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Everything posted by PWkid

  1. The mall here has this appearing through the mortor. I have been asked if I can alleviate the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated. The white stains only appear where the mortor meets the brick. You brick guys can help me I am sure of it. Chemical suggestions and method of removal would be much appreciated.
  2. New Boots I am trying out.

    Jeff, I thought so too. Any waterproof shoe would be hot to keep water out it must keep water in.I care about comfort.I walk on concrete and my feet hurt and it transfers to my back.
  3. New Boots I am trying out.

    I knew the jokes were a coming.lmao They were 39.99 I'm not sure of the chemical resistance but they said to wash them with Bleach so I figured they could handle a little bit of love. Stay tuned.
  4. You guys are too much lmao
  5. PWM ...................... FOREVER lmao
  6. Rod I understand, I was being facetious.
  7. Scott not to me because I will refuse to pay 395 for another year of all this craziness.
  8. Beth ARMA stands for asphalt roofing manufacturers association. I am not sure they even clean roofs. The other represents cedar shake. The pics are of barrel tile, now that doesn't make any sense. That would be like PWNA stealing your pics and linking people to the national lumber association.
  9. What I remember of the phone call was but don't hold me to it,the call happened 2 years ago. He liked my site and wanted to use some of the info. Word for word and pics were not mentioned. I would like credit for it and a banner ad linked to my site I don't think thats too much to ask. Am I being unreasonable?
  10. Celeste I am not sure what is going to happen. My experience with the PWNA is when you call there you may or may not get a phone call back. I might try an email to the BOD's. They need to realize that taking info from someone else without WRITTEN permission is not good business.
  11. I would be willing to give them written authorization in exchange for a banner ad linking to my site. It is copywright infringement. The goal of any website is to get more people coming there. I am no different than any other website owner. The banner ad linking to my website or I would like the page taken down.There is a big difference between verbal and written authorization. The BOD says I gave him verbal approval.
  12. Yea I'm not happy about it. A representative has called and left me a message saying I told him that they could use the info. I remember a conversation about my website and how this rep really liked it ,that was a couple of years ago. I do not remember telling them they could copy it pretty much word for word and use my pics. I would never tell someone they could do that. They could have at least had said this page courtesy of Vero Under Pressure LLC
  13. Russ Johnson from Southside Equipment should be able to supply packings and all the knowledge to replace the packings. I am sure he is a vendor on TGS. He is one of the more knowledable people in this industry.
  14. t-shirts

    Who are the guys in the Pic?
  15. how would you interpret this link?

    There a lot of guys in FLORIDA that clean roofs daily (with success),with bleach,chlorine, sodium hypochlorite. Companies think they have the ROOF CLEANING phenomenon. I know gary in PA thinks sodium hydroxide is the ticket. There are proven results in Bleach,Chlorine,Whatever you want to call it. It is up to the person who is running his or her business to decide what they want to use. Sodium Hydroxide with pressure or Sodium Percarbonate, Sodium Hypochorite. I will go back to the old saying there is more than 1 way to skin a cat. I have found that using a product that provides me with results is what I am going to use.It is the way I decide to run my (successfull) business of roof cleaning.
  16. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16241245/ I am curious what you guys think. I know people make mistakes we are not perfect but when a person chooses to take a human beings life The rules change IMHO.
  17. I would be very careful trying to run a 8 gpm machine off a water hose. The pumps aren't cheap. You might get lucky at a commercial job imho I wouldn't chance it. my .02 worth
  18. Starting out played football for 9 years had plenty of chances to play football in college but when your young and dumb,well you guys know the rest it didn't pan out. I was a mechanic for years decided I didn't like having my finger nails dirty all the time. Worked for a chemical company mixing chemicals for awhile. l Went to Paramedic school and enjoyed it for 11 years until I was married and had seen enough blood and guts for anyones lifetime. I started pressure cleaning part-time . Worked for a presure cleaning equipment manufacturing company as a salesman for almost a year. After the hurricanes 2 years ago decided to go full-time pressure cleaning. I enjoy cleaning and have been doing it for other people and myself for about 12 years.
  19. I callem chondas lol They look like a honda and smell like a lemon lol
  20. Hot Box and GPM

    The hot box wouldn't heat the water as much as one that is rated for 8 gpm. The hot box usually has a smaller coil and smaller burner. The surface cleaner would probably put the extra water into your bypass unless you have a flow actuated unloader then it would go in and out of bypass.
  21. How do you like your Turkey?

    Fried is the only way to go. After I learned to fry'em I won't eat it any other way.
  22. Thank You Beth and Rod

    I just wanted to say thank you for providing a wonderful place to learn and share.
  23. Down Streaming 300ft of hose

    Use a smaller size oriface than is recommended. I used to have a 4gpm machine and now I use a 9.3 gpm and both had 300 ft of hose I never had problems injecting 300 ft of hose. Just my .02 worth. I have heard other posts on here saying that only works on higher gpm machines but when I had a 4 gpm it worked like a charm for years. I guess everybody has their own opinion.