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Everything posted by Coop

  1. ok, just got my new pressure washer and I am still in the learning process. I started messing with it trying it out on my house, driveway, etc. Well, I was doing the walkway infront of my house and there is mulch on either side of it. I was blowing all the mulch around. And then I would get close to the house and still doing the walk and was blowing mulch and mud all over the house. And it seemed like a catch 22. I would clean the walkway, get mud/mulch on the house. Clean off the house and get the mud/mulch back on the walkway. I was using a 25deg. tip. any tips/tricks? use a different nozzle? help.
  2. so if I am reading this chart correctly, I am going to average 3000psi or so, and moving 3.5gal a min. so I would need a 4 degree tip? isn't that going to make a pretty small width to the spray and take longer spraying things?
  3. yeah, celeste, I need to get over there. been super busy trying to get this business started, try and keep my current job, even though I am asking off all the time to take care of other things pertaining to this business, lol. what days are you working this week/next week?
  4. Some roof cleaning pics

    do you spray right out of the bottle 6% bleach or do you dulute it with water to get more use out of it, etc. Also, how long do you let is sit on the roof before you rinse, I realize you said you left it on there for the rain to wash it off, but if I was going to rinse that day what kind of dwell time should I allow? pics look good, that's about the only questions I have besides I am wondering what you charged for those jobs. I am in NC so our prices would be pretty close I guess. I'm trying to get some numbers in my head to get me started. thanks!
  5. house wash pics

    looks like they have one of those jobs like a mechanic. you work on everyones cars all day to come home and the last thing you want to do is work on your own car. lol how long did it take you to wash the house? what kind of house wash did you use? hot or cold water?
  6. house wash pics

    curious, if you don't mind me asking, about how much did you charge? The reason I ask is if someone was to live in a condition like that most of the time they are lower income families, and I have noticed that most people on here charge good money to wash because of experience, better equipment, etc. looks good too, I bet you had a fun time working around all that crap in the yard.
  7. http://www.northerntool.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=6970&productId=200241574&R=200241574 I am new to this. Like most people starting out all I have used is the smaller pressure washers that do an OK job on concrete, but mostly used them on the cars. I am wanting to be able to do just about anything, residential, commercial, fleet. I will be getting a hot water unit eventually, but I am looking at this cold water unit right now. comes from Northern Tool. Has a 2 year warranty, seems pretty good. -Any thoughts? -Anywhere I can get it cheaper? -Better one out there for the price? -Will I have good reliablitly with this unit?
  8. cool deal guys/gals. celeste, I will have to take you up on that soon, right now I am super busy with my regular, be that crapy, job. I am trying to piece together everything so I can get this business off the gound.
  9. thanks for all the advice guys/gals. I think I am going to go with the direct drive. I figure it is good enough to get the business going, and when it takes off, I'll sell it and get a bigger unit with belt drive. what is the x-jet? I've heard it talked about on this site.
  10. R L S: where in NC are you located? where did you get your equipment? better place to buy than northern?
  11. hmmmm, so we are 50/50 on this one now. I would really rather get the cheaper unit at this time, as I could always upgrade down the road when I start making money. Plus, I figure I would be upgrading within 2 years, and it has a 2 year warranty on it, which I hope would cover the pump, granted I know I would have down time if it broke, but the one with the belt could break for some reason too.