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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. chemical injector

    Ken He is wrong I draw chem from an 8ft wand and 300 ft of hose on a 9.3 gpm machine all day long.You have to use a smaller oriface than is recomended.
  2. chemical injector

    In the injector body.
  3. WOW, and I just started

    IMHO you can never have too much business.Its what you decide to do with it.
  4. chemical injector

    I use three hundred feet all day long. You have to use a smaller oriface than is recommended.
  5. Huh! if you have downstream chemicals going into your bypass tank.I would think you are upstreaming.
  6. Experts Advise

    I never unroll my hose all the way before use and I have not seen any premature deterioration on my hose reels or hose.I use flow unloaders and hose,and gun swivels.(stainless steel).
  7. gpm x psi / 1100 = amount of horsepower thats required. 8.0 x 3500psi=28000/1100= 25.45hp
  8. First of all I have 2 machines it all depends on what surface I am cleaning.I disconnect if I am downstreaming a house and I surface clean the driveway when you put 9.3 gpm through a 3-5 gpm injector it increases head pressure and strains the motor.Most of the time I use 1 machine to downstream chems and the other to rinse or surface clean.Now when I say it strains the motor that does'nt mean it put an enormous amount of strain.I think over time over 1000 hrs or so
  9. Van I always disconnect when I'm not laying chem.It does put unwanted wear and tear on the motor and pump.
  10. Hey Van I downstream everyday with 9.3 gpm and 8.5 gpm and 300 ft of hose on both machines the trick is you have to use a smaller oriface then what is recomended I use a 3-5 gpm downstreamer.I am not sure what ratios I am getting but it is enough to clean houses that have mold and mildew all over them.If I need more chem I slow the machine down a lil bit.
  11. Which is better

    I have always ran V-belts and haven't had any problems.I think its like the chevy vs ford opinion.I do like the fact I can go to napa and buy V-belts .I have over 500 hrs on my big machines belts and still running strong I always keep an extra set.It is a 2 belt system.The smaller machine (18hp) has a four belt system which from what PP tells me is more efficient.Time will tell. I have a good friend in Boca who swears by poly chain he runs a 24hp.
  12. Fan fell off

    Jeff,I'll throw in my 2 cents worth,on any new machine the vibration will cause crazy things to happen nuts losen,wires become lose and ground out.I am sure that is what pressure pro will tell you.Steve might cover it but I doubt it.400 hrs is a good bit of use I'm sure the warranty on lose nuts is expired.
  13. Bleach and Sodium hydroxide

    A safe product that gives instant results. I'll be the first in line.
  14. How To Beat The Competition 1

    My hope is that this message has reached one person. If you still doubt the validity of what I wrote I will list for you single crew service businesses doing $500k per year in Florida, Texas, and Arizona. I will be there one day.I am close but not quite. Thanks Ken.
  15. Elevated PW

    Hey Jeff everything is great,we are steady not as busy as we would like to be but staying steady.I just got finished with the mall here in Vero and am working on a contract to keep entrance ways cleaned bi-weekly.I would love to come to MB soon last time I was there I didn't recognize the place.
  16. Elevated PW

    Hey Jeff I have a cold water back-up unit that sits about 4 ft above water supply.The techs at general said belt drive general pumps would draw water 9 ft.I haven't had a problem with it yet.The second machine sits on that upper deck of my trailer.
  17. Thank you to our TGS Site Supporters!

    Its my pleasure ,Beth. Thank you guys.
  18. I have been so busy lately.I finally got to go fishing this a.m. We caught 2 small dolphin and lost 1.The weather was beautiful.
  19. Credit Cards

    I use paypal on my website for another option of payment.Most of my business is checks and cash.I couldn't justify buying or renting a portable processor and pay a monthly fee.I chose the paypal route and for the amount of transactions I have it works awesome.Your customers don't have to set-up account now,They do have to have e-mail but if they don't I just use my email acct and send them the receipt.
  20. Electric Hose Reels

    Hey Craig, there are some pics in the gallery. I have changed it a lot since that pic on avatar. The stainless version is around $800.
  21. Electric Hose Reels

    visit www.titanprod.com you can see them for yourself.
  22. Electric Hose Reels

    Hey Jeff I am partial to the Titan brand.I have 2 that have been in service for over a year and I just bought a 3rd. they are stainless and are well built my .02 cents
  23. The E-tecs are awesome the warranty is what is great about them 7 year.The boat isn't mine its my in-laws, its great to marry into money .lol
  24. Wow Wayne very nice skid it must have set you back a few thousand huh! Hey Don how about a price on the new 36" maxim either dropped shipped or I can pick it up.I also need some prices on other things when you get a chance.
  25. Winch for hose reels

    Why don't you buy electric reels?