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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    Mel, I'm familiar with what you use. V-seal is pricey but ...20 yrs. I never said 20 yrs. I recommend 1-2 yrs depending on traffic and sometimes 6 months. I am not familiar with v-seal I use a product from advanced surfaces out of Davie Fl.They have a website. www.advancedsurfaces.com
  2. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    A degreaser with butyl and 210 degree hot water.
  3. Paver Cleaning and Sealing

    Dan, I clean them just like I normally would. I use a xylene based sealer and it works awesome for me. The main drawback that I have found is the pavers have to be completely dry before sealing 24-48 hrs. My understanding is xylene based sealers last longer than water based.Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
  4. Here we go again

    It doesn't look like it will be as bad as in the past,just a lil wind and lotsa rain.(which we need) to make mold grow.lol
  5. The Movie Game

    Meet Joe Black : Brad Pitt
  6. The Movie Game

    lol same time
  7. The Movie Game

    Enemy of the State: Will Smith
  8. The Movie Game

    Pretty in Pink
  9. The X-Jet debate

    I downstream and shoot 30 to 40 ft. I just can't find the fun in carrying extra hose and buckets or carts around the house or whatever I am washing.

    I do on big commercial jobs.

    It is the same thing over here on the east coast,1 or 2 calls per week. Some of my customers I talked to say they are waiting for hurricane season to dwindle down. 2 years in a row I would do there house and they would call me back to do it again. I sent out mailers and had 1 call for an estimate it was lower than what I normally would do, she said she would let me know lol.
  12. Gorgeous mountain deck

    Jon,we go to Boone NC and Beech Mtn every year. The wife went to Appy st. The inlaws built a 3 story cabin in Jefferson NC. Beautiful country.
  13. Who & how

    Jeff I would be lost without my Wife not just because she helps out in my business,she juggles 2 very active boys and makes sure I am taking care of. Jeff I feel your pain I am not very organized I am sure I have lost thousands of dollars because of lost receipts. I would put an add in the paper for a part-time bookeeper,3 days a week should get you in shape.
  14. Am I that overpriced?

    Kory, I get that response all the time. I will tell you that this time a year I always have to adjust my prices. It has been very slow over here. The chemical supplier in town told me today that it seems that I am the only cleaner in town with work,my response was wow I am very slow right now. I say hang in there, a lot of my customers are waiting the hurricane season out.
  15. Need your advise!

    Hugh I use a 12 ft step ladder and love it. It is a lil heavy but very manageable. The 12 footer gets me up higher when I spray roofs.It doesnt help when I do 2 stories but I also have a 24 ft extension also.
  16. Who has Worker's Comp?

    I pay $ 4000 a year for 2 employees and I am 1 of 2. I guess they fear the owner using comp as a insurance policy. What they don't consider is if I use w/c,my rates go through the roof. I use w/c to sell jobs everyday and I am proud of it. I pay for it I should be able to use it.
  17. mineral spirits on asphalt

    WOW I thought I cussed a lot. LOL
  18. mineral spirits on asphalt

    Doug I feel your pain. There are some customers you can't please no matter what. Mineral Spirits is a solvent for removing oils well asphalt is petroleum based and degreasing it is not the answer, it will imho make it worse. I would try a asphalt sealer which will turn it black. I would try to explain that is the best you can do and it is better than before. I would imagine it is county or city owned and maintained I would call them and explain what happen and see what they suggest before doing anything. I would also explain that she owns the house but not the roads leading to her house and you realize your employee made a mistake but not on her property and you deserve to be paid for the wonderful job you did on her property.
  19. Downstreaming Question..

    The key to downstreaming on long hoses is to drop down in oriface size. If you are currently using a 5-8 gpm drop to a 3-5 gpm. I downstream on 300 ft of hose everyday with a 9.3 gpm and 8.5 gpm machines.
  20. Where Can I find.....

    I doubt it they are made for cars and trucks,but I will call and find out for you.
  21. Where Can I find.....

    Hey Ken that is water hose fed. The max is 400 psi. I sell those if you need one.
  22. Where Can I find.....

    Hey Ken is this what your looking for. It works on 400 psi .
  23. Possible FL Job Lead

    Mike, I sent javier an e-mail and told him I would do them for $350.00 each and I haven't heard back from him. I am quite sure commercial services bid this job way too low and are having a hard time finding quality cleaners at that price.
  24. reels

    I leave my hose on my TITAN SS reels all day everyday and have never had a problem. I did replace my core with CPVC which is rated for hot water. When I bought original Electric Reel didn't realize that it needed to be CPVC for it not to disfigure. I have not had a problem with leaving my hose on reels while cleaning.I would find it difficult to unroll 300 ft if I only need 50-100 ft of hose.
  25. Health Insurance

    This was faxed to me today and after I talked to them and more research I signed up for it.They have open enrollement until tomorrow.I wanted to pass it on. The only preexisting illness they don't cover is Cancer and Heart conditions. http://www.americainsure.org/ Has anybody heard any bad things about this? It is a PPO and my childrens pediatician is on there along with several other Docs in my area. The research I found came back all positive. Family coverage is only $173.00 /mth I could not believe it.