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Everything posted by Washaway

  1. I think you missed your calling......you should have been a plumber!
  2. $7,000 Budget for new equipment

    here's the link for the thread......I haven't seen any pictures but may just be what you're looking for. http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3936
  3. New To the Forum

    Welcome to the board!
  4. For those of us who don't have manager(s) or are one man ops with temp help, how do you handle vacation time.
  5. Help with a bid

    Driveway, sidewalk, patio, porch = $130-$150. Having said that I'm already too expensive for his blood. My advice = tell him 'there's no way you could even come close to that and he should hire the other guy'. Don't bother giving him a price but have one ready........if he's bluffing and he cares he will insist on knowing what you would charge. If so, make him ask twice before you tell him. In the end he may just hire you.......sometimes you have to play the game. [You could also offer to rent him your pw for $45, for the day (surface cleaner = additional $35) and let him do the work............this ofcourse with a $500 deposit. It's interesting to see how quickly they will come up with all kinds of excuses]
  6. While you're on vacation

    I'm heading to Europe, for two weeks, at the end of July and have yet to figure out exactly how I'm going to handle the phone issue. A trusted friend is going to answer my phone calls but the rest is a hassle. I'm thinking of getting a phone overseas so that they can call me immediately when a call comes in. The 'we're booked for the next two weeks' card is going to be a must, but I'm also considering having this friend take some digitals and I can give prices once they have been emailed. What a headache.
  7. Extend-a-wand Problem

    I bought my ShurFlo setup at the same place where I purchased my rig. When it stopped working I took it in for them to have it tested (knew nothing about the pump at the time and was too busy to start playing with it). They automatically started with having to purchase a $50 switch but if that wouldn't solve it then they would be most helpful in selling me another one for $270. I asked them if they would warranty it, after all the papers they photocopied for me said 1 year warranty and 2 years conditional. At the time I was exactly 2 months over the 1 year mark.........to the day. Do I have to explain the faces they made. I thought to myself 'have a good day and I'll deal with it on my own'. Shurflo secretary had answered the phone before I could climb into the truck and the sales person she forwarded me to offered to send me a switch for FREE. If that wouldn't solve my problem then I was to call a supplier in Georgia who sells them (brand new) for $139 + $15 shipping. This alone left a horrid taste in my mouth, with respect to my supplier. The truth is that if my supplier would have atleast attempted to contact the man. and ask if it would be warrantied, or better yet would have been willing to mail the pump in and see what happens, I would have been more than happy to pay the shipping charges. For all I know he could have pretended to call someone and lied that they said NO, and I still would have cut him a check. I'm glad he refused to humour me and he made the face he did b/c I saved a ton of money and learned a valuable lesson! THE END
  8. Extend-a-wand Problem

    I simply operate with different methods. Before looking for a 'bungee' solution I would have tried the man. first. You would be suprised at the things you get if you just ask. I was simply trying to push him in a more logical direction and it was not ment to be a put-down. I also own a wand like that....their made in Canada I believe....at least it says so on the clips itself. Since I've bought mine I have seen the company replace the clip type joints with the twist type. Hence another reason why calling the man. would be a smarter idea to try......they probably knew they had a defective product and may very well send him some new joints.
  9. Extend-a-wand Problem

    Why do you waiste your time posting the question. In the time it takes to get responses you may have already solved your problem by having called the manufacturer. If the issue is with the equipment and it's not your fault then you should be on the horn without thinking of it twice!
  10. Honda 20hp, no spark

    This is easy....go and spend about 15 bucks on some spark plugs and fuel filters. Once you've changed them add the fuel line cleaner and you should be fine. If it still does it afterwards, simply call Honda directly and speak to a engineer or tech support. I do regular maintenance every 50 hours!! Engine Oil Pump Oil Air / Gas / Diesel filters Spark Plugs My income is reliant on that machine and it's in my best interest to keep it running smooth. I also add fuel additives to both my diesel and gas tanks.
  11. Honda 20hp, no spark

    Get some STP fuel additive and put half the container into your gas tank. Further up north, where it freezes, they sell fuel line cleaners to remove moisture from your fuel system to prevent it from freezing. It will do the trick, if in case that is your problem.
  12. Honda 20hp, no spark

    One Tough Pressure, I've corrected my previous post. Although I may be funny (or funny looking as some would say) I was referring to number 1 also......just mistook it for a 7. Eh! As a matter fo fact it's exactly the part I thought you were referring to even before the pic was posted. Any problems with it starting since you started this thread?
  13. Honda 20hp, no spark

    I think he was talking about part number 7. Correction!! it looks like a 7 but infact it is 1 I was referring to.
  14. Some roof cleaning pics

    I was planning on using my ShurFlo as a flamethrower, to kill the mold, but now forget it. I don't want to ruin my pump! :lgbonk:
  15. Honda 20hp, no spark

    We've all had our shares of grounding issues. Has anyone ever considered running a #8 cable from the engine ground to a central location and having all your other grounds run to it. Kind of like the neutral cable throughout your house. I've bought my supplies but haven't actually done the work yet.
  16. aluminium siding ?

    Philip don't feel like an amateur! First off you're man enough to admit what happened.....secondly you learned something. It's one person out of 100s or even 1000s that you had to walk away from. None of us know it all. I however do know, thanks to you, that if I get a call for aluminium siding I'm too busy. :lolsign:
  17. Question for start

    Don It takes only $39-$45 bucks to rent a pw for a day around here. If you rent it on Saturday then you don't have to return it till Monday. Still, my min is b/n $50 and $75 (depending on location). The difference is acceptable most people value their time more than saving 15 - 25 dollars
  18. ever see this bad?

    You should come visit some properties down here. Moss growing on wood is a common thing. Try 150F H20 @ 3500psi applied via a hover. The wood might appreciate it.............JUST KIDDING!!! Just like Mike said, longer dwell time and possible several applications.
  19. You could tie it around your neck...like our mothers used to with our house keys, when we were young.
  20. I use the same 7500psi, square looking, bulky ball valves myself. They last a hell of lot longer and I use it to rinse everything!! Infact I think I have about 3 of them.
  21. Anatomy of a Lurker

    Welcome Claude! Nice to see another Floridian posting...enjoy and absorb.
  22. Housewash Pricing..No matter where you live

    What's illegal about that? We agree to a higher standard of work and ask the same price for it? Rental companies, gas stations, etc do the same thing....they may not get together and discuss it over lunch.
  23. Housewash Pricing..No matter where you live

    Ken, I tip my hat to you! If this was elementary school and we were playing red-rover then we belong on the same team. :lgbounces
  24. Where in the World??

    Boca Raton, FL
  25. Arghhh! &*$%@$@! lowballers.

    I've got two days set aside each week on which I can perform estimates. Any out of my way quoting or commercial meetings and surveying will always be done on those two days. Otherwise, if I'm in the area already, I will stop and survey a property. It seems to work fine and I maximize my time aswell as keep my overhead down.