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Guy B

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Posts posted by Guy B

  1. Guy I was trying to get at how many total man hrs it takes to do a 2500 sq ft house, when you said you do them in 45 mins I was wondering how many guys that is??

    Glad your buisness is rolling freind

    O sorry Buddy. Basic 2500 sq house 45 mins. to 1 hr. 2 guys. 1 washing the other on the hose so all the washer has to worry about is washing & rinsing. 1 guy can do it in to 1.5 hrs.

  2. Just did my first house today, a buddy's. Older aluminum white siding. Wanted to try bleach free so i used 1/2 powerhouse, 1/2 simple green, and 4 gallons of water. Not sure if it was the recipe or dwell time, but left it on 15 min. then washed off but it barely made a difference. Not sure if an air foamer would help because it would allow for more sitting time or it's just the conconction i brewed up. Can't imagine I would have a good cleaning when I spray the cleaner on and it comes right off though (thanks gravity).


    If you were down streaming your mix, you have too much water. Older alum. siding can be tricky, oxidation is usually pretty bad. Why bleach free???

  3. Yes we have 10 gal. And 5 gal. Machines on all our trucks and one with 2-10 gal. and 1-5 gal. With residential it is very fast. Water can be a problem at times. We also do a lot of apartments and condo's that we can fly threw very fast. We did 25 good size buildings last week in 4 days with 3 guys and 3 machines. I like it fast and efficient, just ask my wife.

    Man That's Some "Fire Power" Brian!!! Do you run 1/2 hose on the 10 gpm machines?

    Building a new prototype rig for our res. cleaning. 8 gpm hot skid, 8 gpm cold unit, roof rig, hanging titan reels, all on a 6x12 trailer. Sand blasting the trailer next week.

  4. Brian, it's not about "Need" it's marketing, cleaning faster & better (IMO) more than 8 gpm machines means hauling water or hydrant meters. Although your higher gpm machines may wash faster, a 2500 sq ft. (Inside footage) home takes about 45 mins. start to finish with our set ups. Plus you "Northerners" don't have near the mold and mildew we have here in the South. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!

    We did 4 of these buildings (2 breezeways per building) in 6 hrs. 4 guys and 2 machines.


  5. Not sure of the reluctance to use hot water here.

    As water is heated, it increases it's solvency and makes the cleaners work better, rinse faster and the results easier to obtain.

    We use 115* max on vinyl homes, and 150* max on aluminum depending upon what is being removed.

    Of course, we don't use High pressure either on homes. Just the soaps, brush work and thorough rinsing.

    In colder weather, we use warm water to wash wood with in order to help the chemicals do their job better.

    You folks may want to reconsider your position on heated water.


    HELLO!!!!!!!!!! That's what I'm talking about!!!!!!! Doing it now for 5 years. We not only wash with hot water we also.........MARKET IT!!!!!!!

  6. Great thread. I stopped doing "In Person" estimates 2 years ago and made our "Net" jump 14%. Of course this is for house washing only, which is most of what we do. Increased prices this year and still closing high 60% range. Yes I too have a "Script" I go by, and seems to work pretty well.

    But this has been achieved by 5 years of hard work in our market, high visibility in our market, and high web presence in our market. Most customers that call already know who we are, either by referral, web search, or saw one of our trucks. They just want to "Validate" their decision to chose our Company by speaking to some one.

  7. Rob what you described above is exactly why no one is ready to "certify" any pressure washer in a "one size fits all" BMP.

    That's why it should be called a "CWA Certification". The CWA is a "One Size That Fits All" rule that has to be followed....But anyone that takes this should be told to get a copy of their local or State BMP's and make sure they follow their guidelines also.

  8. When I first read the Ft. Worth BMP, I read the Ordinances along with the BMP. I thought they were 2 in the same. By separating the BMP from the Ordinances, its a totally different picture. This BMP mirrors that of many states, and is close to CWA Minimum Standards. I still disagree with the reasons that they should want or even need to do this at all. Call it whatever you want, just don't call it a BMP.

    Mr. Hilborn and I talked today, he brought up a really good point. He said "Why As An Industry Can't We Come Together??", I have thought this many times myself. We are an unusual and very interesting group of people. So my answer to Mike's question would be "Give Us A Reason".

    If you want to "Come Together" or raise the level of awareness to the Industry, start with the "Perception Of Our Industry". If you read different BMP's we are classified as "Cosmetic Washers", that pressure washing is an inefficient use of water, that we are perceived as a "Major Source Of Pollution", All Untrue!!! Houston Will Put Contractors out of Business, that is true.

    Give Us a Reason To Come Together.

    Ron is right though, there are more important issues than this BMP thing. Hope you guys will listen.

  9. Sorry Guys, when I saw this I guess my "Southern Blood" boiled a bit, you know how we are.

    This PWNA BMP is going to be submitted to the EPA Apr 15. Remember a little while back 2 "Young Ladies" wanted to gather "Comments" for Contractors about Pressure Washers & the CWA because the EPA was asking? And the "Storm" they went through???? This BMP is what the PWNA will be sending in to the EPA.

    I am not "Anti-PWNA" but this is bigger than the PWNA, this will affect ALL Contractors, not just PWNA Members. This BMP does not speak for me and neither does the PWNA.

    We should be working together...Everyone working together, to come up with a "Common Sense BMP". This would be a Super chance to raise the level of awareness about who we are and what we do. The Public at large still think we're a bunch a "Yea-Hoo's" squirting water.

    If the PWNA comes up with a "Common Sense" BMP or Plan, I will be more than happy to get behind it. Until then, in the words of "Buddy Holly" I will "Rave On".
