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Posts posted by Craig

  1. Absolutely NOT!

    I can't believe this guy would even have the nerve to ask you to train him.

    What are we, some giant daycare? He's gotta go out and EARN his stripes.

    If he is not resourceful enough to get his training elsewhere he is not going to make it in business anyway.

    I would not give away such valuable resources. If you decide to train him it WILL bite you somewhere along the line. Why give someone else food off of your table when you've worked so hard for it. If you feel generous donate money to a good cause. Don't donate your livelyhood.

  2. You can do just about anything with the right amount of HCL, water, neutralizer, surface cleaner adjustment and reclaim. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone- takes a lot of time to learn. It definately has its applications.

    Otherwise I use products from:




    I can also say that if you use the right products the most psi you'll ever need to clean is about 1500.

  3. It's big money. I've done several jobs with stone lately but can only do the somewhat lighter jobs. Cleaning and sealing go for around 2-3/ft here. It's definately worth the investment.

    Hey Ken, business is good. We are as busy as we want to be! Hard to find good work and I've downsized a bit since last year for good reasons. I like it much better now. We had 4 rigs going last summer doing 10-25 jobs a day. It got kind of out of control. Time to regroup.

  4. Jon- have you considered raising the deck height and putting 25 degree nozzles on? I've done this with my Hydrotwisters to make 'em go a little faster. Works well if you have 3500 psi or higher. 3000 is a little weak but it can still work.

    I have also angled the nozzles steeper in to the concrete. The bar will spin faster allowing you to go faster.

    and it's good to be back!


  5. Michael- that video is almost exactly what I was thinking. Thanks!

    Steve- the biggest one you should be using is around a 27", I think. I will be running 16 GPM total- enough to power two 38" machines. The video Michael posted is almost exact to the drawing I had made of the two 38" hooked together.

    Thanks for the info guys


  6. The Home Depot one works OK, but if you are spraying HCL (Muriatic) then you'd better get a 3M 6000 or 7000 series. They run from $119 to $239 retail, but good deals on eBay for less than half that. Figure out what cartridges to use for your specific type of chemical.

    If you use the HD for spraying HCL. Beware! You won't be able to tell if they are leaking and I'm telling you from experience... coughing out your lung and losing your voice for a week is not fun from acid inhalation. It's worth paying the money for a good mask.

  7. Measure buildings by linear foot, not square foot. Typically the going rate is around $1 to $1.50 for 1 story, 2-2.5 (two story) etc.

    It must have taken you a while to measure the square footage if it is accurate (Unless you can triangle guess with sight-of-line).

    To get your linear footage you need to take your measuring wheel and find the distance all the way around the building. Do not multiply anything but add the sides. This will give you linear feet. Take this number and multiply it by your dollars per foot and you've got your money.

    We generally squeegee the windows for free. Remember to rinse all of your dirt way away from the building. This means if you have concrete around the building it's gotta be rinsed off too! --up to 6 feet into the asphalt. This will give your job a completed look and doesn't take too long.

  8. Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Metasilicate, Trisodium phosphate, phosphoric, muriatic, oxalic and citric acids. Gotta know what you're doing with the acids. Keep asking questions!

    Start out simple and get to know everything about what you're using. Powerstroke works well as well as R-109 and R-202 from Delco. If you mix these in hot water they work even better.

  9. Here's what I have

    1 whisper wash

    3 Landa Water Jets (20")

    2 Hydrotek's (27")

    2 Steel Eagle recovery (16")

    1 Steel Eagle recovery (24")

    The Landa's are my favorite for fast surface cleaning. Super fast and they hold up. I love the adjustable feature and think anyone who does cleaning without having a Landa in their arsenol is asking for trouble. These things rock.

    The whisper wash has its place. I don't use it too much.

    The new Hydrotek is much better than the old ones. The casters are placed better, much better handle and pretty well balanced. I use it mostly for slower cleaning after an acid wash. It's not adjustable so it's pretty easy to damage concrete, but if you ask them to plumb in a adjustable pressure valve and bleed it back into the surfacer they can. All of my equipment is fully adjustable.

    As for the Steel Eagles, reference Alan's post. I agree. I love them too.
