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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. My sander was throwing belts on this one.

    Seriously considering a walk behind sander after this one.

    My back was shot.

    I think my respirator disc is still caked solid with this stuff.

    I have walked, no, ran away from decks like this.

    But, John sold it. And it was a pretty good sell.

    Nothing like getting your feet wet with the worst possible scenario.

    They are all alot easier after you experience this kind of a mess.

  2. My nephew has been nagging me to get into X box live.

    I purchased the xbox 360 live Call of Duty ltd. edition package.

    Let's just say,..... this baby has everythnig you need for a modest $425.00 plus $50.00 yr membership to the "live side".

    (Still trying to get over the buyers remorse)

    I have not been into video games since the Atari days.

    I have to admit that vid games have come along way since the turn of the century.

    I am amazed..... maybe even hooked.

    Anyone else reliving their childhood besides me?

    Call of Duty ( lol he said Doody ) is cool if you like killing type games.

    Baja 1000 is actually pretty darn addicting.

    Nothing like hauling butt through the desert on a sand rail with nitro at your side.

  3. Adrian,

    I'm not sure for your state, but in MN if you do any construction, you need a contractor license. That's why I don't build decks anymore, just do minor repairs. Congrats on getting the deck build. It can be very profitable.

    I anticipated this coming up in the thread.

    I have a licensed builder that is all " up with union " happy happy.

    So, that is good to go. Just subbing, and my customer knows the chain as well.

    But, it is continued work for me with the deck/arbor/ fence maintainance.

    I pretty much just flip or replace wood when needed.

    That's my building experience. I throw that up front.

    I have a guy for fence repair.

    I have a gutter guy.

    A lawn guy.

    blah blah.

    My goal with this direction is "selling" and per centage.

    But, I can swing a hammer when I need to.

    ...As long as my fingers are out of the way.

  4. Great to know Ken. I am not far off base at all then with this customer.

    I just jumped right in with this one and managed to add an arbor as well, to the bid.

    Hopefully lighting as well.

    It will be PTP, no doubt. I came in at close to $28 psf.

    I don't believe for a minute that we here in the south can command the same rates you guys up north get due to seasonal ability.

    But considering we are going to get 3 in of snow today in HOUSTON ( geez) I am not that far off on pricing. Plus it will get a staining job in the spring.

    I will be washing in the snow today. I really look forward to this. Really.

    Thx for the congrats as well.

    I'll post some pics at some point of the wedding.

    It was one wild ride. And the Hmoon was even better. ( but I won't post pics of that). LOL.

    Thx again.

    "Peace Through Sonic Distortion"

    ....oh, Ken, I think your phone is broken, because you didn't answer my call yesterday on the first ring.

    You should look into that. kidding.

  5. I would be tempted to offer to redo it as a favor for the Realtor. It will make you a hero for them, but they have to promise to allow you to bid against "real" pressure washers.

    Just what I was thinking as well.

    Re-Do it for free. You will have her business for a long long time.

    The competition will not stand a chance after your efforts and she will not even consider taking their call.

    LTV man, take care of them now and you will have them for a long time.

  6. Right On !!!!

    So Ken F and Rick P are in hibernation ( sp?).

    Would you guys do me a favor and throw out some avg. per linear or sq. ft. rates for a DECK BUILD request ?

    I realize this is a broad request due to lack of design info at this point.

    Keeping in mind that it could be anything from a simple 10x10

    to a multi level with a section for a band stand and lighting.

    I am going to offer several options in design.

    Hopefully I will add a certain "upper tier" feel in my presentation.

    I will collect info this afternoon and compile estimate for customer afterwards.

    First I must get a feel of her budget as she also has a fence resto and flatwork.


    I got married by the way......

  7. Well, there is something to years of experience vs. hours of experience.

    BUT, let's be nice about the situation.

    This site is filled with newbs and Vets alike.

    The number of post' does not determine one's experience in this field.

    The responses to a post however does reflect one's experience and expertise in this field.

    Actually this is a great place to discuss one's credentials IMO as it is open to the public and they can determine the "Pros" by their responses and experiences vs. a start ups ability to complete jobs properly with the right equipment and cleaning or restorations solutions and mixes. Which COULD lead to a potential customer hiring your firm ( or anybody's firm for that matter).

    However, this is not the place for insults or badgering. We actually take pride in this forum because of this.

  8. Adrian,

    Life has a strange way of letting one know when the time is right.

    Congratulations to both of you. First and foremost for you, able to get that one in a million. Close behind, for that wonderful woman that will put up with you! Enjoy. But keep on playing that guitar.

    Thanks for the well wishes Rick.

    A few hours and life as I knowt will be over.

    She is a great woman to put up with me and my antics after all these years.

    I will be playing til the day I die, then be buried with at least 10 guitars, or however many they can stuff in the casket ( er... human guitar case lol ).

    Thanks all.

  9. I was going to ask "which AX" man! You had several and like a true guitarist, one is never enough...but then it dawned on me, oh, that woman. :D

    Congrats and much happiness to you both.


    Right on Rod,

    It wouldn't be right unles at least half of the guest' were musicians.

    If they are anything like me ( which most of them are) they will have any instruments tucked nicely in the back seat " just in case a moanjam happens to pop up".

    I am the luckiest dog in the world.

  10. Congratulations!!!!!!

    What wonderful news.

    Who is the band playing at your wedding?


    Great question Beth.

    The guitarist for the "Charlie Robinson" band ( Dixie Chicks husband).

    Another guitarist who will be playing Sinatra covers.

    My guys will be there of course, but since I will be a little pre occupied in about 5.5 hrs, we will not be performing. But just having them there to razz me is what counts.

    However, I put together a song and recorded it with alot of orchestration

    for my Bride to walk down the isle with her Father to. ( I have a soft side with music believe it or not). The song came out quit beautiful.

    It will be a blast and wish you guys could be here.
