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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. This is one of 3 that is in progress on the lake.

    Not your typical 12x10.

    Look beyond the deck in pic 4109 of the multi level cat walk 2 story deck/dock that attaches to a second story of the house. Pretty cool. Hope my body holds out for all of this action.

    By the way, the stain is BGA "Special Blend" . It's like a gold /dark brown mix they have.

    I think it's a nice color.

    ......might be time for a helper.

    Sidenote: For some reason, these pics seem grainier when I posted them on this site.



  2. Mr Dog, your are acting like you did when you first came here. Rude, & obnoxious. We don't have to agree here, but respect is due to others here. If you think you have been wronged, contact Beth and Ron privately. This is not the place to air those assumed wrongs.


  3. I used the 2 GPM delavan and a spot sprayer. I put it on a hand truck but I am going to change it to just a bucket because you can't move the bucket of stain anyhow with the hand truck.[ATTACH=CONFIG]15284[/ATTACH]

    Pat, I have a lid for the deckster with hose notch cutouts. I move that thing all over the yard if I need to.

    The hoses are surrounded by o rings in the lid. It will spill a bit if it is top[ped off and moved. but usu. if it is full, I have already found the right location to start the spray and don't need to move it for a while.

    but it is doable.

  4. I think she should join the *****, they are a member beni. It's free right now

    It may be a direction she would like to take.

    But still..... not for me.

    Even if it is free right now Ron, the GL's that 'los posted are simply no different from any other employee file format that a properly run company would follow anyway.

    Don't really see how that is a member benefit.

    My interest will only be sparked when I can see ( from the outside ) that the foundation will actually support the mountain this time around.

    But, it may be right up her alley. That's a super duper suggestion Ron **********. You are the maaaaaaaaaan !!!!!!!!
