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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. Health Insurance

    After further revue and more investigations it seems it is a scam.I was skeptical and called the insurance commision and they have never heard of them. I apologize for the bad info but I wanted to alert people of what I found.
  2. Health Insurance

    Lance I'm from the old school and I was leary but the guy I spoke to says they are a non-profit organization that gets grants from the government that off-set the premiums. I called a few doctors offices and they said they were on the up and up. The first thing I thought of was "if its too good to be true it usually is".Thats why I I did research and if I thought it was a BS scheme I wouldn't have posted it here.I worked as a Paramedic for 11 years and was with BC/BS and they told me it was basically the same policy with $25.00 co-pay and a prescription card. I signed up for it. I can cancel my check anytime I choose.
  3. Possible FL Job Lead

    The CB in my area I was doing for $ 500.00 on a monthly basis. I considered the job lead and contacted Javier and from the info he sent me it was just below 1800 sf ( according to their calculations).It seems to me they bid this low and got the contract and are scrambling to find Contractors with hot water and use proper chems to do this work. I told Javier good luck at that price and he sent me an email and said the price was negotiable.I asked him to call me and we could talk about it and that was over a weak ago. I have not heard from him and I don't think I will. I'll be honest at that price it is not worth it, if they were willing to increase it to $400.00 it would be worth it. I can stay home and break even.
  4. Who has Worker's Comp?

    http://www.fldfs.com/WCAPPS/Compliance_POC/wScripts/Employer.asp?EmpID=%20E00710309 I agree honesty is the best policy thats why I choose to be honest.
  5. Who has Worker's Comp?

    I agree Ron, I carry workers comp and have for a long time.It cost me $ 7000.00 a yr for me and my employee. Most credible GC's or Property managers in my area won't except " I am exempt" in my area. Carrying workers comp seperates me from other Pwer's in my area.
  6. I have a job lead in Orlando if anyone is interested. You can call me 772-299-5949 or 772-473-5330
  7. chemical injector question

    I use a chemical injector everyday with '300 ft of hose. I use a smaller oriface injector than is recommended.
  8. Hot Box Issues

    Don I am pretty sure there is no pilot light.First I would check fuel if thats good,then is the blower motor running,if not it is probably a pressure or flow switch,or thermostat,or high limit switch.
  9. I know the box stores sell them home depot or lowes. I would also try a hardware store.
  10. if you......you might be a pressure washer

    If your neck hurts from driving and looking up at all the dirty roofs you might be a pwer.....
  11. Hey Michael,it might be available in a 2 bar but mine is 4. It is a very nice piece of equipment.
  12. I have the 2 bar system on my big guy it performs just as well as my 4 bar maxima.When I start having striping or overlapping issues I change my tips and all is well again.
  13. The maxima is a 4 sprayer bar. The big guy is available in 2 or 4 bar sprayer. It is a matter of preference.Just think how a big mower works as long as it is moving it will cut grass as will a 2 bar sprayer will clean very well. Mike I love the casters it weighs like 38 lbs very light to move around ,it weighs I think 2 lbs less than the maxima.
  14. I absolutely love my big guy I push it with 8.5 gpm@ 3600 psi.I don't notice a drag it spins very well and performs excellant.I have hit curbs,rocks,tree roots,and even metal and it shows wear but its not ready for replacement.The only thing I have done in 2 years is rebuild the bearing.It saves me a lot of time and money and has paid for itself several times over.
  15. I agree with Mike I use a 36" maxima and a 28" big guy and they are very nice machines.
  16. Elite's first roof wash.

    Pete that looks real sweet,Keep up the good work.
  17. God help me

    Congrats Jeff let me tell you a lil funny story.The wife and I had three ultra sounds as a precaution and on three different ultra sounds and different techs they all told us its a girl well my wife had a c-section and they pulled her out and low and behold it was a boy.We had everything planned we had a name Madison Ray,all of the new baby clothes had been washed and ready to wear we were ready to bring our baby girl home.The Dr. pulled her out and I said my girl has balls.The Dr looked at me and laughed he said I don't see any balls but I do see 2 testicles.My wife looked up at me and said you have to go home and get some boys clothes.We weren't disapointed at all just a lil surprised.We have a healthy 3 1/2 yr old boy named Aydan.We aren't sure when we are going to tell him that story for fear of giving him a complex but I am sure one day we will.
  18. New Truck

    Your right I just bought a new Tahoe paid cash for it!
  19. New Truck

  20. I am so glad I don't use the roller pump set-up anymore it started out OK but turned into a nightmare.I started using 1 a month and I flushed and lubricated after every use.Then I found another pump but it turned out to be worse and more expensive than the roller pump. Finally after several hours doing research and calling JOHN BLUE in Alabama.They told me of a pump they were prototyping that they think would meet my needs.They were right.It is a diaphragm pump.The housing is made from a hastelloy material,the diaphragm is a viton material that chlorine will not deteriorate.That was OVER A YEAR ago and this thing is still kickin like Van Damm with no problems what so ever. I was privledged to test this pump for them.I talked to them today and have cleaned OVER 500 roofs with it and no problems.
  21. Vehicle

    My first car was a 1970 mercury montego in mint condition had 70,000 on it when my dad bought it. I sold it and bought a 1973 pontiac firebird 455 400 tranny Holley 750 double pumper 411 gears woodgrain dash from the factory. I miss that car but I wouldn't be able to put gas in it these days.
  22. Leaking Guns

    I use the stainless steel version that suttner offers they are a lil expensive but they do last longer IMHO.
  23. Workers Comp rates

    Insurance agents must be confused.I have had several tell me you fall under janitorial,I have had most tell me I fall under a painters code because there is not a code for pressure washing. I guess they consider a painter as being in the construction industry. Wow Ron 8% is still very cheap.
  24. Water in pump oil.

    Keep running it and you'll get to see what the inside of the crankcase looks like without opening it up.lol
  25. Workers Comp rates

    Jeff thats pretty cheap,in Florida I am under the same code as a painter.I pay about $16 dollars per hundred.So count your blessings and raise your rates to cover it.The $5 dollar per hundred is close to secretary rates here thats dirt cheap.Just be glad your not a roofer! I would keep quiet about all those high rises you do if they found out They might not cover you under that same code.