to have 2 fire hoses hooked to a hydrant up to keep the deck from losing color. Maybe do this before the next deck maintenance.
  25. Wow that is the worst lichen infestation I have seen. I did a search for roof cleaners in cape cod and all use the incorrect methods. Call me and I can help with what I can. You might also do a search for Roof Cleaning Institute of America and get signed onto that forum.