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Guy B

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Everything posted by Guy B

  1. Larry is one of the white hats in the Industry. I have only met him a couple of times, but he made it a point to say hello and call me by name, pretty awesome guy! Enjoy Mr. Hinckley And Thanks For All You've Done For Contractors and our Industry!
  2. Getting Ready For Spring

    We never stopped marketing, this month is full, next month 3/4 full, next 3 months full.
  3. Shutters Bleeding on Stucco

    This is usually caused by the shutters being oxidized. The loose pigment is bleeding onto the stucco. We have cleaned this many times on vinyl homes but never a stucco homes. Why are 1st floor shutters a different color than 2nd floor?
  4. Anyone Here "Vape"?

    Sounds like a silly question I know, but just wondering? I have been smoke free since July, none, nada. I didn't like the patches, gum and other stuff. So now I vape, do you?
  5. Anyone Here "Vape"?

    I tried patches......couldn't keep them lit,,,,,,,,,,,,,I buss me up!!!
  6. Anyone Here "Vape"?

    I quit because I was loosing my voice (Not Because Of Cigs) because I had a polyp on my vocal cord. Let's face it, me without a voice is like a bird without wings, not good at all. The Doc said it wasn't cancer but needed to be removed. He asked if I smoked which of course I fessed up to. He said there would be scar tissue after surgery and that he wouldn't advise smoking again. That was all the sign I needed and stopped that day. My Wife works for the Hospital System in our area and told me the other day that the Doctor that did my surgery has terminal cancer and is not expected to live very much longer, he never smoked. Life is full of twisted irony. After 30 yrs of smoking, seems it should be me that has cancer instead of a Man that has done so much for so many people. I am Blessed. To quote Jeff L........Life Is Good!
  7. Official Honda engine repair thread

    I got a 24hp Honda doing the same thing. Lots of how to videos on youtube for honda, but I would start with Russ's advice first.
  8. Do you believe in God??

    Amen From Over Here Michael, +100
  9. No Charlie let him continue, his previous posts are much more credible now. Barry, I tip my hat to you Sir, that was info you didn't have to release. You're a hard guy to get a read on.
  10. Oh you're killing me!!! Hahaha!!!! Please, hahaha!!!! Stop!!!!
  11. Oh John please stop you got me laughing so hard I can hardly type, Hahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe we need some seasoned English Teachers because were far from stupid, and where not going to take it anymore. I mean common Man!!!! Blahaha!!!
  12. Ok let me get this straight, you're the PWNA Environmental Director for the East Coast and you're gonna ask a question like that to the EPA??? You don't already know the answer, but you're gonna ask it anyway??? Hahaha! Oh Lord I'd love to see their faces when that happens! Why not just ask the IRS to come down and ask them why our taxes are so high??? You'll still get the same blank look. Good Luck with that!
  13. This is going to happen, not just idle chit chat.
  14. John's Quote: "Today we just got a commitment for 5 people from the EPA which may put this group over 10 now. This is going to be some ground breaking session." Other side of the coin.
  15. Although I promised myself I wouldn't respond to any of your posts Barry.....I will respond to this one........I couldn't agree more!!!!! I'm not sure how I missed that seeing we were both In that thread but I did miss it. I will make no excuse for Bill's quotes only to say that it has never come up in discussions, is not now in discussions, and if I have anything to do with it, will never come up for discussion. I'm sure these were some random thoughts of his and maybe he was thinking out loud (Why I Have No Idea) but again I won't make any excuses for those quotes. But I assure you I don't agree with any unnecessary contact with the EPA. Yes, Leave Them Alone!!! Any type interaction with any Governing Body must be voted on by the board, 1 Man can't do it and won't do it. I do think however that we should research the benefits of the OSHA idea as far as safety standards, it could have merit........Thoughts?
  16. Rob, if you're insinuating that I passed some information or a screenshot to Ron I will tell you here and now I did not, it's not my style and I don't operate like that. Seeing that there is no way to prove myself I can only give you my word on that, seeing the tone of your post I doubt highly that you would believe me anyway although I've never given you any reason to believe otherwise. I have no control over what people do Rob, I do my best to stay out of other peoples crap. Your Leader, Your Boss....really Rob you're gonna start that again. I haven't done or said anything against you....ever. If you want to bait me or classify me then I guess you've ended the mutual respect we've had for each other, because I haven't done that to you. Struck a nerve? About Certifications? No, not in the least. Being blind sided with attacks, snide remarks, and down right hypocrisy of nuclear proportions did strike a nerve. Evidently there is some notion that because I'm a board Member or Moderator I'm supposed to be PC and not respond to attacks on myself or speak my mind....That I assure you will never happen. I tried my best to keep this trash off of TGS, Beth knows this, and I tried because of the respect I have for Beth & Rod, TGS and it's Members....And the payback was disrespect to me. I'm not talking about hiding anything, I'm talking about the BS that would surely follow this trash....as it did. I guess the call went out to come over here and jump on the ***** because Ron is President, because you guys sure did show up all of a sudden. And all of you have an axe to grind, not with the *****, Not With The Certifications, Not With Me, but with Ron. You just hide behind the other crap. I get it, you don't think the Certifications are worth the paper it takes to wipe your butts, fine that's your opinion you have that right. You don't think Doug's school should be this or that. That the ***** should do or be this or that, OK fine. I will tell you this though, that any mistakes that the ***** may have made or will make will have a far, far less impact on this Industry than what's going to happen and whats going on right now..on the flip side of this coin. I don't care if you or anyone else doesn't give 2 hoots for the ***** I don't hold that against anyone, but don't attack me or my character because of an axe you've got to grind with someone else because I don't turn the other cheek or suffer fools easily. Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program.
  17. Break Time!

