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Guy B

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Everything posted by Guy B

  1. And why shouldn't a concerned citizen have the right to question why someone (not familiar in the area) is on the property after several past reported break ins? And let's remember that 2 witnesses testified seeing TM on top of GZ beating his tail before hearing a shot, is that the illegal activity you mean? It was almost a month before GZ was charged because police found no crime had been committed, it was only because of the Media, Politicians, and the "Racial Chicken Littles" that charges were brought at all pressuring the DA to take action. The DA knew there wasn't a case, because he tried to "Slip In" the lesser charge of Manslaughter when the jury was in deliberation. I agree whole heartily with you Allison, but let me ask you this......Why is there "Racial Tension"? Why is it automatically "Racial" when an American of African Decent is shot or killed by another race, but not considered "Racial" when an American of African Decent shoots or kills another race? Is this not as "Racial"? Happens all the time, where is the Media, is this not as news worthy? Where are the Politicians? Where is the outrage like we see in this case? If I had any doubt about this case it was erased when the verdict was announced and I watched GZ's face....he didn't blink, exhale in relief, didn't smile....Why? Because he knew he wasn't guilty of a crime, but a young Man had lost his life. Remember the verdict in the OJ trial? He laughed, sighed in relief, thanked the jury, hugged his Lawyer.....Where was the "Racial Tension" in that case? In the immortal words of my good friend Celeste G.........Dang, broke my soap box.
  2. Why is it that we (citizens) are being told to run away from situations? If it had been a policeman that shot Martin would this be any different? No our Government/Media wants to take the right of self defense away from us, and will use any excuse or tragedy to do so.....and that includes (Sadly) playing the Race Card.
  3. (And We're Just Friendly Debating Here!!!) Zimmerman did approach him, but for what reason, because he was a Neighborhood Watch Dude (And there had been a recent series of break-ins)? And when he did approach him (Martin) why was he (Zimmerman) obviously attacked? Did he approach Martin to ask what he was doing in that community (because of recent break-ins) Martin felt "Disrespected" and kicked his but? I don't think at the time of getting his butt kick that George Zimmerman cared if Martin was armed or not, I know I wouldn't have.
  4. The 2nd Amendments "Core" is the right of self defense. Not only from intruders or people that would do you personal harm but also from a Government that would take away our rights . It was written 250 years ago that the best way for Government to control the people was to take their guns away. Take away the guns there is no "Self Defense" and the people would be defenseless. Which seems to be the direction of the present administration. Guns are not the problem in America, our society is the problem. A society that refuses to acknowledge or accept responsibility for their own actions. Where criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens. When a person only has to say the word "Racism" where there is none because they can't accept the reality or the responsibility of a situation. Where the "Media" and our own Government are more dangerous than any weapon produced.....Don't Get me Started! As for the Trayvon Martin fiasco, who knows? You weren't there, I wasn't there, Martins parents weren't there, the media wasn't there...but a jury of 6 Mothers took three days to find Mr. Zimmerman "Not Guilty" of not only Murder but also the last minute additional charge of Manslaughter. The really sad part is "What If"...What if Martin would have killed Zimmerman? Would anyone have said it was Racism? Would the story have made the national spotlight? Would anyone be outraged at the death of Zimmerman? That would be...No, No, & No. Mr. Zimmerman will never be able to find a job, will be in fear of his life forever just because he defended himself....I take it back....That's the really sad part of this.
  5. Truth & Education Wins Again! Thanks Beth, very informative.
  6. Constant Contact has an "Opt Out" feature John so if you've asked to be taken off, Constant Contact is responsible for that. What wanna be Industry whatever are you talking about?
  7. Rainy Days

    Putting all your eggs in one basket is well......you know. Diversification in your business should be taken into account because of this situation. I would encourage you to look into house washing and or roof cleaning. Neither are difficult to learn or add to your business and profit margins are why we don't do wood anymore. Hope this helps.
  8. Well why didn't you just say that instead of dancing around the subject? Yes I sold higher, hence my suggestion in the above post. There were also plenty of times I screwed up and submitted a lower bid but it wasn't because I was trying to cut anyone's throat either, and I'm sure you and others have done the same thing. Again whats your point?
  9. I've heard of them sure. Yea Mary has a great job now, when I re-started our Company 7 yrs ago she had to quit work because her Father's health was failing and she had to take care of him, that went on for 5 yrs. until he passed away here at our home. I worked a regular job and built our business and paid all the bills. Where in any of my posts have I said anything about showing less respect for anyone that is part time???.....Where John???.....Show me John. You can't because I haven't. I have helped more part time guys out than I can remember, why would I do this if I disrespect them.....because I don't disrespect them. What's Your Point?
  10. Kind contractor story

