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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. That is an interesting call. There are a couple of scenarios. You could continue doing what you have been doing. Obviously, this is not especially good for you. I am of the mentality, I will just do it myself, and pay the price physically. I am not certain that you want to go there. If you are in the position to do it, I would raise my rates and go for the high end clientele, and just refer the jobs that don't pay to someone that you trust. You could always use the trusty line of "That is not in my service area" They don't need to know that your service area involves properties that will make bank every time you step on it. Since this is really a part time gig for you, I would think that this would be the most attractive option.

    BUT... DO not become so elitist that you think that everyone else is subpar. Define your niche and work it. You might even be happier hitting the small jobs than you would be doing the big jobs, because you don't like to be somewhere for more than a day.

    That's great advice as always.

    Nice call, 2 - 3 days max if it is wood resto.

    Couple of points. I have pretty much traded original career paths for my current path of wood and resi's and UPSELLS.

    For me, The wood is always where it's been for me after a few uncomfortable yrs. Good money in wood. It's definately an accuired skill that not every one can pull off. I see alot of crap work out there that I fix and make right.

    The music path,.... well, sometimes you gotta just face the music. It's still a very distant but fading path. No more playing in clubs for this kid though.

    I actually do work after 1 in the afternoon alot more than I let on. The ship is rowing fulltime now, hence the issues with subs and helpers.

    When processes aren't followed (by subs and helpers) the ship starts taking on water. If they would follow simple instructions there would be alot less headaches and tarnished relationships.

    .......man I miss my wedding ring. It felt...........right.

  2. My wife is so cool and understanding about it, but feels bad that I am in a slump over it.

    She's great!!!!

    So Scott,

    Should I just be like one of the "elitest'" and just stay booked for the future?

    You know. One job at a time mentality and cater to the upper tiers. Charge more for the garden party deadline now that they are starting to spend? Work less.

    Should I try and take everything that comes my way?

    Fall behind trusting "subs" ( because of my backlog) and their B.S. , splash and dash, wet and jet. Grab the $$$$$ risk quality. That's not really me though. Or my mentality.

    AHHHHHHHGGGGGG. I mean, I work on my days off from working. Ugh.

    I think I have pretty much convinved myself, no more helpers or subs.

    Thus creating a backlog along with "damage control" from the ever so reliable subs. Who has time for this crap?

  3. Really, we need more politics here?

    This forum has become so divided over the last 18-24 months. It has really gotten away from what it is really good at, contractors helping one another and sharing experinces.

    Can we also have a thread on religon? I'm a Christian. Do you want to know what I think of your religon? If so post your views on your GOD and I will respond.

    How about Race, theres a good thread. I'm white, what about you?

    Ethnic background?

    Pro-life or Pro-choice?

    Lets get it all out of the way, then maybe we can talk about power washing, roof cleaning, flatwork, gpm, psi,etc...

    You my friend, are my newest personal hero.

  4. Resi's wood and flatwork. And don't forget the ever so popular "I having a garden party" this weekend but hasn't been cleaned since the '90's.

    ...........and the subs are letting me down. Really bad.

    That sucks!!!!! In the biggest way. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THE EXCUSES I AM HEARING.


    You think I would have learned a long time ago.

    College kids for Summer work with no drive for anything but beer have proven more reliable.

    I don't like employee's though. And now I don't like "subs".

    They are starting to take the "fun" out of it for me.

    Oh, and the wedding ring flew off my finger this afternoon on a jobsite. But "HEY the house looks just spiffy"

    I've just recently married for the first time and I feel like CRAAAAAAAAAAP for losing the ring.

    Another happy customer.

    Please kill me.

  5. I will let everyone know if he ends up responding to me and so forth..

    My main question was the fact it is a diesel. My neighbor states it would be best to get a gasoline engine, as gasoline has a lot less problems with them and when diesels need worked on, they are EXPENSIVE cuz no one wants to do it.

    Anyone care to shed any light on this?

    I appreciate everyone's time so far!

    Welcome to TGS. PLease go to your settings and complete your signature line. House rules !!!.

    Again welcome to TGS.

  6. Job CAMERA suggestions wanted.

    HOOD CLEANERS Need a before n after camera that has strong flash and is very rugged. Water tight a bonus. Should avoid moving external parts like tele lenses, flip up flash. Good value pricing always good. Brand and model suggestions please. Thanks John

    Please go to your settings and complete your signature line. House rules !!!!.
