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Everything posted by blueyes

  1. Efc38

    Hi Beth, How can I get in touch with you about our loghome? We desperatley need your expertise. I sent you a message, but I'm new to the forum and am still trying to find my way around, so I dont know if you got my first email. Please contact me if you have time. Thank you, Dave and Deb
  2. Oxy-cleaned yesterday, this morning house looked good because it had dried a bit, now right before sunset the blackness started appearing again??? So, went to Ace and bought some cleaner/brightner that had Oxylic Acid in it, but it didnt say what amount, its the white detergent like stuff with the Acid in it. Dont know if it will be strong enough. It was enough to just make a gallon, 8oz. of the powder. Wondering if I should get straight oxcylic instead of the stuff with all the fillers in it. If so, where can I buy it? Anyone try the citric acid for neutralizing? Since the black stuff is on the south facing logs,(back of house) is there a need to acid the whole house or just the back? Does the Wood Tux have any insect protection in it? We already put Tim-Bor on the house so it looks like we will have to reapply since we have washed off the back with Oxy-clean, bummer, more money, down the drain again. Concerned about mold and mildew spores that have developed since the house was hand sanded and it took a while, so the south side which we started on has been bare for like over 2 months until we finished sanding the other 3 sides. can bug and mold additives be mixed into wood tux?Any suggestions anyone? Thanks, Dave
  3. Can I get color samples of Wood Tux? Where, or who would I contact. The logs look good today, after drying overnight, they still need to dry at least another day. Where can I buy Wood Tux? Is it available anywhere in the St. Louis area? Thanks, Dave
  4. Wish I could, dont have a digital camera anymore, somehow ended up at college with the daughter? The stain is totally off, every log was hand sanded. Could UV damage be so bad that it turned the gray, black? Only the logs on the south side of house have it, but I bet before long, if it is mold of some kind it will find its way all over. I gotta get this stuff off. I've nearly exhausted my money for this project, and I havent even bought stain yet.
  5. Yeah, we were told that the Oxy-Clean might do the trick, it didnt. Unless, the Oxy-Clean is caustic and needs to be neutralized, if thats the case then I guess thats why its got black globs all over it. We cant keep wetting these logs or we're gonna have a Noahs Ark all our own. Help Dave
  6. Yes, I'm sorry I meant OxyClean. Although, we have tried Oxy-Con, Wood-Prep, Bleach, Dawn, etc. I was told that you only had to apply oxylic acid if a cautic cleaner was used. Is this not true? Its a long story but originally the house had Defy on it, contractor applied caustic ?, let it sit too long, applied minimal neutralizer, didnt rinse well enough and logs fuzzed up, he started sanding and we ended up finishing the sanding on our own. It took us 4 months. By the time we finished, the south side was eaten up with UV and greyed and black, may be some bluestain, or sapstain, but it just gets worse everyday. Round 12" logs, lodgepole pine, home is about 20 years old. High humidity and rain hasnt helped either. Can you suggest something that will help? It almost looks like Rawhide stain that I saw on a loghome that had Buhr stain on it. Now the weather is getting cold and many stains have temp guides. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks, Dave
  7. Hi, I'm new to this board, glad I found it. Can anyone tell me why after we cleaned our logs with Oxy-Con today, (round log home completely stripped, hand sanded every log, vacuumed all dust and then washed off.) By the time we got done with the last side the first side had black like ghosts, specs, etc. We used Oxy-Con and a scrub brush today and the black turned even blacker when we wet the logs down. Can anyone help, please. Dave