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Posts posted by Adrian

  1. The "Great Monsoon" was our biggest profit killer. Leads were up 20% or so with almost zero print advertising. I think I ran a classifieds ad for about a month and then pulled it. Dan, take this lesson with you through the remainder of your years. Economic slowdowns come and go. Flues come and go.. housing bubbles, market fluctuations, etc. Every one of those is always predicted to be the "worst one yet". In the end it is a natural ebb and flow cycle that repeats consistently. You already mentioned why a recession is a good thing for a business. It makes you tighten ship. Capitalism runs and corrects itself. That is why I remain in awe of it.

    I feel your pain Ken. Ike did a number on us last year as well.

  2. I definately know that chapter of life. I have managed to get several instructors to believe that I slept the night before clinicals, HAHA. Sleep, what is sleep?

    Ok then, first an honest response would be that you need more "$$$$$"

    700.00 will cover a yr of ins GL of maybe 100k coverage, maybe a bit more.

    Now you will need the gear, because that civic ain't gonna get you there.

    Truck, trailer, pressure washing unit, surface cleaner.

    Once you get all of that, you need to learn how to use it properly.

    Which is why you should read first before you purchase anything.

    This site is where you will get the most help.

    PW is a much larger field than you can imagine. Find out exactly how to perfect your niche' ( graffitti I think you mentioned). Read up. there is alot of graff info here.

    Or do what Ken said. That is the most surefire way to see if this industry is for you.

    Find someone in your area.

    Just like a clinical "ride out" on an ambulance. You see if that is the area that interests you. Good luck.

  3. ok so how much do you think i should save up to get money to get insurance and my equipment.. the thing is i ran out of money to go to school thats why im starting this.. im willing to do anything.. do i need like 1500 for insurance and equipment and start advertising? thank you guys so much for helping me out.

    Welcome to TGS.

    Please go to your "my controls" and complete your signature line.

    House rules.

    Much respect to the nursing industry. I was an EMT for many a moon in Austin. The hours for credit that you are about to log in Nursing school will not support the time you will need to run a company on the side. Just keep that in mind. BUT, it is doable. You will just have to learn to live as a zombie and NEVER be home at all.

    I actually went to school 20hrs a wk at night while performing in 3 different bands and full time job. With clinicals. BUT again, ZOMBIE all the time. Not good for your patients you will be practicing on.

    Just like your nursing skills are specialized in different areas of the field. The same goes forpressure washing. There are many categories. Specialty areas.

    But, most importantly search your deepest part of your soul to be sure you really think you can handle that type of a schedule.

    Pressure washing is a full time full functioning industry that ALOT of rookies think is a quick way to make extra cash. We know how that story ends.

    Welcome to TGS, again, pls. complete your signature line and read read read and use the search function to learn.

    Do what ken said, he's like Yoda around here. :)

  4. The prices on shurflo pumps has increased lately and was wondering if anyone had a good supplier for them. I think the last 12volt 8000 series pump was about $100. Is anyone getting a better deal? the 115 volt pumps were running about $140.00. Just thought I would ask.

    AquaPro, Please go to your " my controls" and complete your signature line. House rules.

    You will get better responses when people know who they are talking to.

  5. Ok - cognitive dissonance or not - we've been to the edge and back, we skirted a great depression. This was the absolute worst of times at least in the last 40 years. So are you still standing?

    It occurred to me, that I learned a tremendous amount the last couple of seasons - and I am better off now than I was this time last year. And it also occurred to me - it's not going to get any worse - it's only going to get better.

    So we have all learned to be lean and mean and survive this recessionary cycle, what plans do you all have for when things get 'easy'. Are we going to get 'plump' and ride the next easy wave - or are we going to use the tools we learned and really take all the meat off the bones?

    Nice post Dan.

    I have definately taken notes this yr. It has been an interesting year to say the least. Alot of great projects large and small. As well as some rethinking of models.

    I don't think there has been a "next easy wave", it's all been work and progress.

    However, you do know that rock and roll pays all my bills. :)

    I just clean and restore for the love of it.

    At least I will hold off from being a milkman for another week.

  6. Adrian I thought I took care of my sig. line. If not what exactly do I do. Thanks.

    Any advice on where I can find a local distributor in my area?

    You got it Justin. It's also a good place for your company info as well.

