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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. Hurricane Katrina

  2. Inversion tables

    I have had mine for 6 months and I get on it for about 5-10 mins a day and wow what a difference in my back. I encourage anyone with back problems to get one.I have 4 protruding discs in my back and degenerative disc disease and was given up hope about 3 years ago went to surgeons,chiropractors,physical therapy,and nothing I repeat nothing has helped my back like my inversion table.Unbelievable!
  3. Inversion tables

    Cujo I really swear by it,I was a paramedic for 11 years and lifting people really took a toll on my back I hurt my back 4 years ago.Went to Dr. he laughed and told me I needed a neuro-surgeon.He said I wasn't a sugical candidate (back was too bad)like I mentioned in earlier post I have 4 discs that are terrible and a few others around it that aren't in good shape either.I did some research on the net I finally went to a Kinesiologist (they specialize in movement)he worked with me and I was back working again.He suggested I get an inversion table.I thought they were expensive so it took me awhile to get one.I found one on the net for $149.00 +$50 shipping so I bought it. I started out very slow and didn't invert totally then lil by lil I worked my way up to 5-10 min totally inverted.Cujo if you buy one don't get frustrated keep working at it.The final outcome with the neuro-surgeon he told me to find a job where I was sedentary for 8 hrs a day and get up to stretch.The docs all gave up on me but I was determined to have a better outcome.I was just like you eating ibuprofen by the handfulls and I thought this can't be good now I rarely take any meds for pain I take a zantac for my stomach cuz the damage ibuprofen caused and thats it.Cujo I could talk about this all day I have pages and pages of research if you wanna talk someday don't hesitate to call. Sorry for the long post.
  4. Hurricane Katrina

    Price gouging irritates the living sh** out of me.People did the same thing last year when the hurricanes hit here and a few were prosecuted.The big thing was generators they were in short supply and people were asking $1200 to $2000 for $500 generators man was I pissed.
  5. New Truck

    And I'll buy the Beer and cigars. Hey Don I have something for it lmfao. SNAKEOIL its the best chemical I have in my arsenal lol
  6. New Truck

    At least he bought a Ford lol
  7. QC gun to wand or not?

    We also bend all of our lances 20 degrees. HUH! Ok Don come clean.Whats that for.
  8. New House Cleaning?

    I was hoping someone would tell him.
  9. Want to play fantasy football?

  10. Want to play fantasy football?

    Sorry Mike it says invitation no longer exsists.
  11. Want to play fantasy football?

    I'm in with cardiackids,it won't let me join cause its a private league.
  12. Are you Ready For Some Football??

    Now,Now,Now Why can't we all just get along.lol I see I am the only Noles fan here.Thats ok at least my coach knows his place is in COLLEGE football not the NFL. GO GAMECOCKS lmao
  13. Are you Ready For Some Football??

    How Bout Dem Cowboys.
  14. '05 Darwin Awards

    10. When a man attempted to siphon gasoline from a motor home parked on a Seattle Street, he got much more than he bargained for. Police arrived at the scene to find a very sick man curled up next to a motor home near spilled sewage. A police spokesman said that the man admitted to trying to steal gasoline and plugged his siphon hose into the motor home's Sewage tank by mistake. The owner of the vehicle declined to press charges, saying that it was the best laugh he'd ever had. Omg thats the funniest thing I've heard in a while.I almost spit my coffee out.lmfao
  15. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I use all stainless qc's and injector.I have been injecting for a few years and haven't noticed any unusual wear and tear.I think the key is using all stainless from trigger gun to injector.I am still trying to figure out how some people keep saying using x-jet is faster than downstreaming.I'm confused.I arrive with equipment pull off hose and I'm cleaning.How can using x-jet be faster?
  16. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I would never put down someones method for cleaning cuz I'm a firm believer in there is more than one way to clean.I am simply saying in my humble opinion that an x-jet doesn't work for me and it cost me $159.00 to find that out.Every couple of weeks I'll walk by my shelf and blow the dust off from it.
  17. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Things that make you go. hhhhhhmmmmmm
  18. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    They are adjustable and it depends on how much flow you have determines the %.I dont get as much flow as most cuz of my machine.I still clean like a banshee.lol
  19. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Lance I don't have a problem with cleaning heavy build up and if I do I simply turn my burner on and hit it with 200 degree hot water and bam it magically disapears.Lance I would hate to bet you before you know my set-up BUT if you still think you could beat me with the 5.5 gpm machine and an x-jet I would be willing to give it a try.
  20. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Scott its a Florida thang,except for CCPC just kidding.They are made by general anybody that sells general pump should be able to help you out on them.The bad thing is my supplier went out of business this week so I have to find a new one.I bought the last 4 he had on his shelf.I actually sold Mike and Don theirs for what I paid which was 49.00.I just saw them on the internet for 89.99
  21. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I'll race you.If you can get your x-jet off your trailer faster than I can pull hose I'll give you the slightly used x-jet and buy you dinner complete with beers.I hope you won't say you can clean faster with the x-jet than I can downstreaming.
  22. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    CCPC please explain to me how it is more versatile and faster than downstreaming.I tried using it, I even set up a shurflo with 200 ft of hose to keep from dragging the buckets/cart around on uneven terrain.I had the right set-up and wasted 159.00 and used it once.Give me your address and I'll send it to you it has the #16 oriface in it already.
  23. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    My question is why would you want to wheel a cart and 50ft of hose off a specially built ramp if you didn't have to.... 20gl x 8.5lbs per gl = 170lbs plus the specially made cart.I wouldn't care if it was a small job or a big job.The tips I use can reach 3+ stories without having to replace orifaces and all that misting and overspray.
  24. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I'm not sure on the cost.How much would it be worth to you on a 95 degree 90% humidity,to not have to screw around with 2 hoses some sort of bucket or cart to hall the chemical all the way around the house with. Scott you can pay me with the sweat you'll use dragging that extra stuff around.lol
  25. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Well finally some feedback from Orlando, LOL Your quite welcome.