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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. TCPalm: Local News This might be why it is slower than normal in my area. I have talked with a few other Florida cleaning contractors and they are also slower than normal. I have also had several calls from people asking me,are there restrictions on pressure cleaning because of water restrictions? I tell them not for business owners because we still have to make a living. Has anyone else dealt with this issue ? I am sure you guys up north are hammered and of course MB Jeff is always slammed with business. lol
  2. Could this be why it is slower than normal?

    Ron I think so too.
  3. How Can THIS Be Good For Business ??

    A 12 volt pump and bleach and they are in business. lol
  4. I have a k-7 that I have used for three years and another one for a year and half no problems with either one. They might break down tommorow since I said that, but they are very reliable.
  5. You need a smaller bypass oriface,I have a k-7 3 I run a size 1 oriface on my bypass to my tank.
  6. I remember when it was .50 a gl. It is funny that chlorine is a byproduct of another chemical they make and they used to throw it away until they decided they could make money. I am still at .98 a gl but was told that it will go up.
  7. No shortages, but when fuel prices rise everything that is hauled rises also.
  8. Happy Mothers Day

    I just wanted to give a special shout out to all the Mothers. We would not be where we are today without Mothers. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.
  9. Owners' Manual for the parents of teenaged daughters

    This is why I thank GOD everyday for two boys. lmao
  10. No hot water

    Scott when they get hot like that it get so hot it actually loosens the scale inside the coil. It could be any of the switches most likely the pressure or flow switch,or thermostat. I would bypass the switches until you find out which one it is. If I can help you can call me if you like.
  11. Help wanted ad

    Rick show them what to do and they pick up very well even though they don't speak very good english.
  12. Help wanted ad

    Jeff I will be blunt if you can find a good latino you better hire him or her they have better work ethics than others. I probably will be chastized for saying this but from my experience laborers are better if they speak spanish. my ....02 worth. Ducks because the shots are a coming lmao.
  13. 30" surface cleaner

    Yes the flow is decreased per tip but not the pressure . The correct tip size will give you the same psi .
  14. Turning down pressure

    I have used ball valves for years and no pump problems on this end. I use them daily on my machines one is 9.3 gpm the other is 8.5 gpm. my .02 worth
  15. Inside 911

    Rod , in your mind we should be a third world country that shakes like a church mouse in the corner. I would like to see how successful your business would be in a third world country. Maybe you would like living that way but not me! I would hope you misquoted yourself. War is not a pretty thing but it is neccessary for a strong country to survive.
  16. interpreting nozzle chart

    Here is an automatic one that I use. The Pressure Washer Store - Machines, Parts, Accessories, Supplies
  17. Todays nightmare

    Bloody good work.
  18. t-shirts

    Scott,how did a person in England get his t-shirt before I got mine? lol
  19. Walmart/Sams Club

    I am in agreement with Mike on this one. Thats why I don't work for a major retailer.
  20. Walmart/Sams Club

    A lot of work,a lot of prep a tremendous amount of gum, work only at night. I was coming back from another night time job when I looked over and some guys were doing our local wal-mart, so me being the curious type I stopped. Talked to the guy and turns out I knew him. He was telling me they were doing the concrete and removing gum for 250.00 a store. I looked at it and I wouldn't have touched for less than 500.00 he said that was all they were willing to pay. I do the Sams club next door for a whole lot more money. A few years ago I bid a super wal-mart the entire front and sides the flat work including gum removal. The bid was around 3500.00 The Mgr told me if I would do it for 2200 I could have the job.I turned around and walked away. I know wal-mart is famous for paying low and I can't see this being any different.
  21. Jarrod it is made by General and its stainless steel and also adjustable.
  22. If you run over a 150 ft of hose you need a smaller oriface on your injector. I use a downststream injector with 300 ft of hose everyday and it works fine. If I need stronger chemical (rarely) I just fire up the John Blue Pump, on smaller jobs I'll put chem in a pump up sprayer. I have tried an x-jet and to me anything is better than carrying around extra hose and buckets of chem. my .02 worth I also use a stainless steel injector which makes all the difference in the world.
  23. New Boots I am trying out.

    They are very comfortable. The ones I ordered are black. I think they will hold up as good as any boots I tried and the comfort level is awesome. They are Crocs.
  24. 2 wire hose vs. 1 wire?

    If you drag it across concrete a lot then by all means invest in 2 wire. I find 2 wire lasts longer with hot water also.
  25. New Boots I am trying out.

    The problem with leather is chemical eats them up.