    Thanks Rick that was cool!!! And Needed.
  18. Whoa Rob, That was speculation on my part, I'm not coming up with a "Story" I don't have to. I said "Maybe" but you twist the words the way you see fit. Seriously though, if you want answers email them to info@*****.org Rob. Because I'm not answering questions to continue a pis*ing match between you and Ron. You're not interesting in answers because you're interested in the ***** you want answers to continue the attacks because of the problems between you and Ron. As a matter of fact your problems go beyond that to when you were a TT member on the *****. Do your worst Guys, we're going forward. Have a Great one!!!
  19. Man Rob I don't know about all that stuff. I'm still talking about the issues here. You have problems with Ron, I can't do anything about that. And I'm not being insensitive but that's not my business BOD or no BOD.
  20. I disagree Rob but what do you do just have no Membership fee?? Why not allow non paying members to volunteer for committees, they can't chair one? No non paying members cannot vote not sure where you're getting that from.
  21. So why is the ***** singled out? You can't name 1? And no I have no idea. What reason would I have to lie about standards? Questions were asked and answered then answered again and answered again. How have we excluded the majority of Contractors? I don't see how. I don't endorse any school as the best because I would have to go to them all to make that kind of decision. Maybe Ron is trying to help Doug out because he had a heart attack about a month ago and probably has some pretty large medical bills, I don't know. I don't know why this is a problem here but not a problem elsewhere, or anywhere else.
  22. No it's not Matt, we're not the "Voice" of the Industry. I don't want anyone to "Buy" into to anything..........Your Opinion, Or Mine. I give people more credit to choose their own course of action. Either they "Do" or "Don't" but I begrudge neither and like you try to help all.
  23. I'm talking about the here and now Rob at TGS. You and Ron have a history that goes back a ways. And although I didn't see where he called you a clown, if he did, no I don't agree with that but I also don't know the context he said that in. Rob you and I know each other a little and I believe we have a mutual respect for each other, so why quip me with the "Your Boss" junk, you know that's BS.
  24. So Rob tell me, what other Industry Org. has S&P's for their Certs.? What questions are being avoided? Who is afraid to speak up? What's wrong with being "Inclusive", instead of "Exclusive"?
  25. WOW!!!!! Please let me be the first then. No one said any of that or thinks that which goes back to your Hypocrisy barry, Red Herring? Who said you needed the ***** to succeed? No one that I know. Who said that individuals don't control there own destiny?? Again no one. You're truly Delusional barry.