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Posts posted by PWkid

  1. I said this in a PM, I'll say it again here in public, since you are resigning here and this is the first I am seeing of it.

    I didn't notice the age of the thread when I infracted you, I was responding to a concern brought to my attention privately. I was in the midst of a couple of others I had to deal with and dealt with all of them at the same time. If I missed the date it makes me HUMAN Mel. If you don't like that I brought it to your attention, well ,I can't help that, I needed to address it. I just want to make one thing clear - I'm NOT perfect, never claimed to be and perhaps now people will believe me when I say, I don't read every thread. Use the report post button and save us all alot of headache.

    I wish you nothing but the best. We truly appreciate all you have done here on TGS, and hope to see you on here as a regular member.


    I guess what I am saying is, if you are going to run this board and DEAL out infractions, it should at least be current,not brought to your attention by someone SEARCHING through threads THREE months old. Its kinda like punishing your kids or dogs, for something they did THREE months ago.

  2. I received an infraction, last week for a post that was 3 months old, I'll leave it at that. I appreciate the opportunity that was asked of me to be a moderator on TGS. Unfortunately, I am resigning as a moderator and would like to thank the TGS staff for all its support up until a week ago. I would also like to say that this has NOTHING to do with the other moderators that have left, this decision was made when I received the infraction. I reread the thread several times and for the life of me could not figure out where I deserved the infraction. Then like a bolt of lightning it hit me as to why I received it. I am positive it had nothing to do with a post that was THREE months old.icon12.gif

  3. When you downstream it is after the pump,when upstream it goes through the pump. I would never x-jet because of the carrying buckets issue. I have been d,streaming for a very long time and have tried an x-jet once it still sitting on my shelf after 4 years. I do go by and blow the dust off from it every now and again.

  4. The thing that amazes me is most people know what chem works for them and most of the OLD TIMERS still think its a secret. WELL the secret has been out for a long time. Most have their OWN formula but for the most part it is the same ingredients. This BBS is all about teaching others the correct way to cleaning and if Someone post pics of a BEFORE and AFTER I think they need to TEACH the NEWBIES (if asked) how they achieved those results. If I am wrong someone PLEASE correct me.

  5. Thanks We are covered also, but if you have any roof cleaning jobs over this way we will be happy to reciprocate. Coming from a guy that USED to do 5 MILLION a year, I would consider it a privledge. I would be able to tell people that this job came from MALLARD (they USED TO DO 5 MILLION A YEAR IN ROOF CLEANING and sold it for who knows what amount),but now they operate under Terra Clean. AC I gotta ASK you, if you were doing 5 MILLION A YEAR in ROOF Cleaning why in the world would you sell? AC I also gotta tell ya ,that the secret has been out for a long time, maybe (back in the day) you had the market cornered BUT today its a different market.

  6. Too many people in this world running businesses for less money than they could make working at McDonalds. And I am sick of it.

    Daniel this last line of your post Sums it all up for you. You need to seperate yourself from the people you mention in your last line of your post. I am not sure where your frustration is coming from but I think you are frustrated about what your market will bare. Either move your business, promote your business better, or become a better salesman. I don't think publicly chasting others about money YOUR not making, is the way to go about BEING A BETTER (BUSINESSMAN). Just my honest opinion. Daniel I have seen your post on here and other BBS's, you are always worried about what other businesses are making. I DON'T GET IT. I am sure others aren't getting it either.
