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Everything posted by Adrian

  1. Who's your dental ins. co.?

    Not looking for discounted programs for dental, but, actual ins. co. with rates that don't kill the wallet.( yeah right!!! ) Any suggestions, pros, cons ,of that firm. I have a few that I am looking at now, but want to know who you use and why. Thx.
  2. The Dr. said 4 months. I strongly, and stubbornly disagreed, and said 2 months before I get back to work. So I stripped and prepped a 150 ft. of fence this morning ( a small one by anyone's standard). Feeling really eager to just get back to work, I took this baby on. It came out great, even super. I didn't feel an ounce of pain during the process. ( well, except for rolling the hose reels). I thought I was free and clear. I have faithfully been doing the physical therapy at home and at the clinic, daily. Well, I take a few short breaks here and there to ride the vicodin wave on my mental surfboard. But for the most part, I have been ahead of the curve. Here it is not 4 hours after starting this project I can't seem to lift my arm over my head AGAIN. AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. I am very tired and sad to be giving away or subbing out all of my work since DEC. IT SUX!!!!!!! Therefore, I thought I was ready to get back at it. Live and learn. I am going back to see the Dr. in the a.m. for xrays and him to slap me around a bit and tell me what a punk I am. That is only if there is anything left of me when my wife finds out. Geez what an idiot. Feel free to agree with me on this one. Stir crazy, I tell ya, I'm going stir crazy trying to get better. I hate myself. I wanna work so bad I can taste it. Even xbox is no fun anymore. I wanna work. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
  3. Been a heck of a year.

    It's been a while folks. I had to bury my grand daughter. ( really tough gig I swear) 8 surgeries so far on the old bones. Still plugging away at it though not as gung ho. Just getting through the day sometimes is a chore in itself. Glad to see some regulars as well as new names here. I also see that not much has changed in the pw world. Same people doing the same ego driven stuff ( peel the onion guys c'mon) Same bashing same executions of character ( B.S. in my eyes ) We all bleed red...... no exceptions. Various things are happening around the globe to make one want to hide his head in the sand. Hard to keep a positive outlook sometimes....whatever. While ALL my guitars gently weep. Just hope you all are fighting the good fight and not with each other. Peace Through Sonic Distortion
  4. Been a heck of a year.

    Thanks John. Just fight the good fight.
  5. Been a heck of a year.

    James, funny you should mention.... I've been invited to sit in "hang" at Sugar Hill recording Studio" downtown today. This place is known as the "Abbey Road" of the south. I'm stoked and a little skeered at the same time. This place has been around since WWII. Pretty sure it is the oldest recording studio existing. It has seen the likes of ZZ Top, Todd Rundgren, Willie Nelson, Freddy Fender, Beyoncé, Destiny's Child, and all the greats of the 40's, 50's 60's including The little known band called the Rolling Stones. I'm actually doing good about NOT thinking about the recent events in mine and my family's life. Odd I know, but I tend to break down when the thought process takes over. ... but after the session, I'm sure I will turn into a salesman again and see If I can get a cleaning job out of them. Unless I "get lucky" begging for a recording tech. internship, which would really take my mind off current events. All that said, barring that I don't faint following the footsteps of fame that has been through that studio. It should be pretty cool !!!!
  6. Been a heck of a year.

    Thanks Beth, Guy, & Steven. I'm not a holy man but I believe my daughter and son in law will raise that child in Heaven. Just a feeling, and if I make it there, I'll babysit until they arrive.
  7. I wouldn't shoot it from the ground due to overspray. Ladders can be a hassle, but at the end of the day it will have been worth the extra effort. Get close as possible, dial down the psi, use p.p.e. be done with it. Looks like a really really nice project.
  8. TGS members check in with your website link

    www.abcpressurewashing.com www.abcpressurewashing.net They call me Adrian My stage name is Ass Water Jones.
  9. Nice work B&R as always. I must have hundreds of pics of projects. I just don't post them anymore. Some projects are mammoth too and I don't even take pics. Im so lazy.
  10. Ladder and fall arrestor. Unless you rent a bucket lift. Sodium Hydroxide.
  11. Black Spots on Deck Boards

    Yes, and it is probably already on your shelf at home. Sodium Hypochlorite = Bleach Surfactant= dish soap or the like. Dihydrogen Monoxide comes out of your faucet. The broom and bucket is probably in your pantry or closet. Your Sodium Hypochlorite is probably 6% in strength. So beef it up if you don't see instant results. Contractors generally use 12% strength which is found at chem supply or pool supply. Best of luck show some pics.
  12. Black Spots on Deck Boards

