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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    Mike I checked mine the other day.I run 9.3 gpm and it took a little less than 2 minutes to suck down a gallon.That might not sound like much but it cleans exteriors very well.
  2. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I believe this is the one its made by general and its stainless steel.
  3. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I don't like all the extra stuff that has to go along with the x-jet.I use in my opinion a better solution.
  4. Which to buy, X-JET or M-JET Nozzle???

    I use an adjustable stainless steel I believe its made by general pump.
  5. leaking chem injector

    Theres a stainless steel ball thats not sealing its in there with the spring.
  6. I prefer horizontal they are much easier to work on just my opinion
  7. Do your guys hate you?

    I call it the "Eye for detail" either you have it or you don't.I tend to see things that customers see and I have tried to teach my guys to look for things that the customer will see and they are learning but I still get frustrated. lol
  8. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James if its not mold then what is it.
  9. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    I can't imagine the mold being worse than this,but if it is than consider me wrong.
  10. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    I'm certain that the mold here is most definately different. Come on!
  11. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    I get it from my chemical supplier here in Vero Beach its called actionic surfactant.Its the base of soap and yes it is the same as I put on the walls.I have tried other chemicals and my mixture works very well.I tried to say that without putting down the suppliers of housewash mixes.
  12. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James I'll be honest I have cleaned roofs that looked like a black bear crawled up there and died.It was actually so bad it looked like it had fur on it.I cleaned with 80-100% pure chlorine and surfactant.I can't imagine Texas mold being worst than Florida mold.
  13. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    Well not really and if necessary I cover the plants and rinse with 9.0 gpm.I also inform my customers of the potential leaf damage and inform them that it will grow back in about 3-4 weeks.
  14. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    I make my own wand if you look at the thread about a schedule 80 supplier then you can find a picture of it.I have been making my own wand for about 5 yrs.You are right I don't have to get on roofs to clean or rinse them.I love being on shingle roofs but not tile.Also I can shoot chemical 50 to 60 ft with my system.
  15. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James I rinse with my 9.0 gpm machine and it runs off a 325 gl tank.I also rinse my plants with that machine it makes things go a lot faster.I used to do the shurflo thing but it takes to damn long and time is money.I have a John Blue diaphragm pump it runs off a 5,5 hp honda motor.I use 1/2 chemical hose.James I don't mind the questions I will help anyone I can.
  16. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    My names not mike but it looks in the 2500- 3000 sq ft range.I would charg around 300 to do and I would be done in 1-1/2 hr.I have a gas powered diaphragm pump it puts out 5gpm at 250 psi. that includes rinsing and roll up.
  17. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    James the roofs I do around here need at least 80% chlorine and 15 % water and the rest is a magical mystery.I am kidding I use a surfactant that helps it stick.I use 200-300 gls per week when im busy.I try to ballpark my chlorine usage but if there is someone out here that can get it down to exact amounts I would love to meet him cause I can't and I have been doing it along time.I keep my tank covered and out of the sun when parked that helps it keep longer.I use a 225 gl chemical tank.There is nothing that pisses me off more than to run out of chlorine and have to roll up and get more so I always overestimate.I get chlorine at .90 a gl so if I go over I know I'll use it elsewhere. thats my .02 worth if anyone cares.lol
  18. ? 4 Shurflo Users

    The way I do it, if its a 2500 sq ft house I charge $ 250.00 I can do in about an hour and an half.That includes rinsing.Doctors and lawyers don't make that kind of money.
  19. x-jet help

    wow that was weird it came through twice.
  20. x-jet help

    All I know is downstreamer= house cleaned (with the right tips) without all the b/s that an x-jet offers.I am just a pressure cleaner who gets results.I have a lot of common sense but when it comes to ratios I'm lost. I KNOW WHAT WORKS. It comes from the school of hard knocks.
  21. x-jet help

    All I know is downstreamer= house cleaned (with the right tips) without all the b/s that an x-jet offers.I am just a pressure cleaner who gets results.I have a lot of common sense but when it comes to ratios I'm lost. I KNOW WHAT WORKS. It comes from the school of hard knocks.
  22. Hose Reels

    Type in Titan reels in a search engine and you can see the catalog and if you call the number they should be able to hook you up with somebody.
  23. x-jet help

    Most of the time the oriface is what wears out.Its nothing magical like Mike and Don said its a regular chemical injector s.s. Thats why Its not on my website.I didn't reinvent the wheel.It makes life easier than using other methods (x-jet).
  24. Hose Reels

    Well they do make s.s. swivels that are pricey or you can use a brass swivel which is what I use and have had the same one for 8 months now but I do rinse it. ( brass holds up pretty well if you rinse it).