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Guy B

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Everything posted by Guy B

  1. Oh I just love that quote!!! Hitting the like button!!!
  2. I agree with John, 8 gpm is all we run you'll be fine with that. Plus running 10 gpm means you may have to jump up to 1/2 pressure hose & water issues as stated and you really don't want either.
  3. Can't make any money sleeping Doug. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. July would be a great time, usually a slow month for us. Just let me know. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Randy, if you have questions give me a call. If you'd like we could meet up and I'll show you one of our rigs. By the way H&M doesn't build pressure washers, they are Mi-T-M machines. I've got 2 Mi-T-M skids, good equipment.
  6. concrete pricing

    Buddy, when does a customer dictate your pricing? Do you have a "Minimum"? I do and it's $175-$200 even if it's a dog house. Whatever your price is.... stick to it!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yea I know, but I can sell and replace for next to nothing so it makes me feel better.....plus I'm a equipment junkie....Thanks for letting me share;)
  8. The oldest one we have has 1000 hrs on it. I don't keep equipment long enough for it to break. I would freak out if I had a unit with 4000 hrs on it. I've had Alkota's, Mi-T-M's, & Landa's....guess Hydro-Tek is next.
  9. You couldn't give me a rapid reel, they blow. Is it that important that the reel pivot? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Estimates - how do you handle them?

    I guess it depends on your area of expertise. Personally I haven't done an "On-Site" house wash estimate in 3 years. Sure, larger jobs, concrete or something like that needs eyes on. Knowing your area is key. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Great question! I have absolutely no idea. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Welcome Buddy and Good Luck!
  13. I've had several customers say the same thing about bleach, thing is they are not educated on what it is or proper usage. After I talk with them they don't have a problem with it anymore. If one would have "Insisted No Bleach" I would have passed the job or told them it would be 4 times the normal charge.
  14. Work on setting up your social media marketing for your business FB, Yelp, twitter, etc. go back and fill in website info when it's up.
  15. Melted Plastic on Concrete?

    No matter what you do the results will be way less than perfect, and whoever you're working for needs to understand that. Heat, pressure, and a turbo nozzle will help if the concrete can take it. This is a job that can take up a lot of time so charge accordingly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Easy Buddy, no one said you were. Take it down a notch on the sensitivity. If its just a wash job why would you consider stripping the Thompson's off??? Washing is washing & stripping is stripping and preparing the wood for stain, so which is it? Washing costs less, stripping cost more.
  17. New PT wood is what I call "Green" natural oils and the pressure treatment chemicals are still fresh in the wood, therefore it will not accept stain in the same way an older weathered wood....would. Results will be blotchy at best and never come close to matching the older wood.
  18. No, but if I were in a confined space I would. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Personal Protective Equipment......goggles, gloves, etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. simple cherry question

    No not really. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. simple cherry question

    4 gals bleach 2 scoops SC in 1 gal warm water....add to bleach and down stream
  22. Hey guys if you're in this area I really need a favor. And no it's not work.....kind of.......... PM or Call me. But don't call tonight...I'm bushed.
  23. All flow VS Fatboy

    I would say that if you were doing roofs all the time go with the all flow, but for occasional roof cleaning, chem transfer and soaping concrete I'd go with the fatboy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk