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Everything posted by slim1151

  1. I was going to use some acetone to remove a little overspray off some vinyl siding. I needed a spray bottle, so I bought a bottle of cheap window cleaner with ammonia to empty out and use the bottle for the acetone. Out of curiosity, I sprayed some of the window cleaner on the stain and it wiped right off. A little Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleaned off any stain residue on the vinyl I couldn't believe it. It took it off smooth painted surfaces and even concrete (80%). A little sanding with 50-60 grit finished the stain off concrete.
  2. Scott- Finished first A-C deck and have started another. Tried to include some pics, but I'm having problems uploading them. I'll keep trying. The A-C stain is fantastic. Love it! I'll definitely be using A-C as my main stain from now on.( or until something better comes along) Colors are rich and vibrant (so much pigment),easy to apply, and incredible coverage.
  3. As a recipient of one of the free pails of Armstrong- Clark, I would like to thank Scott Paul. We will be starting our first AC deck on Monday.
  4. Sorry for such a late response. I filled out all the personal info. in My Profile. I guess that replaced My Controls. What should I do?
  5. Hello to all. Another newbie here.( I'm sure you're all thrilled.) I've been lurking around for the last few months trying to gain as much info as possible. The vast amount of info in these forums is PRICELESS. I want to thank everyone for all the help. Now I'll go back to my searching and reading. Maybe soon I can become a contributor. Thanks, Slim
  6. Howdy folks. This forum has been a wealth of information for someone starting out like myself. I thank you all for that. Haven't seen much about fence restoration. Anyone have any input?