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Everything posted by RGilliam

  1. Hats off to Russ.

    yea I guess Russ is alright....lol....j/j...great guy. really knows his stuff.
  2. Sidewalk Contract Proposal agreement

    Ron, I'd like a copy RGilliam@insightbb.com Thanks, Ron
  3. how has the hot box been working for you? I know this is a old thread but I was thinking about investing in one myself. I dont quite have the money for a whole new rig.
  4. Just here checkin out something.

    very interesting. Kinda like the thread about the new dewalt pressure washer he posted...just kinda leaves ya hanging. must be looking for attention. my 4 year old does the same thing sometimes.
  5. New Logo

    looks good, what program did you use to make it? GIMP? I've been using smartdraw to make all my flyers. It doesn't do to good with logos.
  6. I still work in the rain. Thats all we have anymore is rain, rain,....and more rain. When I'm not working I get alot of flyers out in the neighborhoods I've been working in. We've been covered up with work lately!
  7. What???

    you talking about that chemical place over in Louisville? Near Butchertown? Thier crazy over there. Go to the pool store right on Eastern Blvd in Clarksville. I buy from there sometimes
  8. Okay, I came across this today. Old deck which had a new addition built onto it. The old part of the deck needed sanding pretty bad. It has some pretty deep scratches in it. All the screws didn't really look set into the wood to well. Went to screw one back in and....bam it came right out. Well half of it came out. They are all rusted. The heads of the screws came right out. :lgbonk: Must have been out of the stainless steel screws then......Anyone else ever come across this problem?
  9. Lyle, I actually thought about giving you a call earlier. LoL I got just about all of it sanded. Looks pretty good except for the small part with all the screws......
  10. Need some help.

    theres all kinds of places to get it. Go to Jeff. Right off Veterans Parkway at the pool store or eastern parkway theres another pool store. Both of them have it. Not hard to find around here.
  11. I done a house wash yesterday and got to the back of the house and realized there was stain all over the vinyl siding. I didn't notice it when I gave the estimate. Anyone know of anything that will take it off without damaging the vinyl?
  12. stain on vinyl siding

    yea I got most of it off. I had some small bottles of stripper. I put a little on a rag and just dabbed it on the spots, scrubbed it off, then rinsed really well. It didn't damage the vinyl at all.
  13. stain on vinyl siding

    deck stain.
  14. hey whats going on neighbor?

  15. This is the second deck I've done. First one, the guy wanted a solid stain. I used cabots on it. The home owner thought it came out looking great. I really enjoy doing this so I've been trying to learn all I can. I was thinking about trying to use wolmans F&P on this deck. Anyone got any input on that? Also where can I find some information about how to identify different types of wood. I've spent so many late nights reading on this forum but thats one things I couldn't find anything on. I'm still not really sure whats what. I'd really appreciatee any help. Thanks
  16. yea Utica is right up the road from me. I live right off 10st in Jeffersonville. Snow? Wow. Our problem is rain. Nonstop rain. Doesnt stop long enough for me to do anything. We've got flood warnings agian!
  17. Thanks for all the help. It's really appreciated. I just want to make sure I do a good job. I'm just now waiting for the rain to stop and do a little sanding and I should be ready to stain. It's been non stop rain here lately. Sheesh!
  18. No, I havent had a chance to try RS. I was just going to stay with some local products intill next year. I always got alot of calls for decks and referred them to another contractor. We recently had a little disagreement and I figured I'd give it a shot myself. (and i need the xtra $ too, have a lil girl due Nov. 20th). Next year, I'm going to try RS. I kno alot of people on this forum use it so there must be something great about it.
  19. okay I got 2 seperate decks to do at this house. One of them I stripped fairly easy. I think they both have diffrent stains on them. The second deck didn't work out so good tho. I used "rip it" from sunbrite on the second. On the first deck I used "remove" from sunbrite. I thought the "rip it" would be fairly stronger? Should I use more stripper tomorrow?
  20. Deck Stripping

    thanks Tracy, I really appreciate it. Do you mind if I give you a call later if I still have problems?
  21. Deck Stripping

    yea the "remove" done a great job on that first deck. It took everything right off. I scrubbed it a little bit then just pressure washed it off with low pressure. Then applied brightener. The other deck (The one thats the problem) I applied the "rip it" and some spots came off. Not much tho. I applied 8 oz to a gal. Should I make it stronger or try "remove"? I scrubbed the heck out of it and then hit it with a pressure washer. On some spots it didnt really do nothing. I think its 2 diffrent stains. The home owner has no idea what kind of stain was put on these decks either.
  22. Deck Stripping

    okay, the pictures didnt want to upload. the first pictures are the deck that I stripped with "remove". Everything came off fairly easy. The other one is the deck I tried "Rip It" on. The stripper was not wanting to come off.
  23. We are getting ready to stain with cabots solid stain. Acrylic. The wood is in really bad shape. Got alot of it sanded down but it still has some swirl marks. Anyone know if they will show up really bad or will the solid stain fill it in somewhat? Thanks in advance.
  24. no, that was mold covering it. The guy said the deck was built in 1999. Never been cleaned or nothing. notta! I ended up just brushing the stain on. It came out looking pretty good. Especially compared to how it did look. It was a small deck. 10x12.
  25. yea I used a orbital and I used 36 grit on certain parts. then went back over with 80 to try to smooth it out. The wood had some very deep scratches. The deck has good ventalation underneath it. Whats the best way to apply solid acrylic? Thanks,