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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. My staff and I have used the Dickies Pants and Shirts for years. They never bleach out. They are very stain resistant and they are very durable. We manufacture and distribute chemical products including 12% bleach. The bleach never harms the fabrics even when exposed undiluted.

    My problem is that I spend the bulk of my time doing sales and I need a polo type shirt. I still get exposed to the bleach. The bleach ruins my polos. Has anyone found a bleach resistant polo?

    Welcome to TGS.

    Please complete your signature line. House Rule #1.

    Again, welcome.

  2. That's funny Adrian , you showing up at the next Huston event? It would finally be a pleasure to meet with you.

    No big dog little dog brother just making sure you can wash everyday and keep you family in the life style they are accustom to.

    Text me anytime for question 480-522-5227

    Honestly Ron, I'm not on the forums much anymore to see what events are going on.

    Likewise to meet you in person as well though.

    Me personally am "no soy pero" anyway you look at it.

    So threads like this just keep me running in the other direction.

    Which is sad because you two have so much to offer.

    The theme seems to always be the same, no matter what the topic,

    always turns into a sausage fest.

    Speaking for myself only, after a decade of this bickering it starts to be a time waster for me.

    Respectfully, though your efforts are graciously appreciated on both, but never are you guys on the same page.

    It just does us other no name grunts a bit of good when we see the same conflict thread to thread.

    However if there is BBQ I could be convinced possibly.....

    Bring Jim too.... I'll sell tickets and get a sexy girl to hold the card and walk around in a bikini that lets you know what round it is.

  3. I understand what you guys are saying above. All my options are open. I had a good run with the stains I used all these years. The VOC's killed them here which is why I went to NJ today to see some different options. I always hated staining. The more I hated it the more I made. All I ever wanted to do was Powerwash. Now that I no longer stain anything I still can't stand it when something comes out where there was problems that we didn't cause.

    I order most of my stuff online. I get my Gutter cleaning chemicals that I mix together from one Distributor, I get part of my house soap(I make the rest) from another distributor, I get all my strippers from my local Distributor I've been dealing with for 17 yrs and I build my own Powerwashers from Parts I get from numerous Distributors...

    Shane has already contacted me about the BGA's stain and on top of that I met one guy today who makes his own stain and showed a few of us his product and on the way down there I talked to another Expert in this field who also comes to this bb who also makes his own Mixes. On top of that I had an artist Here in Rick Petry to talk shop with today about stains..

    The Consensus is either I get out of the staining business(Every year I say this and we get to many calls to turn down this type of work) or start ordering my stains online. There's Four different stain companies that seem to have very good products and in no specific order they are BGA,DPR,Ready Seal and Armstrong Clarke. The last thing I want to do is make my own mixes when it comes to stain so that's out.

    I'd love to get the paint stores that I deal with here sell one of the above products because this paint store has a very large Contractor base.

    It's great to have options:joyous:

    Wood does suck sometimes John. That's why there is a PITA rate matrix for some of the hassles we make look easy.

    I like your idea of getting more products in your local stores. However, if you do pull off that type of marriage between the dist. and the locals be sure you get your do discount. Because they will make tons of money off of your union between the 2.

    I also agree with Charlie, about online ordering as well. Lots of discounts and free shipping when internet is used exclusively.

    However if you want the best customer service, I'll bet you a New York meatball sandwich that Shane would personally deliver product to your door.

    He's "almost" that committed.

  4. It's on YT, Chris.

    However I have already had the funeral service and eulogy for this product.

    It is a good product and it made alot of people quicker money. Even my lawyer.

    I just use it for myself though.

    I thinking about buying a bunch of ocean containers and converting them to "Bug out" shelters and selling them to the public after converstion.

    Might as well profit from the end of the world hoopla. lol.

  5. awesome cleaning job. Curious.... is the last pic an after pic with stain? If so another application would create a more even flow of the tone. Looks like the wood drank more stain in soime areas than others.

    Looks real good, I'm just picky that way. I wouls add one more app of the stain to even it out a bit.

    You failed to mention you have a pool though.

    I'll be over after work.... lol.

    Good job.

  6. I only use The Breeze Brush for my company Chris. Still the best out there in my opinion.

    I tried to get it out into the world but was unable to dedicate all of my time and efforts and money.

    You know, crashing airplanes, smashing guitars like Pete Townsend, and replaying in my head the day I touched Cindy Crawfords butt is more time consuming.

    Although I have many other inventions ( and again not enough money to push them) I am focusing on a few that may seem promising in other industries.

    Still trying to put finishing apps on "Boat Brakes" fiasco.

    Not to mention the "Guitstool" which is just cusping.

    Never defeated though.

