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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. This needs to tone down gentlemen.Please, seriously, not sure anyone cares but you guys.

    I mean, I care that this thread is starting to become argumentative. But your disagreement is between you guys and should be kept between you and not "aired out" publicly. 

    Just saying, we have seen it "blow up" in the past.


    Just tone it down a bit.

  2. Hairy armpits  lol that's her signature. Would have been great to see.


    Let's not forget another New York band ..... Riot..... the best band no ones ever heard of.


    And of course Dream Theater, the best prog metal band since Yes.


    NY puts out some great bands, but none like Lou.


    To bad you missed the tribute. Would have been cool.




    I love my xjet.

  3. Thx John. I'm the pile of hair playing lead guitar on the left. It was a show called CAPZEYEZ on the Austin Music Network.


    I definately remember Vixen. ( drool)

    I did play in Manhatan once, on a street corner. Seriously.

    The music scene in NY is unlike any other, a close second to Austin.


    I grew up listening to the very bands you mentioned, and also fell off into the indie scene when metal wasn't paying the bills.


    There are very few today that fill the unique shoes of that style.


    I played a show at little five points in Atlanta at a really cool coffee club. 

    Of course I showed up a few hrs early to setup, and just walking across the street to a used clothes store, was Patty Smith.

    You should know her, shes from our time and your area. 

    When she crossed my path, I tilted my head and told her I loved her music.

    She gave me the crooked smile and said " Thaaaaaanks Maaaaan"

  4. John ( and Jim) you are one lucky dude to have seen the Talking Heads.

    I never saw them live. I have seen David Byrmes solo mareial live, but not the heads.


    At the turn of the century a punk band ( called Repo Man ) I was in, was on a tribute albumn called "This is not the Talking Heads".

    It was released in the Netherlands ( which I actually just got back from on vacation). We did the song Heaven.

    Really good recording we did.  It was 3 of my 15 min.


    Music like that just doesn't exist anymore.

  5. Another one of the greats passed this weekend.

    Lou Reed.

    What a maverick in the New York music scene.


    If you are too young to know of him, look him up and check out some of his material.

    It will move you.

    Nothing to do with pressure washing except through the headphones while working.

    Being a musician myself ( or a washed up musician) this is really sad to me.

  6. I was living in a crappy little apartment on Franklin street in Fort wayne, Indiana. My girlfriend and I had just gotten up and flipped on the morning news. We watched as they went to a breaking story out of NYC, where a plane had "accidently" crashed into one of the WTC towers.


    I remember talking to her about how hard it would be to accidently hit one of those, as you can see them for miles in the air on a clear day.


    Then the second plane hit.


    I stood up and grabbed my phone. My girlfriend could see in my face that something was wrong. She started asking why I was so concerned. I replied "this is the beginning of WW3. This isn't an accident, we are under attack. We will not see peace again for a long time." I just knew in my gut.


    I finished dialing and reached my Plt. Sgt. I said "hey Sgt., are you watching the news?" He said no. I told him to turn it on. He watched for a few minutes and told me to grab my gear and get to the armory.


    We all sat on standby, waiting for the orders, but they didn't come. My unit deployed to Iraq in 03, but I had since gotten out. I was a single father with custody of two kids.


    After I got married, I re-enlisted active duty. I did my time in Kirkuk and Mosul, Iraq. I loved my job. An injury put me out. Got ran over and messed me up pretty bad. I would go back over there in a heartbeat, because those people HATE us and they will not stop until they have won or been wiped out.





    11B, SGT.

    1-67 CAB

    2 BCT, 4 ID  WARHORSE!

    Right on. Thx for your service.

  7. Today is a great day. Got an email from Jake Clark that he's doing ok with those tremendous fires that are all around his shop. We booked a garage to be cleaned in 2 weeks and my guys are n the process of staining a house(Only 3rd house staining job we did this year--yay).

    The weather here is absolutely beautiful.

    On top of all this, it's great to talk to some guys who support one another. We work things thru together.

    Reflecting on today-- it's a beautiful day.

    So how has your days been?

    There's a church song I heard John, called "The Green Side Of The Grass"


    one line says, ...... anyday you're on the green side of the grass, is a good day.



    ....works for me bro!!!!

  8. Eh, I don't want to argue.


     Heh heh, No argument Brother. Hands Down, no questions, Ronnie is much better that Richards.

    Richards has become sloppy over the last thiry years. Ronnie is better than ever.


    Edge is one the best for sure( in his respective techno experimental field) He's no bluesman though.



    We still need to snap a few strings or busk a few marks in Ms. some day Thad.



    ....... now where's that Dream Theater CD?
