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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Concret solutions

    I've never heard of it or used it. Make sure you acid etch your floor and pressure wash the heck out of it. Try to achieve a 120 grit feel. You might need to do it a couple of times. I don't know their system but we use 24" squeegees from Ace to apply the epoxy and backroll with 18" rollers. Make sure you throw the flake up in the air- above your head if you can. Do NOT throw it at the floor! A good pair of spike plastic shoes is a must too (the ones that fit under your shoe).
  2. Your biggest job

    I have been guilty of all the above.
  3. Your biggest job

    My biggest job that I had to do by myself was in the same month that I went full-time. This single job launched me and set me up for the next three months. It was a complete washing of a casino, top to bottom and measured 56 feet to the top. It had 380,000 square feet of interior space and took me 14 days to complete. It also took me almost a year to rehab my arm!
  4. P.O. Box 1058 La Quinta, CA 92253 Carlos, Thanks!
  5. delco ???

    www.pressurewash.com click on "Online Catalog."
  6. We have a Dancing Celebrity!

    Hey Balasz, CONGRATULATIONS! That's awesome! My wife and I just started up Salsa lessons again now that our little one is OK with someone else for a while. My wife is a yoga/pilates instructor and loves to dance- I'm picking it up pretty well myself and we love the Salsa. Very cool. We want a lesson from YOU.
  7. Carlos, Thank you very much.. Please email or fax. Very nice of you..Thanks! crgharrison344@cs.com or: 760-347-3372 (fax)
  8. Yep- take the thing off. We don't have a need for them at all. We then install a QC on both the tips. An X-jet on one and the green on the other. That way we can just switch between the two. Those are just about the only ones we use anyway.
  9. Stone Restoration

    Jon, We may have a coating to do that week. I have a few I need to schedule but that week imparticular is going to be really hectic. One of our builders is doubling production and a college buddy of mine is coming out here at the same time. Stay in touch and let me know if you have plans of coming out here.
  10. Stone Restoration

    Lou, We also have a concrete coatings company. I've been pretty excited to see some concrete polishing too. This is going to be good.
  11. Stone Restoration

    I'm in La Quinta, near Palm Springs. You're about an hour and a half. Give me the info where to go and I'll see you there. My wife and I used to go to Anaheim quite a bit. Nice Marriott there and the Tsunami is excellent. I sub out the work to a local guy who's been in the area all his life. I'd love to be able to do the work myself I knew how to do it to the "T." I sub out atleast 4-5 jobs a week!
  12. Stone Restoration

    Lou- Would you be willing to train, exchange labor for learning or let me pay you for some hands on? I didn't realize you live in Anaheim. Do you do flag, slate etc? Thanks Craig
  13. House Paint Prep

    Hi Pete, For any paint prep just try to get the house as clean as possible. Use a simple detergent (we use R-109) to clean with double rinse. We do mostly stucco, what kind of substrate is the siding?
  14. Stone Restoration

    I was asking either of you, I suppose. I see all of the tile/stone guys with license numbers. I've ventured into a few stone restoration jobs. Even though they came out great, it's something that I sub out now. I get pressure washing jobs from them in return and it's simpler just to do what you know!
  15. Concrete Overlay

    Very cool celeste. We use concretecoatingsinc.com Master your concrete preparation and you should have good luck with many of the coatings out there. Here's one we finished a couple of weeks ago.
  16. Low ballers making an impact.

    Doolittle, I'm part of your solution here, not your problem. Please don't take my post so personally. It's not meant as an attack on you, but a constructive criticism on what you did. To me, to post his info is just as creative as his ability to charge what he does. I like you and I like your posts in the past. Let's all be mature here. Your situation with guys like this is very common. It's how you handle them and your customers that will set you apart.
  17. Stone Restoration

    Don't you need a contractor's license to do stone, tile and marble restoration?
  18. Low ballers making an impact.

    Guys.... It's all about the upsell I'm sure. Why would a seasoned veteran be so stupid as to put an ad out like this and then honor it? Of course you'd have the very few that ONLY want what's on the flyer but most everyone in the United States population can be sold. Upsell is the name of the game. 25% of the coatings we put down are because we upsold a $125 driveway cleaning into a $2000 coating. We on these boards are so easy to grumble but why don't we use our brains and make some money? Does any one know this guy with the ad? Do you know what his work is like? Do you know his intentions? Do you know his agenda or goals? If someone shows us a piece of paper is that all we see? Also, his name and phone number should have been deleted before the ad appeared on this board. I'm not defending this guy but that is just ridiculous to post. Common sense, guys.
  19. Low ballers making an impact.

    Learn how to sell. There's nothing more I really can't stand than someone complaining about the competition. Competition is what fires my spirit. Without it I'd quit. Just my 02.
  20. Garage floor coating

    Let's see the pics. I've seen some pretty cool things with the polishing as well. Also engrave-a-crete looks interesting. I'm not here to say one is better than the other, and really I don't care. What I do care about is offering a solution to a customer's problem. Options are good. Post the pics. Craig
  21. Unanswered Questions

    Now that's funny!
  22. Promotional Video for my website

    Great job Ken. Yellow font was impossible to read. I'm sure you'll find a fix and it's a very informative video. Nicely done. Craig
  23. Yes or No

    Do it three times a year or 50, if that's what they want. If I know my car is clean, but I want someone to come out and clean off two pieces of dust do you think they'd argue with me that it's too clean for them to work? Just my $0.02 IMO, the customer is always right. Even if it doesn't make sense in YOUR mind, do what makes THEM happy. Plus it's more profitable for you!
  24. I enjoy just about everything.. especially flatwork, bldg. washing, brick restoration. I don't like and I'm about to give up on efflorescence on salted colored concrete.
  25. What size trailer?

    We have used 5x10's, 5x12's and 7x14's. My favorite is the dual axle 5x12. It's narrow to get through tight spaces and long enough for all of your equipment. As you grow you'll want to get more stuff.