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Everything posted by RGilliam

  1. yea I cleaned it with a precarb. Thats the pictures before I done anything. The woods in pretty bad shape. Some of its splintered but he didn't want to replace anything! It's my friends deck and its at one of his rental propertys. We've already bought the stain.
  2. Anyone got any tips on how to clean this aluminum? Kinda worried about the paint. I know it fades pretty easily. I've always tried to stay away from aluminum siding.
  3. Help with Pricing on fountian

    Shannon, how far are you located from Jeffersonville IN?
  4. aluminum siding cleaning! any tips?!

    wow, how did this go from aluminum siding cleaning to "about gutter dog" ? You way off subject here.
  5. aluminum siding cleaning! any tips?!

    yea I think I will have to on this job. Im afraid not only will the dirty come off, the paints going to also
  6. Gutter Cleaning - Check this out

    okay, that things pretty kewl. I'd like to see it put in a gutter that doesn't just have a bunch of loose leaves in it.
  7. Okay, tomorrow I'm going to go do my first deck bid. Never got into it. I always got ALOT of calls for it even tho I never had it listed as a service I offered. I just refered everyone to a guy I knew and he gave me a little kick back. Recently me and him had a little disagreement so I'm no longer refering anything to him. I figured I'd give it a shot. I've spent my labor day weekend reading everything I can find on it. I don't want to mess up. I like to do a quality job with anything I do. I don't like to take peoples money and sell them crap. It's just not me. I went to a few stores around here to see what kind of sealers I could find. Came across wolman, olympic, and flood. Not really sure which sealer to go with. Also not sure about the cleaners, strippers, and neutrilizers? Wanting to find something that does a good job and I can buy in large quanities of it. Any input is greatly appreciated! :D
  8. thanks Rod, I searched for that for 2 days and couldnt find it!
  9. Thanks Rod, It had a stamp on it. That help?
  10. How do you know what kind of wood this is? I know what mahogany, cedar, and some others look like. What about this? First deck....not really sure on some stuff. untitled.bmp
  11. We are cleaning several buildings. Two stories. Half Brick half vinyl. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. I was thinking about getting a scissor lift going that route. Anyone have any other suggestions?!?
  12. What a boring slow August

    your not the only one. Things are slow my way too. Getting ready to pick up a part time job myself
  13. Indiana Pw'ers

    I'm in Indiana. what part are you from?
  14. I used a x-jet and then got the exstentions from envirospec. Got great service from him and pressuretek. Only took 1 day for shipping from both places! I only did 3 of these buildings. I don't know why they didnt want all of them done at once. The front office and 2 of the regular sized ones. Now there asking about getting the other ones done. I dont know why they didnt just say all that at first. But o well. I'm not complaining! $$$$
  15. Time To Get Rid of My M/C

    ah man, I know that has to suck. It's came down to me selling my bike or my car. I'm selling my car. 32 Ford. Got my first born on the way. Nice bike tho.
  16. Proportioners for Xjet

    I bought some crap you can put in your chemicals at a sears store. It makes it foam up. Thats all. Pretty cheap. They had a bunch of bottles on them on sale. Anyone ever used it?
  17. 2009 12.5% SH prices

    I stopped at one store and it was 3.97 a gallon. Only sold it by the gallon too. Thats in Jeffersonville, IN. Theres a store in Louisville that sold it for 2.34 a gallon. Thats just on the other side of the bridge. Best deal I got so far was 7 boxes (4 1gallon bottles in a box) a while back for a half case of beer and a pack of marlboro reds. Pretty good deal I thought. LoL
  18. ok guys, i got it done. the lift was only 100 a day. even cheaper for the week. Didn't get it though. I got a x-jet m5. For those hard to reach spots I went with Paul from envirospecs ideal. BTW the buildings are 140ft x 40 ft. Just done the vinyl not the brick. 400 or 500 a day for a lift is crazy. The 79 stainless lance and 79 aluminum worked a whole lot better than the exstention wand. A whole lot more sturdy. Thanks for the input. And the great debate. LoL
  19. If this job takes me a couple weeks then I'm throwing in the towel. Rolling my truck in the river, with trailer and all hooked to it.
  20. We have got alot of area to clean. The buildings are about 140 ft long. Theres several of them to do. It would take alot of time to move a ladder around. The mold is pretty bad on the other side. I'm probaly between the x-jet or a scissor lift. Not sure yet. I can get in some of those hard to reach spots with the scissor lift. I've never used the x-jet. Not really sure how thats going to do. Thanks for your input guys.