    Sodium Hypochlorite, soap surfactant, and Dihydrogen Monoxide is what you need to wash it with. 49-49-2 mix The Oxalic Acid is for neutralizing a prior stripper solution and brightening the wood afterwards. Being that it is kiln dried wood, it's possible ( even kiln dried ) that the pressure treatment locked in some moisture. That moisture is escaping now and creating what we in the south call shotgun mold, or Artillery Fungus. Since you are not stripping ( unless I missed it ) then a good mix of what I mentioned above, possibly even some broom agitation should remove it. ..... and go with a semi trans oil based stain. Darker tones are like higher #'s with sunscreen lotion. Darks offer more protection in the long run IF PREPPED CORRECTLY. and maintained afterwards.
  13. Seems almost everyday in Houston this August, it's 90-95 degrees before 10 or 11 am. The heat has actually slowed and stopped some projects. The flash adhesion is rearing its ugly head and causing double the amount of stain in some case. However I really feel for you northern folks getting cold so early. Just doesn't seem right . "facepalm". Glad to see a few familiar faces. Hang in there everyone.
  14. THAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDD Black Beauties have been discontinued. Its a sad Day.
  15. So you guys should all invest in the "jet share" program. There are so many conventions going on around the country it's crazy. When do you guys work anymore? Hey 'Los, man I love that window cleaner you gave me in Houston. Works well and taste great in coffee. Peace Through Sonic Distortion.
  16. ............ water intrusion......lol
  17. Those are Better Homes and Gardens pictures for sure. Curious if you have any pictures of the "during" process. I would love to see some of your techniques on protecting the surface areas below and around the deck area. Do you constantly keep the areas wet? Or tarping or both? Did you paint the bordered areas as well, or work around exiting color? We've all done "trainer decks" until we are blue in the face. I don't even take pictures of them anymore. Auto pilot, blah blah blah!!!!! But this one is for the record books and should be on the cover of Deck World magazine ( if there was one). Awesome work.
  18. Hey John, the first thing that comes to mind to clean is the White House. Its gotten really dirty over the last 6 yrs. Wait.... I might be speaking metaphorically.
  19. Ultimately before the good in anything gets tainted, it's mankinds inert drive that propels us through history to do better and advance ourselves to a more comfortable "survival setting". Many of us share to help newbs avoid the learning curve and mistakes. Many of us share different techniques from pro to pro. Many of us don't care, many of us do. It's a lot the same on many of the forums out there that I am members of. Ultra lite aircraft forums....... man those dudes will fly to you and land in your back yard to help out with your build. On the guitar forums.... there are secrets shared that can make a washed up rocker that would make one come out of retirement. The product and invention forums are similar but very guarded. I think it all comes back around full circle for everyone at some point... You ask the question "Why do we help with info"..... I say why not........ we know who needs help and who doesn't..... but for the folks that stumble on these forums looking for info, I prefer that none of my info be incorrect...... so I bite my tongue sometimes too, until I'm sure of myself. But hey, after 12 yrs now, I'm in it, with what I know.
  20. It worked fine. Wouldn't recommend it though. Normally wouldn't do it that cold but that's how it worked out. Took the stain better part of two days to cure a bit. The fence still looks great, as it should. I'd say I got lucky with temps that low. Snotcicles, frozen metacarpals . Frozen eyelashes. lol. Customer pleased beyond words.
  21. A big thanks to Shane for coming in and helping me with a pretty good sized wood project. It's been a stellar week and still am going strong. But I needed a little hudspa on this one. Suddenly my helper realized he forgot to insert his anal suppository and couldn't work, at the very last minute. So I reach a little farther into the abyss of contractors that have offered ( lets just say) their services in times of slower than usual prosperity, to no avail. Helpers think I take on some projects that are too big for my little company. I do just fine. However my work load has been uncomfortable to say the least with really weird weather lately. Whatever.... back to Shane. Made the call to Shane and he was just wrapping up his morning. He made the crappy drive to my customers house through our murderous Houston traffic, worked for an hour and helped me finish up. He knocked out around 60 remaining ft. and the gate return. You are a really good dude to help me get the wheels back on the rails. Right on!!!!
  22. X-Jet and 8.25 household bleach

    The difference between wand and trigger setup is night and day. Use an enclosed container( because it will splash around) and bungee strap that bad boy to the two wheeler. I literally have "trotted" through housewashes. It cuts down the overall project time if you ask me. Youll learn to move quick with a two wheeler. ( or your helper, whatever the case) A two wheeler is essential in my trailer. 8.8 lbs. per gallon can get heavy carrying by hand. Not to mention that it takes focus away from the task at hand. Washing the resi. I have even mounted a hose reel on my two wheeler for the xjet hose.
  23. Well I really pushed the envelope at the end of last year. 250 miles from home, 38 degrees. I had to finish the project. Used Bakers and it was in the high 30's all day. Not recommended, but I was in a pinch, with distance and time.
  24. X-Jet and 8.25 household bleach

    Put your bucket on a two wheeler, then you don't have to carry it. Lose the proportioners. With 8% use more of it in your mix than water. Coil the loose xjet hose on the two wheeler. Lose the wand, and just use trigger section. You will be able to work much faster, with a stronger and more efficient mix. There will be less fatigue on the body.