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Posts posted by Craig

  1. HA HA! LOL!

    Hydrotek all the way. I have 3 and am getting two more at 8GPM.

    A 5-6 GPM machine hot water to 200 degrees is the least you'll need. I started with the Hydrotek SS3005VH which is the 4.8gpm at 3000psi. The first time I used one with 3500psi and 5.6 gpm I was amazed at how much faster I could clean. It just ripped. I can't wait for the monsters to come.

    Landa surface cleaners

    Suttner st-54 wands

    M5 X-Jets

    Tubular framed trailers (min of 6x12).

  2. A little advice probably a little too late... I just bought this boat on eBay. It looks pretty nice and the little info I've gotten on these boats they sound OK. It's a good deal from what I've gathered from the used boat values.

    Does anyone have experience with this boat or have any advice on it?

    I hope I didn't buy a piece of garbage but I'll have to deal with it if I did!


  3. It worth it! Go for it!

    In 3.5 years (2 full time) I've grown our company into a very solid entity. Here's what works for us now:

    1 person doing books, answering calls (in the office), paying bills, payroll and helping with personal bills and organization.

    1 Crew Leader. He's responsible for keeping up the equipment and making sure the crews are doing what they're called to do. He get's work orders directly from me over the phone and basically runs the day-to-day operations out in the field. He will do work if an employee is sick and manages their time in the field.

    6 laborers. Two of them are very good and can operate rigs by themselves if needed.

    I do the estimates, problem customers, sales calls and keep everyone on track.

    This managing technique is working for us very well. The only time things go crazy is when we get the 1 to 2 week jobs at night. We're doing one right now that takes 4 rigs running (6 employees) and will go for 14 days. My solution for this is to cut back on the employees and get a machine that can do the work of 10 rigs....ALAS, the SWABBY!
