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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. You are right about Easy Off Beth.

    It contains sodium hydroxide and may take a couple of applications.

    I have suggested Easy Off to D.I.Yer's and oil stains on concrete for the fact that the hydroxide cuts the oil and grease.

    They thought I was nuts until they tried it and it worked.

    But it may take a couple of try's.

    I have never mentioned it here because you folks might think i'm nuts. But it does work.

    It works great for the ( ryhmes with weapos... who don't want my services ).

    But we all know hydrox in bulk is the way to go.

    Definately wear the respirator.

  2. The pics never really show the true appearence of the job for some reason.

    It looks great now that it is dry Rick.

    I love using the deckster for sure. It saves my old back from the push pad.

    However I am finishing up a smaller one this morning that I will just brush it on.

    Dark Red as well. I'll post the pics of it when I get back later on.

    It's around 45 this morning as well. RS seems to do ok around 45 degrees and up.

    It will be a HEAT WAVE today topping out at 65 degrees. ha.

    Have a great one.
