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Guy B

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Everything posted by Guy B

  1. What Is Your Definition Of Success?

    I'm with you on that Scott. Did Ron just get really deep? :) I would say a positive bank account for sure, enjoy what you do of course, but I would gauge it on a better quality of life I can provide for my Family. No we don't buy new cars or trucks, have a big house or expensive habits. We live kind of a simple life but can enjoy ourselves when we want to. Because of the business my Wife will be graduating RN school in May without having to deal with a full time job.......To me that's success in business.
  2. Adjustable thermostats

    Washing Houses, Apartments, Condos, & Buildings :)
  3. Adjustable thermostats

    Why wouldn't you want one? There are times when you don't need full temp. I don't understand why any hot water skid doesn't come with a t-stat as standard equipment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. pressure washer Help

    Always go for more GPM
  5. I disagree on the color combo. When I look at it I think "Harley Davidson" not exterior cleaning. Then I saw the HD edition Ford pulling the trailer, so I guess he likes HD.
  6. Sorry, it was so small I couldn't see it:D, see what I mean. You can make everything larger without making it look busy & cluttered. Just my opinion but you've got a lot of "Wasted Space" that could be filled up. Make the letters bolder, larger. A wrap on the back door with a Before & After picture with your info on it so customers at the stop light can see what you're talking about. You want people to look at your trailer and know what you do within 3-4 seconds, that gives them 5-6 seconds to get your info.....Make It Easier For Them.
  7. Looks great!.....Except you're making a mistake that most do........Phone number should be larger than everything other than your logo. Plus website is nowhere to be seen on the sides.
  8. If the Distributor guaranteed the washer I would think about it. If it was a Pressure Pro cold water unit you should be fine, If it's the PP hot skid I might pass. Whats the price & hrs on machine? What was wrong with it in the first place?
  9. If someone owing you money upsets you that much better think twice about starting your business up. And really this is all it's about. I agree that if this is the way this guy runs his business, he won't have a business for long, not much you can do about it but learn how not to run your business. Personally I'd find out where he lives and go get my money........But That's Just Me.
  10. +1 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Best housewash chemical?

    Everything is "Biodegradable" given enough time. What, customers want to see an MSDS sheet? Bleach & soap of your choice, wash, collect money, go to next job. Are you using just soap? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Whitney Houston dead at 48!!

    Nope sorry Rick, the media will beat this dead horse until we all want to go smoke crack, or someone else does something stupid. We can only hope someone does something stupid FAST.
  13. Best Gutter Cleaning Chemical

    Not that I know of. Of course it better be good money to be out in those temps. Colder temps we just heat up the gutter and brush on spray off as usual.
  14. Does anyone remember Charo??

    I swear John, you look like one of those guys from the movie "Good Fellas" in those pictures. Didn't know you were a "Wiseguy" I'll be nicer to you now. Hahaha!!!
  15. More time than not its the spring that fails. It's hit and miss on the life of a chem injector. Some have lasted a few weeks, some several months. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Buying vs Leasing

    As it's been said it may be better to purchase than lease, yes check with accountant to see which would benefit more. Now that being said, there are just too many good used vehicles out there. I'm a firm believer in paying cash for everything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Injector Problems - any Ideas?

    I could be wrong but 2000 psi isn't low pressure and not low enough to pull. Are you sure the high/low nozzle is sized properly? What gpm is your machine and what size ds'er are you using? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Whats the Best Surface Cleaner?

    Agreed Trickey, Depends on the size of your machine. The #1 mistake I see folks making, is buying a surface cleaner "Larger" than the machine they're rated for. 4 gpm machine...16" surface cleaner 5 gpm machine...20-24" surface cleaner 6-8 gpm machine... 24-30" surface cleaner
  19. Never had a customer tell me what they would pay me before, but I know what I'd tell them if they did. I'm not in the Fla. market so I can't say. We sell service not price. The customer you described is not a customer I would have. We have lowballers here too, I out sell them all the time because we sell a quality service, those guys sell price because they can't sell quality or anything else. I totally agree with what Doug said too.
  20. I'm running for UAMCC President!!! Ask Questions here

    If anything, we (*****) are suppose to learn from our mistakes, and there have been quite a few, and that's cool. I read once that the definition of "Insanity" is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I can see this now with how the ***** was run. Now it's time for a change. We have got to have smart on the ball successful business people joining the ***** and in leadership roles. Some are Contractors, and some are Contractors owning other businesses to add revenue streams. This should or will be addressed soon. The thought of by/for Contractor is just that... A great thought. I think all will agree that your average run of the mill Contractor has no idea or the time to run this Org. History cannot repeat itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Brian, before you start to consider what equipment you should buy, I would suggest you bone up on the other side of washing that most new to this business don't do....The Business Side. Sales, marketing, website, insurance, etc. You can have great equipment but that does no good if you cant generate work. You'll soon learn that you wear many hats in your business and to survive you must wear them well. If you're not mechanically inclined as you stated then by all means buy local. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Best hot water skid on the market hands down....Landa SLT8. Cold water would be a Pressure Pro 8 gpm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Actually I built a trailer with 1 hot water 8 gpm unit and one 8 gpm cold water unit on it. Then found another trailer set up just like it, and bought that one too. Will I need that kind of output all the time?....No, will I have it when it really counts?..........You Bet Cha!!
  24. I started with 5.5 gpm hot water washers, after a year or so I found out I needed to speed the process of washing. I switched to 8 gpm units a few years ago and would never go back. I do 90% residential work. So why do I have hot water for residential work? Because I market hot water and then the other 10% that isn't residential pays very, very good. If you don't need hot water.....cut the burner switch off. If you need hot water.....cut the burner switch on. It's really a "No Brainer". It's worked for me. More gpm = faster working speed. Pays for itself in no time. Landa, Hydro Tek, Alkota, Mi-T-M......All good Washers.
  25. I'm running for UAMCC President!!! Ask Questions here

    A pretty deep and insightful post Charlie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk