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Everything posted by Craig

  1. New Organization Formed

    Yeaaayyy! Another writeoff and more trips!! :^) Thank you for the education, insights and continuing efforts promoting our businesses and ability to push things forward. There are strength in numbers. I'm excited!
  2. Low Ball, low balling.

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to send out a direct mail piece with that and title it, "A message from a Power Washing Competitor." I just met my competition the other day. His name (unfortunately!) is Craig as well as mine! He's driving a 1989 toyota truck pulling a 4x6 trailer. On the trailer was nothing but an old cold water washer (dirty and rusty). In the back of his truck must have been 10 gallons of Hydrochloric Acid. I've seen a number of driveways ruined because of his inexperience.
  3. Prayer Needed

    God Bless you and you family. No matter how bad a situation seems at the time, it's up to you to make it a positive. Be by her side and help her through this. She needs you to be strong. I truly hope her new path leads to many good things and she will have a full recovery. My prayers have been sent. Craig
  4. hello from Massachusetts

    Nice to meet you Rob. Congratulations on your decision to join this Board. Feel free to ask questions, join in coversations and make sure to utilize the "search" function- it'll answer many of your initial questions.
  5. Our 1 year old niece had a stroke!

    We send our prayers out for you and those affected. God Bless you all and have a Merry Christmas.
  6. New website

    Hi everyone, Please check out the website and give feedback whether good or bad. Thanks! Craig www.southwestpowerwashing.com
  7. Fear of high pressure

    Many people I meet say the same thing. I use it as an opportunity to educate them why I'm the perfect person to wash their house. If they ask, "will it damage my house?" I exclaim, "Of course it will! Anyone who uses high pressure on your siding will damage it. It's not pressure that cleans, it's the amount of water, temperature and proper cleaning solutions that do the cleaning. We use only premium grade cleaning solutions at low pressure and and all of our equipment is adjustable to suite your specific cleaning needs." Use something like this in your ads and answer their questions before they ask them.
  8. New website

    Jon- Thanks for the tips. You are right on too- I have someone working on a logo as we speak and should have something nice by the middle of this week. The site just started going up yesterday so we have a little tweaking to do. I took shots of the guys today and will have "the crew" up soon. Builds a sense of accomplishment for them and will love to see themselves on the site! If there's anything else you'd consider changing, let me know. And for everyone else posting I don't want to hear anything good. If you don't say it's bad then I'll just take it as being OK! :^)
  9. I agree oxalic is the cheapest but not the safest. Oxalic is a poison and once it enters your system you cannot get rid of it. It can lead to impotence! (not speaking from personal experience though.. :^) Be very careful with Ox. I've had excellent results with DR-60 from Delco.
  10. Happt Birthday Squirtgun!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Who has used SafeRestore?

    Do you have any pics you could post? Did you use it full strength on the brick? Thanks
  12. I need an adjustable Landa. Anyone have one they'd like to get rid of? Maybe you just would like to sell it and upgrade? Thanks Craig
  13. Customer complaint

    Very unclassy move. Do what Beth suggested. For a move that unclassy you better REALLY step it up and become professional in a hurry. I wouldn't even tape a card on a mobile home. May as well get some spray paint and grafitti it up- that's how the upper class views what you did. Live and learn, my friend. Welcome to the Board.
  14. PWNA Spotlight

    Thanks. Haven't seen it yet but am anxious to!
  15. Technique and Pricing Help Needed

    I agree with Ken- I'd be around $665.
  16. For those of you who do flatwork (and lots of it), what would you consider the fastest and most efficient gpm/psi pressure washer? What do you use now and how do you like it? I've been using a 4.8gpm 3000psi Hydrotek unit. I recently had the opportunity to borrow a friend's rig to catch us up with work... a 4000psi 5.5 gmp unit and what a difference it makes. We generally can do about 1800' per hour and with his rig we're doing around 3000'. I'm in the market a couple new rigs and am interested in what success you've had.
  17. Lou- I believe you need a water meter available from the city water dept.
  18. We squeegee all of our windows after washing before they dry. Only takes a few seconds and the windows sparkle every time. We also use this as a selling tool- Free exterior window cleaning with purchase of exterior house wash. In the yellow pages we run an ad under the window cleaning section. "FREE WINDOW CLEANING!" ...with the purchase of complete exterior house wash. I've stolen quite a bit of business from would be window washers this way.
  19. Contract Terms and Conditions

    Dan, Here's the link: http://www.dcs1.com/contract/contract.html
  20. Some resident pica

    1/2 lb to 1 gallon of water? How are you applying your Ox? Wet or dry? Leave it to dry then PW or PW before it dries? Are you neutralizing? Looks good man!
  21. Company Name: Southwest Power Washing Contact Name:Craig Harrison Type of LFL service training you offer: House/building washing, flatwork with recovery/relocation, rust and stain removal, paint removal, on-the-fly recapture training, concrete restoration including mineral stain, efflorescence, calcified eff. and sealing. We can also show you some concrete coatings. Years of Experience:4 Require Insurance (Y-N):Y Phone # :760-250-2295 Best time to contact: Daytime Day(s) of the week available for LFL training:M-F We are located in Southern California near Palm Springs.
  22. Contract Terms and Conditions

    I use that contract but have changed it to fit my needs. I also use the $10,000 clause and what Beth and Rod have said. I do business with some of the biggest named businessmen in the country and haven't had any problems with it yet.
  23. I pull all of my rigs with horses. My burner runs on coal. My pressure washer is the hand-crank type. Other than that, there's not much else I can do to save.
  24. HAppy Birthday Rod!!!

    Happy Birthday Steamin' Hot Rod!