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Guy B

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Posts posted by Guy B

  1. Neil, Jim's advice on 1/2 hose would be correct & sound if you washed parking garages...which I'm guessing you don't. Also Jim's equipment is far and above (both in use and build) than what most contractors have. Your company is window cleaning that is adding or has added pressure washing in its line up. So let me say this again "You Don't Need 1/2" Pressure Hose". Not only is it more expensive it's also quite a bit heavier than 3/8's hose 1 wire hose.

    Now if you have high volume (10+ gpm) hot water equipment & wash very large ammounts of flat work then by all means step up to 1/2" hose and disregard this post.

  2. I'd like to know where you get this hose too. I will carefully check Southside Equipment's site for it asap though.

    I got the bit about longer lengths generally costing more from a salesman at a Seattle supply company. His explanation , which I mentioned in an earlier post here seemed to make sense.

    And would there be less pressure drop with larger diameter hose? Like 1/2 inch?

    Call Russ he'll hook you up. No you don't need 1/2 hose, now that's expensive. PSI drop for me is about 300 to 400 PSI on 200' of hose...it's a non-factor really.

    Somebody is trying to sell you a load of bull.

  3. In my last post I mentioned that I was going to give downstreaming another try. Well I did, earlier today as a matter of fact. I used a brand new injector that came with my 8 gallon machine, which is matched to the machine. I know I set eveything up right. I Dropped the pressure down with a black chemical tip, and very little soap and bleach made it to the business end of my wand. I used straight 6% bleach. I went over lightly molded siding several times with little to no effect. I could tell I was getting some soap, it was drawing, but just not near enough to get any real work done. I switched back to my x-jet and got the job done.

    I think the main factor is my length of pressure hose. I carry 250 foot of hose on my reel. I need almost all of at at least 1 out of every 5 jobs. I dont want to shorten my hose. I guess Im just destined to carry a 5 gallon bucket.

    Im all ears and open to suggestions.

    Thanks in advance.

    On a side not I just recieved my order from Pressure Tek. Super fast shipping. I ordered Simple Cherry, F-13, and his low pressure tip kit. I have used Dawn for years, but going to give Cherry a try.

    Lets hope Simple Cherry works as great as it smells.

    That's because you're using the wrong size injector. Change to a 3-5 gpm injector and it will pull like mad. Trust me 8 gpm units are all we run.

  4. Thanks Guy - I actually agree with everything you have said... well... except I was more optimistic about the time frame... I figured three to five years. I have a business and marketing background and am aware of the required hats so am pretty comfortable with that. While I will probably use wordpress for the website, I am capable of designing and maintaining my own site. Insurance - $195 to start - $62 per month for a million dollar policy. I will up this when I move to commercial.

    Marketing Note: the easiest businesses to market are the high end or the low end - never in the middle... you compete with the other two. I will seperate myself by stressing I am niether a painter or yard maintenance guy - I specialize in caring for your home, decks, docks, and fences. I want to learn a bit more before I tackle a 500-foot dock. As for pressure washing specific marketing, again, I am all ears.

    I can't describe how committed I am but will say, one way or another, it's going to work. I will start with residential till I am established and comfortable before moving to commercial. For now, I will stay off the roofs (to easy to mess up) and out of the driveways (they are huge around here).

    My intentions are to hire veterans for a couple of reasons that I won't get into here. My wife claims the Army brain-washed me when it comes to things like: "The mission always comes first," Loyalty, Dedication, and a lot more.

    Most importantly, I will gladly listen to and learn from everyone who has experience and cares to share! I am a fanatic about doing the job right and exceed expectations.

    Thank you for your time and thoughts - God Bless you as well.

    PS: If you need help with that assault force, let me know...

    Well then my Friend you are way ahead of the curve. No problem with being optimistic David, but you must also be realistic at the same time.

    I wish you nothing but the best Buddy!!!

  5. Ok, I have already beat myself up for wasting time and money (excitement over ran brain power) so we can skip that part. Can or will you suggest the lowest cost way to start while maintaining a professional image. Military retirement and raising my grandson does not allow for a major investment however it does allow us to live while we grow the business. I am willing to do almost anything to get started.

    My goal is to build a full time reputable business that will allow us the income to live while teaching my grandson (12) work ethics and honesty! Thank you in advance for any help you provide.

    We are located near Panama City, FL.

    David Crockett (Yes, this is my real name)

    David first off let me say....God Bless Your Service And Sacrifice Defending Our Country And The Freedom Americans Enjoy And Sometimes Take For Granted.

    Now on to your questions....... First it's very easy and inexpensive to project a Professional image, it's another (And not as inexpensive) to provide consistent Professional results. Starting a business (Any Business) starts with a "Plan" which it seems you may have already learned.

    What is your level of "Commitment" to starting this Business? I can honestly tell you that you are looking at, at least 5 years before you will see your business fly on it's own. Who is your target demographic? If it's residential, why would a customer pick your service over any of the hundreds in your area, what is going to make your business "Stand Out"? My friend there are more pressure washers or guys that "And Pressure Wash" in Fla. than probably any other State in the Union, it's called "Market Saturation" this is where I would ask you if you're sure a pressure washing business is really what you want to start, think about it.

    Owning a pressure washing business means you will wear "Many Hats".... Marketing, Advertising, Accounting, Mechanic, Salesman, Worker......and the list goes on. Washing is the easy part, it's the other parts that are or can be hard or harder. Equipment is the least of your worries right now. Again you need a plan.

    My yard is filled with the equipment of guys who thought equipment was all they needed to be successful, bought for pennies on the dollar. They didn't think about the "Other Hats" they needed to wear. There is a saying in our Industry..."Pressure Washing is the easiest business to get into, and the fastest to get out of" again think about it.

    Being a Vet, I would look into every "Small Business Start Up" opportunity that is out there, but I would advise getting into some small business or business classes wherever you can first. I'm sure I could lead an assault force against a hostile enemy, but I'm sure I wouldn't be as successful at this as you would be, why? Because you have more knowledge & training about this than I do. Again.....have a plan.

    Just equipment alone, I could see spending $6000.00 for a cold water residential trailer set up. That's new equipment and on the low side. But what about marketing materials, website, insurance, software, chems., vehicle, and extra capital for what if's? Have a plan.

    Hope this helps..... Again, Thank You & God Bless!!!

  6. Well she did it, Mary graduated with an Associates Degree In Nursing this past weekend. Shes been an LPN for several years and we encouraged her to get back in school to get her RN degree. She passed with honors with a 3.5 gpa. She'll be taking the State Board test in a few weeks to make it official.

    Way To Go Honey!! thumbsup.gif


  7. Sorry Buddy not trying to be a smart butt. S.Hydroxide is used as a stripper & degreaser, it can strip and streak painted siding and oxidized siding. I've seen it take the paint completely off a gutter. There are too many surfactants out there that are way more safer and less expensive than PP. If you do use it, I wouldn't use much just be careful.

  8. Friend i don't think you really understand down streaming or it's effects on equipment, which are very minimal. We have ds'ed down 200' of hose for years and it doesn't affect hose at all. We started with the M-5 years ago but found ds'ing was faster and better than the x- jet for what we do which is building and house washing.

    So you're gonna pull 2 hoses, 1 to chem treat the house then 1 to rinse? Sorry sounds like wasted time to me.
