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Everything posted by JosephBASU

  1. I'm 19 and home at my parents place for summer until my sophomore year of college starts. We were egged a few years ago when I was in high school (still haven't heard anything as to who did it to this day). It occurred about 4 years ago, and our stucco house was repainted 2 years ago. We washed it off as best we could but there is obviously still some there, as the shadows are starting to show through and it looks disgusting. Obviously as the reason why my house was targeted, I feel very bad and partially responsible, and I want to clean it up. Is there any way I can still do this? Harming the current paint-job is a non issue. Thank you in advance for your help.
  2. Egg Shadow coming through

    How would I go about completely removing it? Especially since it has been painted over.