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Guy B

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Posts posted by Guy B

  1. Guy....I'm assuming when you tell a customer that it would be 4 times the price it is a bluff trying to get them not to hire you or allow you to use bleach. What if someone says they are willing to pay the 4x if there was no bleach involved. What would be your method of cleaning it? What if any alternatives to bleach would you use?

    Great question! I have absolutely no idea.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. I'm not just someone who bought a pressure washer last week and wants to make an easy dollar.I have done research just not much on decks.

    Easy Buddy, no one said you were. Take it down a notch on the sensitivity.

    If its just a wash job why would you consider stripping the Thompson's off??? Washing is washing & stripping is stripping and preparing the wood for stain, so which is it? Washing costs less, stripping cost more.