    Have you looked up Univar or Harcos. Maybe they have a branch in your area. Buying in bulk will bring the cost per gallon down alot.

  7. Thanks for the advice guys. I will see the house on Friday to give him a quote. I will drive by tommorrow (it's near to me) and scope it out. For just starting do you think I could be safe with Home Depot detergents?

    Better off finding a distributor that has commercial grade chems other than HD. The right chems will get your job done more efficiently and cut cleaning time down.

    Again, please go to your "MY CONTROLS" and complete your signature line. House Rules.

  8. Hi everyone. I am new to PW field (I have worked on my house, families and neighbor's) I work as a personal trainer as my trade but I would like to branch out into a business of my own. I have a CAT PW 3000 psi. I would like to make a go at this and would take this carreer as a PW seriously. Any general advice (any and all will help). I am going out this Friday to give a guy a quote to do his window sills and maybe concrete blocks and look at his roof. Does it sound like it will be something I will be able to do. Will I need special chem's? Thanks!

    Welcome to TGS. Please go to your "my controls" and complete your signature line. ( good place for your website as well). Again, welcome to TGS.

  9. G'day

    I'll disagree and advise you to set it all up for when you are busy - while you have time is the time to invest the time in an efficient set up. There's no fun in trying to find time to build the efficient set up when you are too busy to have any spare time.

    You don't have to fill the tank.

    Keep the hoses as short as possible.

    Put a filter between the water tank and the pump for "just in case" as well as the filter before the tank.

    Don't have the water inlet/return to the tank directly above the outlet to the pump - when the level is low the incoming water can create turbulence and allow bubbles to be sucked into the pump.

    ... slow now... it's a fact of business that the first year or so is slow and this is why many businesses close. Your offer of labour for learning is a wise move - better to learn from some-one else's mistakes than have to make them all yourself (like I have). The second year is when it will take off if you can get most of your first year jobs as repeats - make sure they can find you (advertising, business cards, fridge magnets etc) or better still send them a postcard with a personalised reminder "hey... it's been a year since I washed your house, has the mould grown back yet?" then offer to do the job for the same price as last year - not having to visit for a quote save time and time = money.

    And finally... there's very little good luck, just lots of hard/smart work, so keep your eyes and ears open.



    Great advice John,

    All good points.

  10. People,

    if you are new to this BBS, please take time to read the rules of this forum.

    You are required to have a signature line. We like to know who we are talking to, sharing info, and forms etc. with.

    If you come on board here and expect to just take, take, take, without us knowing who you are, then you will find some resistance from the other contractors.

    Above all, if you do not approve of the The Grime Scene Rules, you do have an option.

    Do not send me email or hate mail of your dislike to be acknowledged here.

    Repeat the above line to yourself just one more time.

    I certainly don't have time to agrue with you about keeping your identity in the dark.

    .... and when you do "express" your dislike to me about your signature line, tendency to "bash" falls in place real quick.

    By the way, bashing is not allowed either.

    If you don't approve of the methods I use to fulfill my duty to TGS....

    well,......again, you have options.

    Following the rules is much faster ( and safer for your standing) and takes a heck of a lot less time than bashing someone in the end.

  11. I went into my controls and added my signature. In case you missed it, I added the same info. (name, company name, and city) under the first message. Do I need to add my social security number, height, and weight also?


    You could add a link to your website for SEO results since the general public can view your company info as well as your "responses". Possibly leading to ( or diverting ) jobs from your area.

    You can add your social security number if you want (again) ,the general public to view it, and possibly identity theft.

    Height and weight are your choice to post as well. But it is not required to take part in the forums discussions, but signatures are.

    Again, welcome to TGS.

  12. I went about this all wrong. Ahhh... first time! Never get nuthing right the first time.

    Care to clue us in on your thoughts?

    However that is how I felt a bit the first time I met Cindy Crawford.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqQSOd9aF7A]YouTube - Cindy Crawford[/ame]

    Might as well send this thread in some direction.

  13. Please go to your "My Controls" and complete your signature. House rules.

    We like to know who we are talking to.


    Are the AC vents at floor level or ceiling?

    Not sure how you could get water " inside " the vent itself.

    Most AC units have an overflow condensation type pan, and the water could be from that being full if the drain is clogged.

    Or did it for sure happen only when you were washing?

    Most people here will not share forms unless they know who they are talking with, then you will get more info than you could imagine.

    welcome to TGS.
