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Everything posted by Adrian

  1. It works at the amtrak station too, Thad. However they are quick to point out that if I don't have a ticket, I gotta play waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over there.
  2. Buskers make $400-500 a day on some of these sin infested street corners of Houston.
  3. Guilty Pleasure?

    It rulezzz. Just wish it would have been Ronnie Wood instead of the Edge, as the third. Edge is cool but Ronnie's cooler. One heck of a player, always over shadowed by Richards ego awful licks.
  4. TGS new format-- comments.

    Works great, looks great. and it has the little dudes again...... :rugby: :orange: :onthego: :offended: :numbness: :nonchalance: :nightmare: :nevreness: :panda:
  5. Employees or Subs??

    Both are too darn slow if you ask me. But I would rather have an employee on a regular basis.
  6. What a great day-- Reflection

    Kick azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  7. nice, posted at Fo Twinny too.
  8. Guilty Pleasure?

    Dude, ...... Right on !!!!!!!! Jack Rox. His solo work is incredible, but, you'll never hear it on the radio. Check out the movie "It Might Get Loud" with Jack, jimmy Page( led Zep), and The Edge ( U2)
  9. Guilty Pleasure?

    Most of you are probably too young. Missing Persons. Dale Bozzio has such a unique vox. The epitome of 80's dance scene meets american pop/punk. Coming in a close second, I tend to review much of the material my bands have recorded over the years as well. In your freakin face metal!!!!!!! ok, pretty much any Hall & Oats too.... I Love My Xjet !!!!!!
  10. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Welcome to TGS Ryan. We won't hold the New York thing against you. lol You guys are tough as nails. Throw your name and number on your sig line and it will help you with SEO.
  11. You can sit closer,... I won't bite. Cindy Crawford.
  12. First X-Jet job done...

    I have heard of being able to draw from 25 or more on the xjet. I draw from a 20 ft hose, that is usually coiled up on my 2 wheeler anyway. Allows me to keep moving fast. Personally at my age,lugging a 25 ( 30) gal. drum would wreck what s left of me. Just too much weight. 15 ( if you really need that much) are more managable.
  13. What are your plans for Labor Day weekend?

    Hanging with the Misses. Nothing better.
  14. Residential Pressure Washing. Deck & Fence Restoration.
  15. First X-Jet job done...

    What he said.
  16. First X-Jet job done...

    What he said.
  17. Window Washer Falls

    ouch.... Hope this link works. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/08/22/20142094-window-washer-survives-seven-story-plunge-from-high-rise?lite I love my xjet
  18. I 've run into this alot. It's almost impossible to "unravel" the vine without "some" damage. The customer has to know that and it is within their understanding that you are not liable in any way shape or form. Also it is simply impossible to unravel even al ittle, and, not get any stain on the vine. So it would be more prudent to have them let you prune the vine in advance in such a way that it has as little exposure to the stain as possible. It's either that or avoid that area altogether, because you don't want to get a callback to replace it, or start an insurance claim. Pruning it , is not killing it, and is being proactive to protecting it in the long run.
  19. So what is it's main application? Airport runways, parking garage ( seems too high), parking lots. Bet it cost a pretty penny.