    Aww Man...Needed a good laugh today....Thanks Rick!!!!!
  11. Actually I wasn't just talking to full-time guys John....I was talking to everyone full or part time. Doesn't really matter the point is there is a price difference between Commercial concrete cleaning and residential concrete cleaning. Personally I have no problems with part time guys in this business as long as they have the same commitment to quality and pricing as full time contractors.....but for the most part I think we all know that's just not the case. Part timers are in a unique position and I don't think they fully understand that they can actually sell higher and make a larger profit margin than I can, but because they have a "Regular Job" to fall back on they sell low for some reason. Part timers, lowballers, hacks or whatever don't bother our Company a bit, because I keep my mind on "My" business not theirs.
  12. Too much drama

    Like Button!
  13. Oklahoma Tornado

    Bryan, No one truly understands the damage & psychological impact of these disasters unless one has lived through one. I have and lost my best Friend to a tornado 2 years ago, strangely his name was Brian ........I will be sending our donation after this post. Glad you're OK! God Bless You Guys!!!!
  14. F13 should do the trick, if that doesn't work you could try an acid, but the F13 should do the trick.
  15. Eric, not sure where you're getting that from, but I assure you your information is incorrect.
  16. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    And you have no idea of mine. I made no guesses about you. I'll end it Kris, worthless & Childish. Have a good one!
  17. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    Kris, see this is the back & forth that is useless. I don't care what problems you have with anyone on the boards, it's the boards, it's not a problem, again a waste of time and not worth my time or yours. You should temper what you tell people to do or not to do until you have the age & experience to do so. At this point you have neither. Again Congratulations on your new status.
  18. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    Kris, I gave no advice, I made a Statement, I also outlined my thoughts, again not advice. This is TGS not ***, you had problems at *** why not leave them there....Now that's advise. Congratulations on your position as moderator here at TGS, I know you'll do a great Job......That's a compliment.
  19. That's beautiful country right there, just saying.
  20. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    And that's your opinion Barry, which of course you're welcome to......But I Strongly Disagree. I (Like Many) got caught up in the negativity, I even thought I was the reason for it here so I stayed away and watched, seems I was too hard on myself as the negativity continued......But I think it's about to ease up. We all need to remember in the whole grand scheme of things that we (99.9%) are "Nobodies" in this Industry. The BS & Drama on the boards serves no purpose, it helps no one, it makes no profit. I'm really out of it (Drama) I just want to help with PW questions or learn new things...that's it. I will leave Drama, BS, me,me,me, and in general Holy Than Thou Judgmental Attitudes to the Key Board Cowboys. It's all positive or helpful, anything else is a waste of time, and time is something we all have too little of.
  21. Lowballer Rig spotted in Vegas.

    Chris, it's just best not to question the way TGS is run. There are different rules for different people, that's just the way it is....and I'm fine with that, this is not my sandbox. Let's just ignore the negative & try be positive here. Those that know...know what the deal is.
  22. End of am era

    Yea and the oldies station plays 80's music, thanks for the "Mortal" gut-check Rick.....Buzz Killer!!! LOL!
  23. Mechanic makes more work for me

    Great job John!! Yea it's cool when others help to keep us in business! LOL!
  24. water wells

    You can "Time It" in a 5 gal. bucket. Time the flow from the well in a 5 gal bucket, if it surpasses the gpm of your machine you're good to go. i.e. if your machine is 3 gpm and your bucket test is 4 gpm..you're good. If the bucket test comes out to 2 gpm...no good.
  25. water wells

    Customers usually tell us if they have problems with well output, we have buffer tanks also. The output of the well needs to match or surpass the the needs of your machine. If the well output is less than what your machine needs you run the risk of damaging your pump. To eliminate this all you need (depending on gpm) for your pressure washer is a small buffer tank. 50-100 gal tank should do the trick. Hope this helps.