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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. Not a good idea. You will get burned. If the deal falls through or the seller changes their mind you just did a free job. If they are to strapped to pay then I would pass.

    That's what I was trying to say. Deal directly with the seller.

    Use the realtor to throw your name around to their clients, but don't expect a realtor to give you any of their commissions for a sale.

    Bring the realtor office a box of donuts and biz cards and have them refer you to the customer.

    Again....... IMO ( and I have gone that route pretty extensively) you will never get a dime from a realtor.

    Try Property mgt. companies with greater success. They like donuts too.

  2. I'm with you Mark. I keep my rig in the garage as well when it gets close to freezing, BUT, I also prop a heater up next to the pump. Maybe overkill on my part, but I don't do the anti-freeze winterizing, because it rarely gets below freezing here.

    So here is my question to you ( I really am trying to help). Does your garage get below freezing when it is freezing outside? If so, water that remained in the pump could expand when freezing and put expansive pressure on the inner workings causing some damage.

    Ususally when pulsating occurs it is because of improper water supply. BUT, since it pulses even off of the tank ( which I am guessing you normally use) then you may have to take that 60 mile trip no thanks to the weather.

    AND... it could definately be the unloader as well ( much cheaper to replace).

    Sidebar.... my memory sux, but weren't you operating out of Ft. Hood Tx. at one point, or ( most likely) am I mistaken?

    If worse comes to worse, give Russ at Southside Equipment a call and see if he can walk you through it. He's a go to guy and knows worlds of troubleshooting.

    Hope ( and I really tried) this help at least a little.

  3. yeah I am with you we just got thru changing theoil in 5 diesels and all of the machines, thank God for the storm drain by the house so we dont have to haul everything down to the creek anymore. Works well for old unused chemicals too just pour and they are gone forever!

    That explains why there are 3 eyed fish in the gulf. Goooooood eatn'

  4. Hey guys i am looking for a picture of a brand new rig that i saw on here last week. Someone said that they saw it @ a home depot the rig was perfect and i want to show my wife what i want for my birthday (lol!) If anyone can help i would appreciate it. It was a cab over flatbed and a trailer behind it thanks bob @ Aquawash WNY

    Check in the "Bargain Basement" it may be in there.


    Welcome to TGS.

    Please go to your "My Controls" and complete your signature line. House rules. We like to know who we are talking with.

    Again, welcome to TGS.

  5. My band performed for some soldiers in Ft. Hood ( Killeen ) at a sleeze pit dump of a hole, club.

    Not that this is the first time that this has happened, but, a pretty good fight broke out among the crowd.

    Keep in mind that these soldiers were beating the hell out of each other.

    Usual stuff screaming, chest pushing, 2 on 1 kinda crap. They don't care as long as there is some action to vent on.

    Well my 70 plus year old Mom was at this show, since it was close to my hometown. She actually got in between some cats to break them up and told them she came to see her son perform, and won't put up with this behavior.

    Immediately I jumped off the ( so called ) stage and ran like flash to where she was, ready to crush kill and destroy anyone giving her a hard time or back talk.

    By the time I threw my guitar on the ground ( it's ok to throw,.... it's a strat ) and ran to where she was, SHE had broken it up.

    Expecting the worst ( at first ) upon arriving at the pile, she turned to me and said "get your butt back up there and play, I didn't drive all this way to break up fights".

    wow.... Everyone really seemed to act right after that.

    In her 70's and every bit of 110 lbs.

    By the end of our set, she had made around 10 new 200 lb. friends that happened to be soldiers.

    Mothers have a way of making you feel safe. hehe.

  6. I saw Shane about 2 or 3 months ago. He's still working for Marty, but also doing some pc work on the side I believe. He was a bit anti social. And I say that lightly.

    I was on a bid in his area and stopped by to pay a long overdue visit.

    He does know his wood. I'll give him that.

    I picked up alot from Reed's post' as well. He does great work.

    I just believe like all of us from time to time they need a break from the forums.

  7. Brian,

    As a DIYer, you should at the very least get a cheap 1.50 air mattress and a few sand bags and block up the drain while you clean. Your runoff will reach 1/2 way down the street to the nearest drain, I promise.

    In reality, a smaller gpm and lower psi will actually use more water than a larger unit would. Because it will work much slower and longer, overall using more water that will runoff to your drain unless diverted or captured.

    If the "right" compliancy officer was to happen your way, it could be very costly.

  8. Hello to all. Another newbie here.( I'm sure you're all thrilled.) I've been lurking around for the last few months trying to gain as much info as possible. The vast amount of info in these forums is PRICELESS. I want to thank everyone for all the help. Now I'll go back to my searching and reading. Maybe soon I can become a contributor.

    Thanks, Slim

    Welcome to TGS.

    Please go to your "my controls" and give us an idea of who we are talking to. House Rules.

    Unless of course your real name is Slim1151.

    You will get better responses if we know who we are talking to.

    Again, welcome to TGS.
