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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. What kind of material are the awnings made of, If its canvas type 303 aerospace products make a good sealer. Vinyl awnings do it right products make a great cleaner sealer called 2 in one vinyl cleaner. Theres allot to talk about with price, how old have they ever been done before, are you doing the undersides also. Also you probly will have to clean the windows afterwards so add that into your price. How high are they, I don't really know prices where you are but give me more info and I would be more than happy to help in any way.

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  2. oxalic acid. It's a neutralizer and brightener. Works great on concrete. Keep in mind if you ox any of it, you should ox all of it. Because spot oxing will leave brighter, whiter areas that stand out against areas that were not ox'd. If you decide to go in that direction that is.

    I am interested in what the recrete will do as well. I'll keep an eye on this thread.

  3. And that is exactly who had it Russ. First time in my life I have ever walked into an ACE Hardware.

    PVC plug worked fine. So far anyways. You are the man. but I still need the other parts we spoke of when you get them in.

    Right on Russ. You da man!!!!! Your advice to me barely interrupted the flow of service due to down time.

    Heck, it was after 1 o'clock anyways so I was already closed. lol.

  4. The landlord can be as picky as he wants to be. Sometimes there will still be shadows of the past on that concrete especially if it was not well maintained in the first place.

    Did you take any pics to show us?

    Sometimes a good hydrox bath spitshined with ox does a nice job on the flatwork. Just keep it out of the drains unless the company has a trap already in place.

    But, if the place has been saturated in the oil, then there is likely to be shadows.

    just my .03 ( adjusted for inflation)

  5. I never call the poor guy to "just say Hi".

    I only talk to him when something breaks and sends me into a tailspin.

    This guy really knows how to read in between the lines when I call because of my panic attacks.

    Long story short, the guy saved me around $700 bucks earlier this week for a fix of around $ 5.50.

    Check your site glasses on your pumps, folks.

    Not for fluid levels only. They can become loose or worn due to regular use causing leakage on your customers driveway. Yuk!!!! or anything related to an oily messy spooge pile.

    " But Russ, I'm telling you there is NO SITE GLASS ON MY PUMP"

    Well, of course I'm wrong. There is a siteglass on my pump ( even if it is covered in oily spooge to make it look just like a brass pump plug ). But it's there for sure.

    Why Simpson pw, and General Pump opted to put it out of view on their design is beyond me, but there sure is one.

    .... and that is exactly what Russ told me. And they do become loose or "unthreaded" after season upon season.

    Lesson learned......... I have the only answer you need for PW mechanical info.

    Go ahead ask me ANYTHING.

    My answer will be, call that poor guy named Russ at Southside in KY.

    Thank you my man. You are one in a million.

  6. I finished spraying the footprint of a 1k sq. ft. deck and had been curing for about 30-45 minutes while I brushed the trim and skirting. It started to sprinkle a little as I was finishing the trim. The rain water beaded up nicely on the deck as I was eating my fingernails hoping for the best.

    Like I said, 30-45 minutes before the sprinkleing started.

    I took a few pics of the project but want to wait for more pics tomorrow when I put the furniture back.

    Hoping for the best outcome possible.

    I have never really cut it so close with the weather as I did today.

    It should be ok, riiiiiiiiiiiiight?

  7. Doesn't look like you can regulate the first pump.

    The second pump looks like it can be regulated.

    Kind of pricey on both pumps. IMO.

    Not much of a "Northern" kind of guy myself, mainly because the only thing the staff knows is how to direct you to the cash register.

    However, delevan makes good pumps. Shur-flo makes good pumps.

    There is also the bandit setup, which I hear is good.

    If you are going to be pushing 5.5 gpm's on all of your projects then you will want a tank setup as well.

    Spend a little more and get a package on a skid.

    What exactly will you be using this application for?

  8. I bought heavy duty restoration cleaner for my house, its red brick, and thats what the guys recommended for my 90 years of Pittsburgh pollution build up. The couple questions i have are these.

    1. how to protect your windows

    2. what kind of clothing/gloves/boots

    3. can you spray the cleaner on with a plastic sprayer with no metal parts.

    4. how do you protect your plant life below, can you neutralize the soil...

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!


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  9. Has anyone here used this product from Lowes or Home Depot called JoMax? It supposedly cleans and kills mold and dirt on house sidings such as vinyl. A friend of mine wants me to pressure wash his house so I am looking for a good vinyl siding cleaner for homes that works great and will not harm plants. I also found that Northern Tool sells some Home degreasers/detergents as well.

    Thanks for any info here!

    Jomax ( IMO ) is next to crap. Way too slow. Use 12% SH from your local distributor, and a soap mix. It will serve you much quicker. Also, pretty much anything you use incorrectly will harm plants. Pre- rinse, rinse during, and rinse after and the plants will be fine.

    Please go to your settings in your profile and complete your signature line. House Rules !!!

    Welcome to TGS.

  10. HOA violations are sometimes the only thing that lights the fire and gets them moving.

    It's actually a good thing IMO that the HOA at least try to keep a respectable looking neighborhood.

    On the other hand it could also contribute to rising HOA fee's . UGH!!!.

    I would really rather do a rebuild on the deck because cleaning it would only show the damage from the tree more clearly.
