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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Right on. You will like it here. It's one of the cooler places to be as far as forums go.

    You can learn alot as you progress here. Just avoid the drama of some of the "vets" here,( they are all old and cranky, like me, and don't get enough sleep) and you will pick up on some great tips.

    Alot, in fact most of the folks here are the very ones who are forging the future of this industry and have been in it since it's infancy.

    I think Ron ********** is like 1000 years old. Kidding Ron.

    Beth and Rod are like 800 yrs. old. ( but Beth doesn't look a day past 27....... hope I saved my butt on that one)

    I have less than a decade to my name, but feels like a 1000 yrs.

    But you are at the right place for sure Tom.

    Learn to use the search function as well before you ask a question in a new thread. Because it has probably been asked a 1000 times before. ( don't say I didn't warn you on that one). Some of these old dogs will bite your finger off if they find you haven't done any research before you post a question.

    Feel free to show off your job pictures too. That way the free world can see your work and it might land you a job.

    Plus it helps us help you with questions on projects bidding cleaning solutions, basically what to,.... and what not to do.

    My best suggestion is to keep an open mind as there are many different approaches by many different contractors.

    It's good because it helps YOU find your way on your own what is best for your company.

    blah blah blah blah blah.....

    again welcome to TGS.

  2. I'll do resi or wood in the rain any day of the week. I love it. It's alot easier on the bones than 95 degrees and no clouds.

    Doesn't really affect the wash or strip mix. Unless of course it is raining sideways and you are playing the "lightning rod" game.

    It's good to go.

    Plus, think of all the rescheduling needed for a few drops or light shower cancellation.

  3. ..... and down goes the hatchet.......

    Earl I hope you realise that "See Dirt Run" are one of the biggest names in this industry and you can't simply take their logo.

    That's kind of like me saying that I am going into the soda business and taking Coca Cola's logo because it would work so well for what I am trying to accomplish.

    Good luck on this one man.

  4. What pressure washing forums are you aware of?






    Cleaning network


    My favs of course are TGS, ***, and the corner bar PT State.

    These three have without a doubt been the most helpful for knowledge and growth for my company.

    ........ there must be a few out there where war is not waged though.......

    just curious.


    "I love my x-jet"

  5. Common practice for resi washes is to pre wet all of the grass and plants that are near the area to be washed.

    Keep it wet DURING the resi wash process. Then post rinse everything one more time. Then rinse everything again if you feel downright unsure of the previous rinses.

    Also include the trees that are higher up near the resi.

    If there are neighbors resi that is close to your cleaning area, .... rinse theirs as well to avoid a negative phone call later.

    The 12% Sodium Hypochlorite can and will cause damage to and KILL landscaping when used incorrectly. Practice on your own property first,..... especially when you get your x-jet, or Downstreaming setup.

    That's all the free help you get from me until I ( and all of us here at TGS) know who you are.


    While you are here, please go to your "settings" and complete your signature line.

    It's required.

    Welcome to TGS.

    House Rules!!!!!!

  6. Haven't tried it.

    Most use their own housewash mix according to whatever strength is needed for each particular house. Mainly consist' of 12% SH water , and simple cherry, soap etc. as an additive or surfactant for cling on vertical surfaces.

    While you are here, please go to your "settings" and complete your signature line.

    It's required.

    Welcome to TGS.

  7. Just found out my girl Cindy will be in Houston this Friday evening.

    It will be nice to see her again.

    My wife will be there as well to scoop me up off of the floor ( again).

    Life is pretty freakin saaaaaweeeeeettttt !!!!!!!

    Hey, there is nothing wrong with butt smooshing two beautiful women at the same time.

    How often does that happen?


  8. Russ,

    I had an orange cone set out on the back left side of the truck and she took it out but to hear this lady tell her story, the car somehow turned right and ran into my truck. I'm sure she was texting and not paying attention because she didn't apply her brakes. I guess I might buy some extra cones after I replace the one she took out, just to protect myself and do what the cox communication people do and put them all around their vans when they park.

    Sucks cause I just bought the truck in August.


    That is a bad deal. Texting SUX and people who text and drive should be dealt with on a very extreme level.

    You are lucky you were away from the truck.


    I always collect cones from the side of the road or highway if they are obviously stray cones. I have a ton of them and I use them always. Alot more than one cone though. Many, like 5 for a resi setup. I make sure they see my gear and cones.

    It cost' my company nothing to pick up stray cones, and the money it saves and protection ( visual) it allows is priceless.

    Yep, I'm cheap, I pick them up off of the street. But it is worth it in the long run.

  9. Busy here too. It's started early as well. Fingers crossed. I'm starting my fifth year; it seems like other 'contractors' have fallen by the wayside. I guess they figured there was easier ways to make their beer money.

    5th yr Pete already?

    8 in May for me. WOW!!!!

    Yeah, I'm still cranking them out Pete.

    My body is KILLING me.

    Alot of waysides here as well.

    Not worth the time of day.

    All the help from last year are no longer interested in the biz.

    All the help so far this year has turned out less than helpful. "Bowl of stupid for breakfast" contractors.

    Who needs that?

    I have just been pushing them out one by one. Close one schedule one.

    Lots of fun jobs so far this year , but like I said, my bones are aching.

    Both of my hands have "trigger trauma"

    By the way Pete, do you service Castle Hills North of Carrolton?
