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Posts posted by Craig

  1. I stumbled into this business two years ago while doing a brainstorm. At first I thought about auto detailing, but no thanks... people are too picky and stingy when it comes to their cars. Then after doing some research I realized you could get a hot water unit and I was sold on the concept. I bought my first hot pressure washer without ever even pulling the trigger or hearing one! Now, two years later I'm fully set-up with reclaim, chem knowledge, and do interiors as well as exterior cleaning. I finally got to go full time this month (November, 2004) and I'm keeping really busy. I'm amazed on a daily basis how it seems every small house-call of an oil stain, garage steam-clean, patio cleaning... turn into a full day's work. All I can say is ALWAYS try to upsell, let people know by way of a brochure when you get to their house (builds credibility, trust) and tell them everything you can do to help them.

    Yesterday for instance, I was called to clean a driveway in a fairly prestigious neighborhood. There were oil stains as well as rust, pretty typical situation. I steam cleaned it, used DR-60 on the oil and rust, then asked the customer if there was anything else he'd like me to do while I was there and already set up. I ended up washing his pool deck, exterior furniture (I do awnings as well), house, and next week I will do THREE of his restaurants! ...and then I'll get the contract monthly (didn't ask yet but just know it!).

    ...Oh, now 2 neighbors want theirs done too.

    This has been happening on almost every call. :^) ..I'm counting my lucky stars and hope it keeps up!

  2. I just thought I'd share a tip for those guys who do work and still have wet, dirty cold hands! Maybe this thread will start some others on what attire you're wearing to keep dry and (somewhat!) clean..

    I like and I'm sure others out there like to wear those thin leather gloves that wrap tightly around your hands. Having finger dexterity and freedom of movement is very important.. but how do you keep them dry without buying those big bulky waterproof gloves?

    The answer is simple. Buy a box of those vinyl (latex free if you want) disposable gloves. They're the kind that doctors wear and you can buy them almost anywhere. They usually come in a box of 50 and run you about 4 bucks. Wear them under your normal glove and they'll keep you dry, clean and warm. Throw 'em away when you're done... they're cheap!

  3. Ok, jobs done, came out perfect and here's what worked. Remember that this concrete was 40 years old and VERY hard, so I needed a strong acid to eat at it quickly. There were a lot of old oil and rust stains.

    1. Power wash concrete to clean it. (water only no degreasers as they will neutralize the acid.)

    2. Mix 50/50 Muriatic with water in bucket.

    3. Apply with x-jet nozzle at 2:1 so final HCL dilution is 4 to 1.

    4. Let dwell for 10 minutes

    5. Neutralize

    6. Power wash with surface cleaner

    The oil and rust were 95% gone, concrete sparkled and had a very nice uniform etching

  4. Ok.

    Thanks Celeste. That's pretty much what I figured as the muriatic will work faster and stronger. I may just buy a throw-away pump up sprayer to use as the job is pretty small-just a double car garage. It's my first acid etch and faster is better... time is money. And again I am still think that being such a strong acid, it's better to neutralize with R-109 just to be safe after rinsing.



  5. I recently got a call from a contractor that spilled "Neoprime"-water based neopreme primer on clay/orange colored concrete. He stated that in the past his cold water machine could get the spills out. In this instance they won't. Has anyone ever tried to get these types of stains out? I'm going there this weekend and want to be prepared in case hot water doesn't do the trick.


  6. Thank you so much everyone.

    Zita is doing well (Mommy) and healing one day at a time. Sleep is hard to come by but emotions are not. I've never loved anyone so much in my life! Zita's mother just flew out from Hungary so she's being a big help to us. It's so nice to have someone just to watch her for an hour so we can catch up on rest.

    Craig-SW Power Washing

  7. Hello Everyone,

    I'd like to welcome the newest addition to our family, Kaitlin Zita Harrison. She was born on November 2 and is our first. I can't leave her alone already, what a bundle of joy!! I'm trying to get my wife to change to cloth diapers so I can just steam them off with my rig... cheaper this way?? LOL



