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Posts posted by slim1151

  1. I was going to use some acetone to remove a little overspray off some vinyl siding. I needed a spray bottle, so I bought a bottle of cheap window cleaner with ammonia to empty out and use the bottle for the acetone. Out of curiosity, I sprayed some of the window cleaner on the stain and it wiped right off. A little Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleaned off any stain residue on the vinyl I couldn't believe it. It took it off smooth painted surfaces and even concrete (80%). A little sanding with 50-60 grit finished the stain off concrete.

  2. Scott- Finished first A-C deck and have started another. Tried to include some pics, but I'm having problems uploading them. I'll keep trying. The A-C stain is fantastic. Love it! I'll definitely be using A-C as my main stain from now on.( or until something better comes along) Colors are rich and vibrant (so much pigment),easy to apply, and incredible coverage.
